Happy Monday friends! I am so excited to share with y'all an updated and expanded resource for one of the best selling products in the caravan sonnet shoppe at teachers pay teachers! This is a resource for personal finance teachers at the high school or college level.
This resource contains 7 Powerpoint Slides with with colorful, animated, engaging, and educational sections on unique and interesting (and not well known historical trivia facts) related to Checking Accounts and comes with guided/scaffolded notes. This will be a wonderful resource to introduce or use with the checking account topic with your students!!
This Powerpoint Presentation was created for easy instructional use. These "strange but true historical trivia powerpoints" are also particularly helpful for time fillers or sponge activities. Whether you are using this for a time filler, a way to help students think about the names in new ways, a sponge activity, a substitute plan, or just looking for this subject to come alive for your students, this resource will help bring creative engagement to your lectures! This will help you in your discussion of this topic!
The cost of the powerpoint with guided/scaffolded notes is only $2.00(!!) and with 7 slides it is a resource that can be used every year for your classroom needs!
This resources also includes:
Guided/Scaffolded Notes
Guided/Scaffolded Notes come with three options:
(1) Fill in the Blank Notes (with answer key)
(2) One Slide a Page with Note Space Below
(3) Multiple Slides a Page with Mini Note Sections to the Right
This resource is also part of the 5 STAR RATED Checking Account Unit Bundle which you can find HERE!
Thank you so much for all of your support of the shoppe! If you would like to check out the shoppe you can find it HERE! This shoppe has been an incredible blessing and you are making this possible!! Thank you again friends! Happy Monday!
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