a guide to feeding essentials for parents traveling with a newborn

May 29, 2024

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The nine months of pregnancy can take a mental and physical toll on both parents. The months just after the delivery are tougher. You both have to attend to an endless list of chores and doctor appointments, with no breathing space. Caring for a child is a thankless job that can get overwhelming in virtually no time. 

Traveling for a vacation, after the first two months of the baby, can be cathartic. It can be a brand new way for the two of you to reconnect. However, traveling with an infant might seem scary. Agreed, that long-haul flights can be an issue with an infant on board. However, the scenario can change drastically post you reach your hotel. 

Moreover, there's magic in sharing that sense of excitement and wonder as a family. And, truth be told, traveling together, as a unit, will only get more difficult as your child starts to grow. 

Take this opportunity and go for that long-awaited vacation. This blog post will take you through the absolute essentials that you need to pack for your baby’s hunger requirements. 

Baby Formula

You may be familiar with the "feed me" cry, which is typically rhythmic, repetitive, and has a short, low-pitched tone. According to experts, a baby's cries of hunger may also include a “neh” sound. This sound occurs when a baby's tongue instinctively hits the roof of the mouth as they search for milk.

Now, breast milk is by far the healthiest source of food a mother can offer. However, if this is an issue, say, while traveling on a flight or in a public place, many parents resort to infant milk formulas to satiate their baby’ hunger.

However, you need to be very careful while choosing the baby food formula. Many varieties of Enfamil, an instant baby food powder, have been linked to a fatal condition in preterms, called Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC). According to TorHoerman Law, this disease can cause perforations in the intestinal walls of the newborn, exposing it to life-threatening infections. 

In addition, NEC presents a substantial risk of mortality, with rates varying between 10% to 50%. In cases where there are severe perforations and sepsis, the fatality rate can reach as high as 100%. 

Many grieving parents have taken the legal course, where the Enfamil lawsuit alleges that the manufacturers of these baby formulas underplayed the serious risks deliberately. Opt for healthy options, that take care of all the allergies your baby is susceptible to.

Probiotics offer an excellent alternative. Moreover, if your breast milk production is limited, fortification with essential nutrients can significantly enhance its protective qualities. 

Feeding Bottles and Nipples

Feeding bottles can come in very handy to feed your infant at regular intervals. Take into account the size and style of bottles that you think are the most suitable for your baby. Does it prefer wide-neck or does it enjoy siping from anti-colic bottles?

Moreover, it is imperative that you also carry multiple options for nipples. Each can work as an alternative, in case the nipple being used is torn or lost. 

You never know how dusty or humid your next destination will be. And, so, don't forget to pack a compact bottle brush for easy cleaning on the go. You should try and go for brushes that have handles offering excellent airflow. A compact and dry brush can be easily stored in a diaper bag!

Sterilizing Equipment

In the first few months, your child’s immune system will be very weak and in danger of contracting infections. Practicing good hygiene for your newborn should be non-negotiable. 

While on the go, boiling water or a clean kitchen might be out of grasp. In such cases, sterilizing devices like portable steam sterilizers or UV sterilizers might come in handy. 

These handy appliances ensure that bottles, nipples, pacifiers, and other feeding supplies are thoroughly sanitized. However, such a sterilizer might not be a fit in your suitcases or handbags.  

In such scenarios, sanitizing wipes can be a handy substitute. You can use these wipes to clean toys, playing surfaces, and feeding equipment. 

Portable Bottle Warmer or Insulated Bottle Bag

There is a habit that your infant is used to, back home. With all the amenities available in your kitchen, you feed your baby the best possible thing in the best possible way. This also includes the temperature at which you serve milk or water to your child.

However, this luxury might not be attainable while you are moving bases between various destinations. In such scenarios, a portable bottle warmer can allow you to quickly and easily heat breast milk or formula. 

There are several varieties of portable warmers available, including ones that run on batteries, automobile adapters, or insulated containers with heat packs. Some models also include temperature control and automated shut-off for enhanced safety. 

Another great option for keeping pre-made bottles cold for several hours is an insulated bottle bag. Such bags ensure that your child has fresh juices and/or milk. If planning to invest in these novel alternatives, go for bags with an easy-to-clean fabric composition, many insulated sections, and a leak-proof liner. 

To conclude, a properly fed child is a happy child. With your child having no means to communicate their hunger, it is upon you, as parents, to be on your toes. 

Your infant does not know how to compromise. You will have to arrange for what is needed by hook or by crook. Following the aforementioned ideas can help you mitigate this risk to a great extent. 

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