8 of my favorite inspirational and favorite binge worthy shows

July 11, 2024

caravan sonnet 
Happy Wednesday friends! Today I am excited to link up with some other ladies in bloggy world and share a bit about our favorite binge worthy shows. I love reading these types of posts to see and learn what others are watching and jot down ideas for the future. I hope that if you are looking for some inspirational and encouraging tv shows that these ideas will encourage/inspire you. 

I do want to make a note of one thing. If you are new here to this space, first, welcome. Second, during my time of fighting for my life and health I became incredibly committed to what I watched being items that fell specifically into one of three categories: something that was inspirational, something that made me laugh, or something that fell into a mystery/interesting show. Knowing how important it was for me to do everything I could to support my body physically and mentally I chose not to watch things that would be scary, frightening, or would cause stress and worry. To be honest I am not and have never been a big TV watcher. Especially after fighting for my health, but even before I would much rather be out doing something in the world, learning something new, creating, reading or most importantly connecting with loved ones because life and time are short that TV has never held lots of appeal. But after getting my life back- I honestly don't want to spend a minute of it on things that just waste time or help me "zone out/veg out". So when it comes to TV... we are pretty strict around here. 

I also want to say that depending on the season of life you are in things may look different for you for different reasons. If you are in a season of life for different reasons where TV is something that you are using and watching I hope these ideas encourage you and inspire you with shows that can make you laugh, be inspired, and find joy! 
8 of my favorite inspirational and favorite binge worthy shows
Category: Inspirational
Found on: Amazon (Click HERE)

This show. I still don't have adequate words since watching it completely in a week last August. It is soul inspiring in so many different ways and simply amazing. If you haven't watched it... do so now. You will not regret spending these 8 hours of your life being inspired, learning about amazing people who were sacrificing so much to help others, and be encouraged that anyone- can make a difference. 
caravan sonnet - 8 of my favorite inspirational and favorite binge worthy shows
Category: Inspirational / Adventure
Found on: Amazon (Click HERE)

I know. I know. Some of you are laughing because we all know how much I love this show but I have to say its just amazing. It is not just the fact that I miss traveling as much as I was able to do a few years ago (something that this show has recently inspired us to do more of) and it is so wonderful to see different parts of the world... It is great! You can find it on Amazon Prime HERE. I have a ton of favorite seasons... but some of my favorites are probably season 6, season 7, season 11, season 17, season 25 (with Bethany Hamilton), and a few of the recent seasons. Each season is unique and can inspire you as you learn more about the world! 
white collar
Category: Mystery/ Interesting Show
Found on: Amazon (Click HERE)

I mentioned this in a post in 2022 (you can read more HERE) but it took us almost a year to finish the entire series and ... y'all it was such a great show. It had a mystery to it, it was hilarious, it was so well done. 

I know. I know. Yes. This came out in 2009. Yes there are some of you are laughing because you are assuming that I just like the show because of the sexy lead man. BUT y'all seriously. This is SO good. A couple of years ago Jacob kept telling me that I needed to watch this. I politely was like, "okay" and ignored it (sorry Jacob *hahaha*). But in 2022 we were looking for something new to watch and this popped up. I thought- wait didn't I hear about this, asked Jacob and then started watching and it is SO.GOOD. Why did I wait so long? I have no idea. Haha. I messaged a lot of "WAIT. Is this person bad?" haha.  So if you haven't watched it yes it has a very cute man in it but it is also very very good! *smiles* You can find it on Amazon Prime HERE. Let me know what you think!
caravan sonnet
Category: Inspirational
Found on: Amazon (Click HERE)

This was a great discovery in 2022 that we made- y'all... I feel like all of America should sit down and watch this show. It is inspiring and amazing. You need to watch it- you will not be disappointed! There have been five seasons and honestly I feel like each season gets better. We loved season 2, 3 and 4 the most and hope that more are coming. The stories will inspire you- and remind you of the hardworking and amazing people that live here in our country. They are all just so good! You can find it on Amazon Prime HERE.
madam secretary
Category: Interesting Show
Found on: Amazon (Click HERE)

*happy happy sigh* I just love this show. It is seriously so well done and it constantly makes us laugh and tackles some serious issues that need to be discussed in a thoughtful and respectful way. I love the relationship of the Secretary and her husband (the most healthy marriage that has been on TV I truly think ever!) and I often walk away from it challenged to do more in my community and world. Probably my favorite seasons have been season 1 for the beginning, but season 2 was... AMAZING. Anyone else agree? SO SO good. You can find it HERE
when hope calls
Category: Interesting Show
Found on: Amazon (Click HERE)

If you are looking for a sweet show- this one is the one for you. It's adorable and reminds me a bit of a Little House on the Prairie vibe. Y'all... its so sweet- there are ten episodes and a Christmas movie and you always walk away with a sweet smile on your face. You can find it HERE!
8 of my favorite inspirational and favorite binge worthy shows
Category: Interesting Show
Found on: Amazon (Click HERE)

Speaking of sweet shows that will remind you of Little House on the Prairie, Dr. Quinn, etc. This one - Little Men is simply adorable. There are only two seasons and it is something that is inspiring and sweet. Definitely Check it out y'all it is so sweet!!
8 of my favorite inspirational and favorite binge worthy shows
Category: Interesting Show
Found on: Amazon (Click HERE)

This show is just phenomenal. The final season is about to be available and if you haven't seen it than I can't recommend it enough. It does a good job (I think) of show casing our unsung heroes of our country and their families while also being phenomenally acted without to much violence. They depict the violence in a way that you understand the story but you are not turned off if you have a sensitive heart like mine. I will say a note about one thing. When the show went to Paramount Plus ... some of the violence increased as did the language. Was it necessary to do that? It is probably realistic, but I did end fast forwarding through things that prior to that I didn't need to do. Just a note for the tender souls like myself reading this.

Over the years there have been different shows that have attempted to do this dealing with the military but this one has really hit it home in my opinion. And the episode showcasing the issues that our servicemen and women encounter after they have served and sacrificed for our country ... I just wept. This episode (Medicate and Isolate- Episode 19) deserved an Emmy and if you don't watch any other episode... take a moment to watch THIS one - Medicate and Isolate (Ep. 19) ... I wept at the end and was reminded of the sacrifice that so many give for us each day. Thank you to EVERYONE who has served.

8 Honorable Mentions: 
1. When Calls the Heart (Seasons 1-3 and Season 11 are my favorites)
3. NCIS: Los Angeles (Seasons 2-6 are my favorites)
4. Girl Meets World (If you are missing your TGIF childhood days of Boy Meets World... this is your answer)
5. West Wing (Loved season 2 and on)
6. The Musketeers (Season 3... it's tough and I fast forwarded a lot due to violence just as an FYI)
8. NCIS (seasons 2-10 are my favorites)

So there are some of my Favorites... what about y'all? What are some of your favorite shows that are inspirational and binge worthy?

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