kona cafe // polynesian village resort

April 30, 2024


caravan sonnet- disney world resort

 Happy Tuesday friends! I am so excited to share more about our trip to Florida and our amazing cruise that we took last month! Today I am specifically excited to share about our breakfast at the Kona Cafe that is located at the Disney World's Polynesian Village Resort. 
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caravan sonnet- disney world resort
caravan sonnet- disney world resort
As a bit of background before I share this- there was a mixup with our reservation. We had booked Ohana originally (or so we thought) and instead when we arrived found out we had been assigned to Kona Cafe. I am sure the mix up was ours somehow, but it was definitely different then we had thought we were going to eat. I would say that for what we were looking for (a really nice sit down restaurant for the morning) Ohana would have been the better fit. Another bit of something was in regards to allergies- which I explain later in the post. I wouldn't say that it was our favorite meal in anyway, but the grounds were beautiful and the best part was being together. *smiles*

I think that if you are traveling with kiddos, want a quick service meal, or are trying to catch a flight or head to the parks for the day- I would recommend Kona Cafe. I would also recommend if you do not have food allergies. But- if you have serious food allergies, are wanting a full sit down meal and want to relax and take your time and have a leisurely day in front of you (like we did) then check out Ohana. 
caravan sonnet- disney world resort
One of our favorite things about our experience was the beautiful grounds of the Polynesian Resort. Our drive up to the entrance of the resort (which I had never visited before) was beautiful! 
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The oasis of tropical palms, lush vegetation and beautiful flowers was simply gorgeous. There was a feeling of outdoor island ambience everywhere you looked and for my ocean loving heart it was so beautiful!
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If you know me well then you know one of my dreams is to visit Hawaii, so it felt like a taste of what I have imagined a visit to there would be like!
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As you arrive you are greeted with so many beautiful details! 
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Walking into the open aired lobby was so gorgeous!
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I am always amazed at the detail that Disney gives to everything- even to the light fixtures.
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After dropping my sister and mom off at the front, I parked the car and headed into the lobby to make my way to the second floor where the Kona Cafe is located. 
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Haha! Look who was waving to me from outside the restaurant! 
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Kona Cafe provides breakfast, lunch, and dinner and is open to the public each day and reservations are recommended, but to be honest, I saw a lot of people walk in without reservations. If you are coming to visit Disney and use the Disney app you can arrange your reservations through the app for Kona Cafe

For those who have food allergies like myself, one of the things that was delightful to discover was the options that Kona Cafe had for food allergies. When the reservations were made with the Disney app I had the opportunity to "forewarn" the kitchen of my allergies. I do have to admit though that this was the ONLY restaurant that I have ever been to on a Disney property where a waiter did not go over the restrictions I had. In fact- when I mentioned my allergies our waiter seemed a bit annoyed which I thought was just odd. 

It was fine, and I had no issues with the food that I received, but one of the things about Disney restaurants is that typically the waiters go over these things at any sit down restaurant and usually it is never even a second thought about allergies. I was a bit surprised by this so as a warning this might happen for you or maybe the waiter was having an off day. Either way- the food was fine, but as someone who has health issues it is nice to know that Disney typically takes this type of thing more seriously than I experienced. If you have serious food allergies like myself than you know how it feels to enjoy a meal with no worries of cross-contamination. I admit, I wasn't as relaxed about my meal at this Disney property as I typically am, which I think changed my perspective of the experience and why I can't totally recommend this restaurant. 
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One fun thing about the property is that the Monorail stops right at this resort. After our breakfast we headed out for a fun ride around Disney on the monorail which you can read about HERE!

Happy Tuesday friends - I hope you have a wonderful day! 

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