an easy tutorial for dry brushing for health benefits

August 8, 2024

caravan sonnet
Happy Thursday friends! I can't believe that it has been ELEVEN years ago I wrote a Thursday Health Thoughts Post on the Benefits of Dry Brushing. (You can find the post by clicking HERE if you would like to read more about the amazing health benefits of this important and simple wellness trick!) In the last eleven years I continue to receive weekly questions on the best way to dry brush so today I wanted to share a very simple and easy tutorial for dry brushing for health benefits. 

To get started follow these simple steps and spend less than 5 minutes a day getting amazing health benefits!
caravan sonnet
Over the years I have used different brushes, but THIS ONE (with over 18,000 happy reviews on Amazon) is my newest favorite! Y'all know I travel a lot so I also love that this fits easily into a carry on suitcase and can travel with me!

For less than $10 - currently on sale for less than $ you will definitely get your money's worth and it can be found on Amazon HERE! Depending on how often you use your brush (I try to dry brush twice a day) you should change out your brush every 3-4 months to continue to reap the most health benefits.

2. To begin to stand in the bathtub (to catch the falling skin)

3. Begin by brushing at your feet and moving in long and circular motions towards your heart 
It is important to always brush toward your heart - not away from it!

4. Brush several times over each area, gently overlapping as you go

5. Be gentle- especially at the beginning
The feel of dry brushing can be a little strange to get used to, especially if you have sensitive skin like I do. Take your time, be gentle and I promise that in a few weeks you will not even notice anything but your extra soft skin!

6. Dry Brush at least once a day
For increased health benefits I dry brush twice a day, but make sure you dry brush at least once a day!

7. Create a Dry Brushing Routine 
My routine is pretty simple but I like to dry brush first thing in the morning before I go for my walk or exercise. I decided to do this because as I researched I found that this helps to increase the release of toxins. After I come back I jump in the shower and I like to alternate between hot and cold water to get my lymphatic system even more. In the evening I like to dry brush before bed to help continue to detox out the toxins from the day. Pick a routine that works well for you and within a short amount of time you will start to notice the amazing health benefits that come with adding this simple wellness tip into your life!

If you are a visual person like myself, here is a simple picture to help you with dry brush directions: 
caravan sonnet

Do you dry brush? Have you experienced the benefits that I mentioned in my post from years ago? I hope you have a wonderful Thursday y'all! 

*pictures used in this post are not the property of Caravan Sonnet and have been found on the internet*

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