Happy Sunday friends! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
Today's sunday scripture is a verse that has brought significant comfort to me the past several weeks. About a month ago something incredibly painful took place in a relationship that had been extremely dear and important to me. One day something felt very precious and the next morning through a message I literally felt like I had been kicked in the gut and couldn't catch my breath. Privately behind the scenes it has been incredibly hurtful and truly been one of the most painful things that I have experienced. With only a few days before the the Christmas season something took place and to be frank it has been one of the most hurtful things. There has been lots of tears, lots of crying out to the Lord, lots of trying to catch my breath after feeling like I had been kicked in the gut, and lots of talking to my precious mama. Sometimes life is just very painful... and I definitely have felt that this situation has left me feeling discarded, replaceable, disrespected, and very very hurt.
As I have begun the slow process of healing, this verse has truly been speaking softly and loudly to my wounded heart and I wanted to pass it on today if you are walking through a very painful situation. My heart is so sorry if you are. I hope that this verse brings comfort to you as it has been to me.
To download and use for personal/church use, right click on the image and save to computer and print on thick cardstock or photo paper. Please tag @rebeccaannvandemark (on IG) or @caravansonnet (on pinterest or twitter) when sharing on social media.
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