Every time someone you love struggles with an addiction, you feel that ache in your chest. And it can be challenging to know what to say or how to help someone with an addiction. But what matters most is that you're there.
Here are some of the most empowering ways to help a loved one recover from addiction.
Image by SHVETS Production via Pexels
Set Clear Boundaries
Boundaries are crucial when helping a loved one with an addiction issue. People with an addiction often need more from you than anyone else. And need a safe place to fall and mess up. The demand can take a toll on you. This is why it's so important to set boundaries with them. You may need to set a time when you don't respond to their calls or texts, or you need to set a time when you are unreachable.
Show Up For Them
If your loved one struggles with addiction, they may not feel like they're good enough. It's common to hear from those who struggle with addiction that they don't deserve someone who cares about them. The best way to help someone with an addiction is to show up for them. It doesn't matter if you have to do a thousand other things. If you have time to check off one thing on your list, check off "show up for them." Your presence can be a strong reminder of how much they mean to you.
Don't Judge Their Decisions
Addiction is complicated. And human behavior is complicated. No one can fully understand what another person with addiction is going through. Your loved one may have good reasons for their bad decisions. Don't berate or judge them for their addiction. It's a physical and mental health problem with a lot of stigma surrounding it that needs breaking.
Help Them Find The Best Treatment Centers
If your loved one is struggling with addiction, they may not know where to start. They may feel stigmatized and judged for their addiction. Those who struggle with addiction may have a hard time finding treatment centers because of stigma and widespread misinformation. Give them a helping hand. You can find places that provide Methadone and Suboxone Treatment online. As well as treatment for non-opioid addictions.
Offer To Stay With Them In Treatment
If your loved one is receiving inpatient treatment for their addiction, they may be uncomfortable with the time required to be in therapy. They may have family or work obligations that feel more important than staying. It could help to stay with your loved ones while in treatment. It shows them you care and that their recovery is essential.
Be A Sounding Board
Those struggling with addiction may not be able to process their feelings. They may be overwhelmed with guilt, shame, or embarrassment. Or even angry at themselves or their situation. You can be a sounding board for your loved one. It's important to remember that your loved one doesn't need advice. Instead, they need someone to listen to them vent.
Offer Encouragement
Addiction can make you exhausted or overwhelmed by life's difficulties. As a result, it's common for people struggling with addiction to have low energy. So it might be up to you to celebrate your loved one's achievements. No matter how small they may seem.
Provide Accountability
It's important to establish an accountability partner system. People who struggle with addiction often feel shame and humiliation about their behavior. Providing accountability isn't about telling your loved one off. It's about showing them that their behaviour impacts other people's lives, as well as their own. Something that's easy for them to forget.
Help Them Find Meaning And Purpose
People often search for what they want their life to be about in recovery. It can be hard to know what to do and what to say when someone is in the midst of a recovery process. You may have to help your loved one find a purpose in their life other than addiction.
Don't Forget About Your Needs
When you're helping someone with addiction, you can feel like you are taking on too much. You may be exhausted, overworked, or overwhelmed. However, there are ways to help someone with addiction without giving up your own needs. Instead, find ways to help yourself while you help your loved one.
*contributed post*
Taking care of your physical & mental well-being should be one of your top priorities in life. Actually, it should be THE top priority. It’s hard to enjoy anything in life if you’re constantly battling health problems and mental demons.
Naturally, there are all sorts of things you can do to try and stay as healthy as possible. However, the best approach is to install healthy habits into your daily life. If you commit to some healthy habits every day, you quickly get into a routine that improves your general well-being.
With that in mind, here’s an example of a daily routine that’s beneficial for your physical and mental health:
Get a good night’s sleep
Start your day with a good night of sleep. You should aim for anywhere between 7-9 hours every single evening. It is also a good idea to try and wake up as naturally as possible. If you’re able to, try sleeping with your curtains/blinds open. This means your body will naturally react to the sun rising, and you should wake up progressively - rather than being jolted awake by an alarm.
Sleep is so important for your health as it lets your body recover. If you’re always tired in the morning - or you’re surviving on 4 hours of sleep - you’re never going to feel alert or healthy. It’s bad for your physical health, but also for your mental well-being. So, start your day by trying to get a lot of sleep, while still waking up relatively early.
Eat a nutritious breakfast
Next on the agenda, get into the habit of eating a healthy and nutritious breakfast when you wake up. Now, you can do this before or after showering - it depends on your preference. But, a good breakfast will fuel you for the start of your day. Too many people start their mornings with unhealthy foods that set the tone for the rest of the day. Try to avoid eating fried foods for breakfast, or things with loads of sugar in them. You might assume that your morning bowl of cereal is nice and healthy, but in reality, it isn’t. A lot of commercial cereals are packed full of sugar, meaning you’re likely to see regular trips to the local dental clinic if you keep eating them. They also don’t fill you up, so you’re going to snack more in the morning - which might mean you put on weight.
Instead, opt for a healthy breakfast that’s full of fiber and keeps you satiated for longer. Porridge is a brilliant option as you can add fruit to it to get some of your five-a-day in right away. A nice breakfast fills you with energy and ensures your blood sugar doesn’t spike and drop too often. It should satisfy you until lunch, meaning you reduce your caloric intake for the day. This makes it easier for you to lose or maintain weight, improving your physical health.
Have a nice shower
It is always good to start the day with a shower. Now, this doesn’t really do anything for your physical health, but it’s great for the mental side of things. There are few things more relaxing and calming that standing in your shower, feeling the water run down over you. It is a wonderful way to just start your morning with a fresh mind. Stand there, take deep breaths, and get ready for what lies ahead.
For me, this is much better than if you jump out of bed and instantly have to rush out the door. This is why it’s so good to wake up as early as possible - while still getting your 7-9 hours of sleep in. An early start gives you more time to get ready and feel settled in the morning. It will mean you aren’t instantly in a state of panic and stress. Believe me, you will do wonders for your mental health if you start your daily routine like this!
Create a list of things to do
Whether you’re going to work or just have the day to yourself, it is helpful to get into the habit of writing a to-do list. Why? Because it adds some structure to your day and helps to unwind the mess that might be going on in your head. Do you know what I’m talking about?
Let’s say you’re going to work and you know you have a busy day ahead of you. There are things from yesterday you need to do, stuff from today to get on with, and so on. It all feels like a hectic mess, so you need to take a step back and create some sense out of it. Writing a list of things to do will separate all your different tasks and give you a plan to follow for the day. It’s also so mentally rewarding to see yourself tick things off the list and get stuff done. You will be in a better frame of mind than if you didn’t have a list to follow.
Walk as much as possible
Every day, you should try to walk as much as you possibly can. This should become part of your daily routine as it is super beneficial for your physical health. One of the main issues that we have in modern society is that everyone is too sedentary. We sit for long periods, we don’t move around much, and it has a negative impact on our health. When you’re sedentary, you increase your chances of weight gain and various other health conditions - like heart disease.
Consequently, you have to try and walk around or move as much as you can. Think about elements of your daily routine where you can slip in a few extra steps. Instead of driving to work, can you walk there? At the very least, could you walk to the train station and commute like this? On your lunch breaks, can you go out for a walk and eat outside? Even if you spend 20 minutes walking to and from your office during lunch, it all adds up!
When you’re at work, try to walk around. Take breaks and stand up, give your body a stretch, and pace around a little bit. It’s not only good for your physical health, but these active breaks are great for your mental. You give your mind a slight break from whatever it is you’re doing, ensuring you don’t burn out. In fact, taking breaks can actually make you more productive - which is a great thing for your mental health.
Make a healthy lunch & dinner
Lots of people skip breakfast, and some people will eat bad breakfasts. However, it's your lunch meal that’s often the worst of the day - especially if you work full-time. We’ve all seen this story play out in front of our eyes. You’re at work, you need to get something to eat for lunch, so you find the most convenient option possible. Normally, this means getting some overpriced sandwiches from a shop or heading to a quick fast-food restaurant. In either case, you’re eating something that’s probably full of extra calories, fats, and who knows what else.
It can be super bad for you, and you can improve your daily diet by making a healthy lunch for yourself. Bring something to work that’s good for you and contains vegetables, fruits, and all the other good stuff. This helps you put good things in your body to improve your overall health and avoid stuffing yourself with bad foods. Also, it helps you save a lot of money on lunches throughout the year, which is always a bonus. Ironically, this actually helps your mental health in a weird way. Saving money means you don’t have to constantly worry about financial stress. Finding little ways to do this - like making your own food instead of buying lunches - is such a smart thing to do.
Clearly, you also need to make yourself a healthy dinner when you get home. There are so many quick and easy meals you can make that are very nutritious and good for you. Following a great diet is absolutely essential for your overall health and well-being. As such, you need to get into a good daily routine that ensures you’re eating well.
Dedicate some time to relax
Every evening, you should dedicate a little bit of time for personal relaxation. Here, you can do whatever you like to unwind and feel more at peace. For instance, you may run a hot bath and just soak in the bubbles for 30 minutes. Or, you might like to do some meditation or yoga. Some of you may even relax by doing a bit of light reading.
Find whatever helps you relax, then get into the habit of doing it every evening before you sleep. This will encourage your brain to wind down and stop feeling so stressed. It is super important for your mental health that you manage stress levels and try to feel as relaxed as you can.
Try to follow this daily routine for better physical & mental well-being. Obviously, your life may be completely different from someone else’s, so you won’t have the same routines. But, try to incorporate these elements in there as they will help you feel healthier.
Many businesses operate by interacting with, servicing, and building relationships with clients. This is true of many trades, and while the term “client” can differ from “customer” or “guest,” denoting a more long-term relationship or a more intensive service provided, the goals we curate when dealing with them are the same. We want them to be happy, and we want them to come again.
Leaving your clients with a friendly, positive impression of the service they received and the communication you gave is a good way to secure future business, but it’s also a good outcome to chase in general. This leads to good word of mouth marketing, positive reviews on your business pages, but moreover, it’s just a nice thing to achieve as a business. No firm wants to operate, become very successful, while also leaving a wake of annoyed clients and mistreated people in their wake. After all, success is often predicated on actually gaining favourable impressions of your brand.
You’re probably convinced of this by now. But how can we achieve such an outcome? Let’s consider that below:
Uniform, Professional Invoicing
Of course, we do expect our clients to pay us, but we don’t have to be overly aggressive about it. Professionalism is the way to guy, such as by offering worthwhile, easy to read invoicing forms that itemize costs and encourage them to pay sooner rather than later. Perhaps if they pay immediately, you can levy a very small discount to incentivize them. If they take some time paying, then a couple of light, friendly reminders are perfectly acceptable too, before any further action might be taken later on.
It’s good to make sure that you check up on your clients, especially if you have an aftercare policy in place. For instance, a month down the road, you might ask them how their roofing system is, or how their driveway is doing. If they haven’t contacted you, then this can be seen as a pleasant amount of outreach. You may even offer insurance packages where for some time after, their warranty allows you to come back and fit a repair for that nominal fee. Having these options that help extend the relationship in good faith make a big difference.
Thank You Efforts
Ultimately, a client has chosen you to perform work for them. That’s quite nice. They could have gone elsewhere unless you offer a highly specific niche service, which is unlikely. A simple thank you, a card, or a pleasant word and a handshake makes all the difference. A thank you email, a note with the invoice, or at least calling them after the fact and thanking them for their custom, especially if they took a chance on your new business, is absolutely a fantastic place to start and achieve. You’d be surprised how well this can work.
With this advice, you’re certain to leave your clients with the friendly, positive impression that improves the world a little bit and also inspires them to use your services once more.
Lyme Disease Awareness month starts in four days! This year I am joining in with some women around the world who are healed, living healthy and full lives after years and years of treatment (or a decade or more as was my case and others) and who are sharing their stories on a variety of platforms.
I am honored to share and answer questions over on Instagram and on social media. My hope and prayer is that this may help some of you in the journey.
If you have any questions about treatment, experiences, etc... please leave your questions and I will try to answer as many as possible.
You can click HERE to leave your questions!
Today I am excited to share with y'all a bit more about the #ADK50falls challenge and specifically about Rainbow Falls, a waterfall that we recently visited in the early spring just as winter was ending.
If you are doing the challenge and visiting from outside the area, and wanting to see a few of the same falls in the same area then I would highly suggest planning to see both Rainbow falls and Anderson Falls (you can read about it HERE) at the same time as they were only about 5 miles apart. If you aren't familiar with the #ADK50falls challenge, you can read about the places that I have been going as part of the challenge HERE (I started in 2019)!
Simply put there are 50 waterfalls that you hike and visit (5 require proof with photo that you were there) to complete the challenge. For those of you who love hiking and being outdoors this can show you unique parts of the Adirondacks that you may have never discovered. I definitely have been feeling that with the waterfalls that we have visited and explored the last several weeks and look forward to sharing more! Recently the challenge has added different easier (and more difficult) waterfalls to be more inclusive to those who may not have been able to receive a patch before.

// Upper LaChute Falls (Ticonderoga, New York) //
// The Falls of Carillon (Ticonderoga, New York) //
// Anderson Falls (Keeseville, New York) //
If you aren’t saving money, you need to start.
There are many reasons to save money in life, and it’s something you should actively think about at all times. The more money you’re able to save, the faster you can reach certain life goals, and the more secure your financial situation will be.
So, here are some massive money-saving tips you need to read:
Set your goals
Start by setting your goals; why are you trying to save money? Are you saving up for a house? Are you planning your retirement? Are you saving money for your children to go to college? Loads of possibilities present themselves, but a savings goal will let you create a plan. You’ll have a figure in mind that you want to reach, which helps you develop a budget.
Save money regularly
Don’t get into the habit of saving money every few months or so. You dip into your bank around after three months and take some money out to save it. This isn’t an effective way of saving money and you will usually save far less than if you make it a regular thing. Set a monthly budget that dictates how much you are aiming to send each month. Split this figure across four weeks and you’ve got a weekly budget. Now, you can save money every week, and you will reach your goals way quicker than if you save sporadically.
Make your savings go further
What happens to your money when you save it? Most people will deposit the funds into a savings account that’s separate from their main bank account. You could even withdraw the money as cash, keeping it in a safe place at home. Neither option is very good as they both mean your money doesn’t really do anything.
Sure, savings accounts have interest rates, but they’re absolutely awful. Instead, find ways to make your savings go further. Invest some money in things like forex or stocks, tying your funds into assets that will grow over time. You can use savings accounts, but ensure they have great interest rates to help you save more money. Effectively, you are taking the money you save every month and ensuring that you get extra money on top of this. If your savings are stored somewhere that doesn’t generate interest, it’s a waste of money.
This is also why it makes sense to keep as little money in your main bank account as possible. If you have loads of money in your bank account that never gets used, it’s basically collecting dust. Again, this is why a budget is so helpful as you know exactly how much money is required to be kept in your bank at all times. Anything else can be put in a high-interest savings account or invested.
Of course, please remember that this is not professional financial advice and I am not forcing you to do anything. For me, these are the best money-saving tips I have received. If you need extra help saving money, speak to your bank or contact a financial advisor.
As our parents age, they need more support. The elderly parents can find it difficult to deal with the physical and mental changes that come with aging. We need to be mindful of the challenges that our parents are facing as they age. They might not have the same mental capacity or stamina as before and may need help from their children. There is a lot of research on the importance of elder care, but we should also focus on how we can support them in their old age.
The Importance of Self-Care for Elderly Parents with Alzheimer's Disease or Dementia
It is important for caregivers to take care of themselves and their mental health if they want to be able to provide the best care for their aging parents. The realization that the needs of aging parents are not the same as those of younger adults has led to a shift in how we think about self-care. For example, it is now widely accepted that people with dementia need more support than others.
People with Alzheimer's disease or dementia often suffer from depression, anxiety, and loneliness which can lead them to become more dependent on caregivers. It may also be necessary to look into Memory Care for Alzheimer's and Dementia options too. This can be a struggle for caregivers who may feel overwhelmed by these changes and find it difficult to provide the type of care that their loved one needs.
Preventive dental care at the early stages of Alzheimer's or dementia is also recommended by this dentist in Henderson NV. This is to ensure that they won't need to undergo major dental surgery later on.
Tips for Being a Good Support System for Your Aging Parent
It can be difficult for caregivers to balance their work and personal lives. It's important to find a balance that works with your schedule and your family's needs. It's important to have a support system in place so you can be there for your aging parents whenever they need assistance.
Best Practices for Caring for Aging Parents and Planning Ahead
As our parents age, we should know how to take care of them in the best way possible. Here are some best practices for caring for aging parents and planning ahead. The first step is to make sure that you have a plan in place so that you know what to do if your parents are unable to continue taking care of themselves.
Planning ahead can help ensure your loved one’s safety and well-being. You should also make sure they have a living will and power of attorney so that you are in charge of their decisions if they cannot make them on their own.
How to Start A Conversation about How to Care for Your Aging Parent?
A lot of people are afraid to start a conversation with their aging parents because they worry about how the parents will react. However, it is important to start this conversation early on so that you can be prepared for any future needs and know what your aging parent would like. Start the conversation by asking your parents what they love doing in their free time and if there is anything that they would like to do more of. If you are worried about how your aging parent will react, then ask them what their favorite memories were from when you were younger.