revolutions and national states (chapter twenty-eight) // ap and preap world history powerpoint

November 5, 2021

 caravan sonnet shoppe

Happy Friday friends! I am so excited to share with y'all one of the newest additions to the caravan sonnet shoppe at teachers pay teachers! This is a resource for preap and ap teachers and is based on chapter 28 of the Traditions and Encounters (6th edition) book

If you would like to go directly to this resource you can click HERE!

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caravan sonnet shoppe
caravan sonnet shoppe
This powerpoint contains 12 different slides with colorful and animated sections. The powerpoint can be used in powerpoint or can be easily converted into Google Slides for your convenience.
caravan sonnet shoppe
This resource covers topics including: 

*The Enlightenment and Revolution Ideas


*Popular Sovereignty

*American Revolution

*John Locke's Influence on America

*Brief Background up to Revolution and Outcome


*How the US Constitution has affected the world

caravan sonnet shoppe
caravan sonnet shoppe
caravan sonnet shoppe
The cost of the powerpoint is only $3.25 and can be used every year for your classroom needs!
caravan sonnet shoppe
caravan sonnet shoppe
caravan sonnet shoppe

If you would like to purchase this powerpoint you can find it HERE

Thank you so much for all of your support of the shoppe! If you would like to check out the shoppe you can find it HERE!

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