road trip budget vacation worksheet// personal finance //caravan sonnet shoppe

May 13, 2024


caravan sonnet

Happy Monday morning y'all! I hope you had a fantastic weekend!! We had such a lovely weekend! It was simply beautiful, relaxing, and restorative! We had a special mothers day yesterday and it was one of those weekends where I just want the days to slow down as we savor each and every moment! What about you? Did you do anything special?

caravan sonnet

If you would like to go directly to this resource you can click HERE!

caravan sonnet

This zip file Contains 2 PDF pages (Road Trip Budget Worksheet for student copy and 1 page for teacher suggestions on how to creatively use this worksheet in a variety of ways) to help students learn how to create a travel budget. This will work perfectly with the Semester Finance Bundle or any of the Personal Finance Resource sections!

This activity/assignment is specifically helpful if you are wanting dive deeper into this financial aspect of travel budgets (often a state requirement for many states in the US), need a substitute filler around this subject or a way to sensitively introduce the concept of travel on a variety of different income levels. However you are using this- this will be a way to help students (and their families!) think about this subject in new ways and help this come alive for your students. This resource will help bring creative engagement to your lectures!

This is a PERFECT resource for this time of year and with upcoming summer travel for students who are going on a road trip! This will truly be a practical life lesson that they can apply directly to their lives!

caravan sonnet

The cost of this resource is only $1.00 (!!) and can be used every year for your classroom needs! 

If you would like to purchase this you can click HERE

Thank you so much for all of your support of the shoppe! If you would like to check out the shoppe you can find it HERE! Happy Monday friends! I hope the start of your week is fantastic! 

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