How people consume cannabis is changing – it’s no longer the case that a joint is the primary method of choice. As legalization has swept across the states, it’s opened the floodgate for new and innovative tools to make the process more enjoyable and accessible, and in this article, you’ll learn about some of the most popular alternative consumption methods.
Here are the most common ways of using cannabis that don’t involve rolling up!
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Starting out with one of the most loved methods of all time, there’s the bong. The way it works is simple. The flower is inserted into a capsule towards the base of the unit and a portion of the glass is filled with water. Once lit, the user inhales through the top, having the smoke pass through the water for a cool, smooth hit. Bongs have been synonymous with cannabis for decades, and so by this point, there are tons of amazing designs to choose from (be sure to check out VITAE Glass custom bongs for a taste of what’s possible).
Dry Herb Vaporizers
For the more health-conscious users, there are dry herb vaporizers. The raw flower is packed into a central chamber, which is then heated via a battery to whatever temperature the user desires. Lower temperatures offer a more flavorful hit, while higher temperatures are generally more powerful.
There are many different types of dry herb vapes on the market, from small units like those offered by Davinci to table-top powerhouses like the Volcano; one of the most important aspects to consider with vapes is capacity: some models only really have enough power to be used by a single person for a given session, so if you’re someone that usually uses cannabis in a group setting, you’ll likely want to go for a beefier unit. You can also purchase attachments that allow you to use many of the most common vaporizers with a bong.
Another tried and true method is edibles. As the name suggests, these negate the inhalation process entirely in favor of actually eating the plant. You can either make them yourself (there are dozens of recipes online) or choose from the wide range of premade edible products available. These can come in the form of gummies, cakes, chocolate, and more. While the first two methods discussed offer a similar high, edibles are generally considered to be more intense, so it’s important to start off small with 5-10mg THC doses (for beginners, store-bought products would likely be a better choice as the dose is verified). It’s also key to remember that edibles have a delayed onset and can often take at least an hour to kick in depending on your digestion, so never eat another if you think the first one hasn’t worked!
Wrapping Up
The cannabis market is evolving rapidly, with novel methods for consuming the flower coming out all the time. No matter which method you choose, always remember to consume the herb responsibly. Happy hunting!
*contributed post*
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