updated and refreshed caravan sonnet shoppe look

June 24, 2024


caravan sonnet
Happy Monday friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! 

Today I wanted to share an exciting announcement that the Caravan Sonnet Shoppe has an updated and refreshed look! You can find it HERE

Starting in July all of the Teachers Pay Teachers Shops will be going over to a new look. Last week I found out that I was in the first wave to update my shop! 

I admit y'all... I had done a "makeover" of the shop last year and the configurations were a lot different and so I was at first disappointed. I thought that there was a mistake. BUT when I reached out and heard from TPT that all of the shops were going to be changing and it was a chance to have a new look, I found myself really embracing the change and was excited for this new look and opportunity. 

Isn't that the way it is sometimes? I am learning this in all different areas of life- that with change you can sometimes want to be "resistant"- thinking that the old way of something couldn't possibly get better... but then as you embrace change it changes your perspective and you realize that things, in fact, could be really really good. Anyone else feel this way?
caravan sonnet
It was fun to take the time this weekend to refresh the shop and I love how it turned out! 

If you haven't had a chance to follow along (even if you are not a teacher), please take a moment to follow the shop by simply clicking the star! It is free to do so! You can click HERE!

I also want to take a moment to say thank you for every single purchase that has been made in the shop. I work incredibly hard with so much heart behind the scenes to make these products and I want to share the products that others are finding helpful in case you or a teacher/homeschool mama friend could find them useful also. So thank you again for your support of my shoppe! If you have purchased something from the shop- would you take a moment to leave a review? Reviews for shops are SO important and I SO appreciate your help and time!

Thank you again for all of your support, for following along in the shop, for your kind reviews, and for purchasing these products!

Looking for the shop? Click HERE! Happy Monday friends!

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