perfect home upgrades to create your dream shower

May 13, 2024

caravan sonnet

Image from Pexels - CC0 License

 You spend a lot of time in your shower, so it's only right that it should be a comfortable and enjoyable place to be. You should be able to luxuriate in your shower for longer if you want to, or get the most out of it when you're just in it for a short while. No matter how long your showers are, there are different ways to make the experience of using it better than it is now. Upgrades to your shower, bathroom or even your home as a whole can make your showers better than they've ever been.

Make Your Shower Smarter

Smart technology could make your shower more enjoyable while also helping you save water and energy. One option is to install a new shower that uses smart tech for better control over the flow and temperature. If you don't want to install a brand new shower system, another option is to choose a digital valve and controller. This can allow you to have more control over your shower, even using your voice to tell it what to do. Better control can help you conserve water and energy by allowing you to choose different settings for the perfect shower.

caravan sonnet

Image from Pexels - CC0 License

Deal with Hard Water

Hard water can really ruin your shower. Not only can it affect your skin and hair, but it can also make it more difficult to clean and maintain the components of your shower. Addressing this issue can help you improve all of your showers and tackle a range of problems. Installing Leaf Home's whole home water system can give you softer, filtered water that's more suitable for your shower. Not only that, but a water system can provide you with better water for drinking, laundry, washing your dishes, and so much more.

Upgrade Your Shower Head

A new shower head can be a simple way to improve your shower without having to carry out any major improvements. Installing a new shower head is often pretty easy, sometimes only requiring a straight swap that doesn't require any tools. You might choose a larger shower head that provides a greater surface area while you're showering. A rain shower style head could upgrade your shower for a better overall experience. It could also simply make your shower look better, improving the aesthetics so it's more enjoyable to look at, whether you're currently using it or not.

Install a New Shower Enclosure

It could require more work than other changes, but installing a new shower enclosure can make it a lot more pleasant. As shower enclosures get older, they can start to deteriorate and show wear and tear. As well as being affected aesthetically, they might start to show problems such as leaks. Installing a new enclosure can fix these problems while also giving you the option to consider a new size, shape, or materials. Your new enclosure could be a luxurious space where you can enjoy your showers more than ever.

Upgrade your shower experience and a small part of your day could be so much more special.

*contributed post*

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