what's up wednesday (june 2024 edition)

June 26, 2024


caravan sonnet
Happy Wednesday friends! I am excited to join in on the What's Up Wednesday posts again this month! 

If you are like me then I truly am literally in shock that it is the end of June!! It seems that the summer months just fly at the cabin. Yesterday was the first time we were down on the shore and it was lovely to spend a few hours down there. I am looking forward to lots more time at the cabin and on the shore.

What We're Eating this Month... 
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This salad (arugula, strawberries, walnuts, and red onions, is on a constant repeat. In my defense though, arugula is incredible and it is so good for you. I shared an entire post (HERE) of the health benefits but if you haven't had a chance to check it out then go ahead and look at it. You will be shocked I am sure as I was to learn about how good it is for you! 
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Another salad that is on repeat is this easy and delicious apple, bacon, and goat cheese with honey mustard dressing. This month I shared an entire post on it (you can read it HERE) and it is so easy and so delicious y'all. You will love it!

What I'm Reminiscing About... 
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The earliest swim in the lake this summer! You can read all about this fun milestone HERE!
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Room F112. 

As I am working on final edits and pages for my upcoming book, The Opportunity Cost of the Sun (releasing soon!!), I have been remembering the absolute precious times in that classroom above. 

Interested in keeping up to date with the book release? You can read more HERE and sign up for updates (on the book and other fun projects) by following along by signing up with your email HERE!

What I'm Loving... 
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Summer evenings at the cabin.

I also shared many amazing summer things to do on Lake Champlain this past month (you can read them HERE). Y'all I admit... this is a different season... a quieter season right now and some of that has brought grief in a different way ... missing the days of old... grief is funny that way- it seems to sneak up on you in all different avenues. There have been tears sometimes... and I am realizing anew the way that the quiet is allowing me to heal. For all of you walking a healing journey my heart is with you.
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I also really loved the opportunity to hear from so many of you about your quiet times with the Lord. I shared a little glimpse into mine in a post back in April (read HERE), and love hearing what so many of you are also doing!

What I've Been Up To...
A LOT of behind the scenes things for work, jobs, the shop and the blog. There are a lot of announcements coming up in the days, weeks, and months ahead and I look forward to sharing more. 

A sneak peek of something exciting coming in July... 
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If you want to follow along on this VERY special and close to my heart project you can join the very new IG community HERE. More coming soon!
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On Monday I shared all about the refresh of the Caravan Sonnet Shoppe and I am loving the new look! You can check it out HERE!

What I'm Dreading... 
Honestly absolutely nothing.

What I'm Working on... 
In addition to the shops and editing, I am working on cleaning out and truly embracing more minimalism in so many different areas of life. It is a long process, but one that I have been truly working on recently and a focus this year.

What I'm Thankful for... 
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Amazing blessings from the Lord... in tiny ways- and in ways that we are trusting for, we continue to walk with faith... one moment at a time.

What I'm Excited About... 
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More Summer. 

What I'm Watching/Reading... 
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I am working my way through this one again. I have said this almost at nauseum but there has not been a book that has impacted my faith more over the last 5 years then this book. I need to do an entire blog post on why, but for now, my tender heart will just say that if you are living in a season of broken dreams and spending lots of time weeping... this book is for you. You can find it HERE.

What I'm Listening To... 
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I shared this over the last year, but on my morning walks I have been listening to different sermons and a recent one I have listened to again and again from Joel Osteen was on Supernatural ProvisionIf you are looking for an encouraging and uplifting message during a difficult season, this message from Joel Osteen has been incredibly encouraging and I have listened to it on repeat this week!  You can find it HERE!

What I'm Doing This Weekend... 
I am looking forward to a beautiful weekend at the cabin! We are also packing for an exciting trip next week that I will share more about soon! 

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month... 
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Believing that this next month will see tons of answers to big prayers that we have been praying, crying out to the Lord for in miraculous ways!

What Amazon Purchase I loved this Month... 
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I bought this book for my sweet mama and she absolutely loves it! If you are looking for a book for your parents this one is so encouraging, real, and makes my mom laugh out loud and encourage her at this stage of life. Full of life and encouragement- I definitely recommend it y'all!

Finally, after taking a couple of years away, I am back active on Pinterest. Are y'all on Pinterest still? If so, leave your name below and I would love to follow along! You can find me HERE

 Happy Wednesday friends!

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