friday favorites- june 7

June 7, 2024


caravan sonnet
Happy Friday friends! I hope that you have had the most wonderful week! It has been a busy busy week over here for me at work, continuing to move to the cabin, and several behind the scenes projects!! SO many things behind the scenes and I am looking forward to the weekend! 
First, thank you so much friends for all of your love, messages, and calls this past week.. I can't even believe it has been five years since I said goodbye to my precious daddy, hero and best friend. I have limped along in many of those years... and as my mom tenderly said recently we are starting a new era filled with love, grateful memories, and the cheering on of those who have gone before us. Thank you for your continued prayers for us. We have felt them, we ask for continued ones, and are so grateful for your support.

My dad was one of my biggest supporters of me starting the blog way back in 2013... He would be amazed at what this small space has grown into. *smiles*

Here are some of my favorite things from this past week! First of all.... 
caravan sonnet
If you missed my post about the earliest swim of my life in the lake happening this week then you can read all about it HERE! It was a beautiful night and a fun memory to make to start off the summer!

caravan sonnet
I am so excited to share that the Father's Day Junk Journals still have a few available in the shop! These have sold out fast this year so if you are still looking for the perfect unique gift or for a bespoke heirloom memory piece for yourself, head to the shop and go HERE for the collection!
caravan sonnet
I shared last week about our first Saturday back at the cabin. You can find the post HERE. It has been a beautiful start to our time this summer, gently restoring our hearts.
caravan sonnet
If you are looking for Thursday Health Thoughts, Simple and Nutritious recipes and encouragement for chronic illness or health issues, check out this page HERE! Every week I share new thoughts and tips and I hope that they are an encouragement to you in your health journey!
caravan sonnet
With Caravan Sonnet turning eleven years old this year I love sharing on Fridays some of the older but most popular posts on the blog! One of the things that Caravan Sonnet developed into was a a resource for those looking for trip itineraries around the United States and World.

One of the most popular posts is one that I wrote back in 2015 and updated this week was about Summer activities to do on Lake Champlain! You can read the post HERE! :

I hope that you have a wonderful Friday friends! Thank you for making this such an incredible space to come to and connect with every single day. I am so blessed!!

1 comment

  1. What a beautiful view in that first photo!
    So sorry about your dad. Sending love and hugs. He sounds like an amazing man.
    The swim in the lake sounds brilliant and those key chains are so cute.
