friday favorites- august 23rd

August 23, 2024

caravan sonnet
Happy Friday friends! I hope that you have had the most wonderful week! It has been a busy busy week over here for me at work and several behind the scenes projects so I am definitely looking forward to the weekend!

Here are some of my favorite things from this past week! First of all.... 
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My favorite early morning routine as of late is a row on my beautiful lake. The quiet and silence and the beauty is stunning and it is something that I absolutely treasure. You can see more HERE.
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I am so excited to share with y'all more about the fall junk journal collection that is available in the shop! You can go directly to this section of listings HERE! We are also excited to announce that we have a part 2 coming of the collection that will launch this weekend!!

In general I am so so excited to share more about some upcoming adventures and changes with December Caravan! It is going to be an extremely beautiful year! We have been working so hard behind the scenes on a few things and I am so excited to share them with you!
caravan sonnet
If you missed my post on August 13th, I was so excited to share about a new travel series I am doing - all about creative reuse shops in the United States! You can read all about them and find a shop near you HERE!

This week I shared a review of our very first creative reuse shop we ever went to- the Lancaster Creative Reuse Shop which you can read all about HERE!
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If you are looking for Thursday Health Thoughts, Simple and Nutritious recipes and encouragement for chronic illness or health issues, check out this page HERE! Every week I share new thoughts and tips and I hope that they are an encouragement to you in your health journey!
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I am SO grateful for ALL of your support of this shop. Y'all... THANK YOU. This is something that I work so hard on behind the scenes and your support, reviews, and encouragement are HUGE. You can find the Shop HERE!
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Y'all. These are delicious. Even my mom, who is not gluten free, loves these. They pair perfectly with goat cheese and yet are absolutely delicious alone. AND are a perfect snack for a cheaper price. Find them HERE!
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With Caravan Sonnet turning eleven years old this year I love sharing on Fridays some of the older but most popular posts on the blog! One of the things that Caravan Sonnet developed into was a a resource for those looking for trip itineraries around the United States and World.

With fall approaching, I am deep into planning our 2024 Fall Trip (CAN NOT WAIT to share more about this VERY soon!) and the excitement is truly building! This has me remembering all about our very very special 2023 Fall Road Trip! 
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Our trip was truly incredible and you can read more about some of the very beautiful places we stayed at HERE!

I hope that you have a wonderful Friday friends! Thank you for making this such an incredible space to come to and connect with every single day. I am so blessed!!

1 comment

  1. Oh wow! The rainbow over the lake is just beautiful.
    The fall junk journal collection is so cute!
