How to Take Care of Your Home's Plumbing

June 7, 2023

 caravan sonnet

Image Pexels CC0 License

Keeping your home well-maintained is an essential task for every homeowner. However, this vital job is something that many people overlook. Finding time to take care of your home is not always easy, especially when your schedule is really busy. But making a little time for routine maintenance tasks every now and again could save you lots of effort and money in the future. 

Unfortunately, many homeowners find themselves faced with issues that need to be fixed. When emergency repairs are needed, these can often be expensive and a real hassle to deal with. Water damage is one of the most common types of home insurance claims, so taking care of your home’s plumbing is an essential maintenance task. Here are some of the ways that you can take care of your home’s plumbing and minimize the chances of a plumbing emergency:

Look Out for Leaks

One of the most effective ways to take care of your home’s plumbing is to be on the lookout for leaks. Many leaks are hidden from view, and the first time you notice them is when things have gotten serious. If left undetected, a leak can cause extensive damage to your property and result in a lengthy clean-up process. Detecting leaks early should help you to avoid any major damage to your home. Stay on the lookout for the sound of dripping and damp patches on your walls, floors, or ceilings.

Keep Drains Clear

When was the last time your home’s drains were cleared? Drains can become blocked with various materials, such as grease or sludge. This buildup can occur so slowly that you don’t even notice there’s a problem for quite a while. When your drains get blocked, it can be easy to ignore, to begin with, but the longer you leave it, the bigger the problem will get. Recognizing the tell-tale signs of a blocked drain is a great place to take action early. Signs to look out for include water draining away slowly and bad smells coming up from the drain. If you notice any of these signs, it is wise to call a plumbing and drain cleaning specialist who can use hydro jetting to resolve the problem fast.

Think Before You Flush

While it may be tempting to simply flush items down the toilet when you are in the bathroom, this is a recipe for disaster. Putting items such as sanitary products, wipes, or diapers down the toilet and flushing can cause massive plumbing issues. Your sewage line is likely to get blocked up pretty quickly if you flush these items, and your sewage will then start backing up in the pipe. This is definitely a messy and unpleasant situation that you want to avoid, so always think before you flush. 

Popping a small wastebasket in your bathroom should help you avoid this problem. This will ensure that your toilet doesn’t get treated like a trash can and will discourage guests and members of your household from flushing items away.

*contributed post*

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