Happy Monday friends! I hope that you had a great Thanksgiving and weekend and that the start of your week is going great! Today I am so excited to share that there is a HUGE sale going on over at the Teachers Pay Teachers Caravan Sonnet Shoppe!
I have been SO excited about this because as a teacher I well know how important each and every single dollar is because the paychecks are not large! *smiles* So... I am thrilled that y'all are loving these products in the shoppe and that today and tomorrow there is a huge sale to shop! If you are looking for items that are helpful, creative and colorful, and most of all educational head on over!
I also want to take a moment to say thank you for every single purchase that has been made in the shop. My goal is to grow this into a full time business and because I am working incredibly hard behind the scenes to make this happen, I am so grateful for your support! There is a lot that goes into this work and I am LOVING it but I know it wouldn't be possible without YOU. So thank you again for your support of my newest shoppe! If you are looking for additional ways to support the shop- you can simply like and share about the shop! Thank you!!
Our story demanded that we change and so we did // donald Miller
this weeks best sellers in the teachers pay teachers caravan sonnet shoppe (november 13th-19th)
November 20, 2021
Happy Saturday friends! I hope that you had a great week and that the start of your weekend is going great! Today I thought it would be fun to share what have been the top 5 items that y'all have loved the most from the Caravan Sonnet Shoppe!
I have been SO excited about all of the additions in this third month of the shoppe being opened and I am I am thrilled that y'all are loving these products! You may be wondering why I am sharing this information and I wanted to share a little background on why:
I am loving using this information to see what products that y'all are liking and buying. I am constantly making new items and creating new things for my classes, but if it is not helpful for another teacher I don't want to waste anyone's time in putting it in the shop. Instead I want to put in the shop things that are helpful, creative and colorful, and most of all educational.
I also want to take a moment to say thank you for every single purchase that has been made in the shop. My goal is to grow this into a full time business and because I am working incredibly hard behind the scenes to make this happen, I want to share the products that others are finding helpful in case you or a teacher/homeschool mama friend could find them useful also. There is a lot that goes into this work and I am LOVING it but I know it wouldn't be possible without YOU. So thank you again for your support of my newest shoppe! If you are looking for additional ways to support the shop- you can simply like and share about the shop! Thank you!!
Now... onto the top five sellers from this week:
Economic Systems- Chapter 17
Sections 1-2 and 4: International Markets and Trade
Book: Economics
Publishing Company: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company (2018)
Powerpoint Contains 6 Powerpoint Slides with colorful and animated sections on the basics of Certificate of Deposits.
*Powerpoint can be easily converted into Google Slides for your convenience
**Powerpoint can be edited to fit the needs of your classroom!
Powerpoint contains the following information:
* Certificate of Deposit Definition and Simple Explanation
* How CD's work
* Comparison of CD's vs. Savings Accounts vs. Money Market Accounts
* CD ladders
*Powerpoint Contains 19 Powerpoint Slides with colorful and animated sections to help a unit on South America come alive for your Middle School students!
*Contains Up to Date (2021) information and facts
*Contains link to YouTube Video to help bring different areas alive
*Contains Pictures - Including a variety of Sources
**Powerpoint can be easily converted into Google Slides for your convenience
This powerpoint contains South America Geography Including:
*Countries (including a slide on the 2 non-sovereign countries located in South America
*Mountain Ranges
*Specific Mountains
*"Hand of the Desert"
*Most Popular Sport (Football)
*WordDocument Contains 2 worksheet pages to help students prepare for college and their budgets in college! This would be perfect for a junior/senior high school level finance class. This will work perfectly with the Semester Finance Bundle or any of the Personal Finance Resource section!
The college budget project includes the following things for students to accomplish (also hitting many state standard requirements):
* Bank account for college requirements
* Check writing requirement
* College application fees
* Scholarship Applications
* College experience and complete budget requirements listed
* Pick your top school choice and complete budget requirements listed
Document can be edited to fit the needs of your classroom!
This bundle includes ALL of the powerpoint presentations lessons with colorful and animated sections for Personal Finance for an ENTIRE semester!! With over 100 powerpoint presentation pages/slides (117 to be exact!!) you will be ready to have a foundation to teach your personal finance class for a semester!
When I first started teaching personal finance I wasn't even sure where to begin and lots of the materials that were available that could be found (which was extremely limited) seemed out of date and very boring. Creating these resources for my students helped bring this material alive in new ways and these powerpoints will help be a foundation for your semester also!
*Powerpoints can be easily converted into Google Slides for your convenience
**Powerpoints can be edited to fit the needs of your classroom!
This resources includes:
PowerPoint Presentations
Word Document Assignments
It is with great and humble joy that I can now officially share that the final agreements and contracts were signed for #prayingthroughlymedisease to be translated into German!! (Watch a fun and exciting instagram reel about the announcement HERE!)
7 years ago, when the 1st edition of Praying through Lyme Disease was released in 2014 I remember laying in my bed, stunned that my first book was actually in print. I was so sick & bedridden that it seemed unreal. Praying through Lyme Disease the 1st edition will always have a truly special place in my heart... it was my very first book & the timing of it was unique and special. I had just been told by a major & well known medical clinic that there was no hope for my case. I felt that I had already traveled a long & winding journey with this disease but in reality I was just at the beginning stages of this journey.
Oh, I thought I had experienced the worst days of this journey (there were horrific ones that I would like to never repeat again), but I was to find that there were still more difficult & more painful days to come than I could have ever imagined.
But, 7 years later, as my health has returned & this little book continues to make its way around the world (this edition will join translations of Italian, Polish, Spanish, and Arabic)I have tears as my prayers continue to remain it will encourage those in their own dark & painful days.
As I think back to being completely bedridden & having this book go into print 7 years ago I never would have imagined that it would end up where it has. I am truly overwhelmed that there are more & more copies circulating each year as it travels around the globe.
I'm praying for you dear #lymedisease warriors & I trust that you will be praying for me as well as we continue to fight the good fight & walk the journey before us. This journey is difficult, hard, messy, & extremely painful, and yet, can be full of hope as we experience the tender mercy of a faithful God who is walking every step with us. May you experience & know His love in new ways throughout this Lyme Disease journey.
Welcome to the #prayingthroughlyme family German version!!
If you are visiting for your first time you will want to bring with you a bathing suit and throw in a good book or magazine (unless you plan to sleep in one of the quiet rooms during your time which is also wonderful!). You can find out more information regarding what to expect on your first visit on the website by clicking HERE.
As I shared last week I am delighted to share today about the many winter offerings that Balnea has in the spa during the cooler months, so without further waiting, here they are:

After my massage I sat by the fire and sipped yummy blueberry tea and just felt completely relaxed!
Massage Offerings
There are different types of massages that Balnea Spa offers including traditional massages and specialized Balnea collection massages. The traditional massages that are offered include the Swedish massage, the Californian massage, shiatsu massage, lymphatic drainage massage and a Thai yoga massage (that is done in full clothing). In addition there are athletic massages offered for those who are athletes and are looking for a restorative massage after exercise and also massages for pregnant women. Finally there is a stone fire and ice therapy massage that sounded really intriguing. This massage is a combination of massage with volcanic stones and marble stones and I would imagine that the combination is quite invigorating and relaxing all at the same time. Another massage that sounded interesting was the Kobido massage which is a hybrid of both massage and a facial. This one also really intrigued me to try.
For the Balnea specialty spa massages there was several different kinds and you can read more on the spa's website by clicking HERE.
*picture property of Balnea Spa*
Thinness Treatments
Another offering in the spa area is the "thinness" options that include innovative techniques that the spa uses to help bring about muscle tone in addition to releasing and removing toxins. If you are interested in finding out more about these choices you can do so HERE.
Scrubland Options
This "scrubland" section of the spa was really interesting to read about because there are different types of exfoliation and products that are used. I would suggest trying each one to really find out what works best for your body. *smiles* One of the new scrubs that the spa was offering was a body scrub with verbena and Indian mimosa. This scrub activates the blood circulation and brings a feeling of lightness to it (and includes a glass of mimosa! *smiles*)
Body Wraps
The spa also offers wraps that sounded really interesting. Have y'all done a body wrap before? They have always intrigued me and the ones that were offered at the spa (different choices of essential oils, green tea and herbs, omega three wraps, and even a chocolate option) all sounded really amazing. You can read more about the different choices and package choices HERE.

Manicures and Pedicures
Finally another option to experience at the spa is for a manicure and pedicure. Y'all know I love both of these things and this sounded really lovely to try. If we had more time I would have definitely tried the shellac pedicure or the spa pedicure. If you are at the spa and you don't have a lot of time there is the option for an "express pedicure" which sounded really great.
Mini Spa Treatment Options
As a last note one thing that I really liked was that the spa also offered a bunch of different "mini options" for people to have. These were significantly lower in their cost than other options and so if you are on a strict budget or if you are wanting to try a few different items then this is a really great solution for you! You can get a mini facial treatment, eye care, hair care, or mini care of the feet and hands. Now y'all know that for me I would probably choose one of each thing and be very happy, especially the "mini hair care" option. *smiles*

Restaurant/Food Options
On site at Balnea Spa there is the option to eat in the Lumami Restaurant or to order (from the same menu) up in the spa lounge. For our lunch we opted to just order from the Spa lounge as we sat on chairs overlooking the beautiful property and for dinner we changed and ate at Lumami. For lunch we had chosen the ham and salad plate and we split it between the two of us. The portions are big and really good so I would definitely recommend this as an option. For dinner we each picked a yummy salad that had the most delicious dressing and sat by the huge picture window that overlooked the lake. No matter where you choose to eat the food you will definitely enjoy it as it is very yummy and tasty.

Despite the cooler weather and the stone walkways, don't worry... even your bare feet will be thought of here at Balnea as some of the floors are heated!
Activities Calendar
During all different months (with more offerings in the warmer months) there is an activities calendar that patrons can check out to be part of. You can find the calendar HERE.
Small Boutique
You can find different things at the spa boutique that you might need for your visit (and to keep after wards), including yoga clothing, sandals, and bathing suits. In addition to this the boutique also has facial and body products for purchase.

Thermale Reserve
I discussed the hot tubs last week so I don't want to be repetitive but as a reminder there are some hot tubs that are mandatory silence and then one that allows quiet talking.
*picture property of Balnea Spa*
Different Rooms
At Balnea Spa there are a number of different rooms that they offer including three rooms that really intrigued me. These were the silent room, the aquarium room and then the BBC Earth/Movie Room. Each room had a purpose to it and there were a certain number of seats/cushions. Because of the regulations that I was under as to not disturb anyone in these rooms I was unable to get a picture of any of them but they were definitely intriguing and spending time in each room was unique.
A huge thank you to Balnea Spa for the complimentary stay and experience to stay at Le Pleasant Hotel, experience the Balnea Spa, and the delicious meals and massage on site. ALL opinions are my own. #partner #ad
11 tips to save money with coffee // personal finance powerpoint //caravan sonnet shoppe
November 17, 2021
Happy Monday friends! I am so excited to share with y'all a new product that went into the caravan sonnet shoppe at teachers pay teachers this morning! This is a resource for personal finance teachers at the high school or college level.
If you would like to go directly to this resource you can click HERE!
* Facts about coffee and your budget
* 7 Unusual Facts about Coffee (YouTube Video)
* 11 Ways to save money in regards to coffee
If you would like to purchase this powerpoint you can find it HERE! Thank you so much for all of your support of the shoppe! If you would like to check out the shoppe you can find it HERE!
Thank you so much for all of your support of my shoppe! This has been an incredible blessing and you are making this possible!!

Several of the hot tubs and areas on site are also quiet areas with no talking or very low voice talking. My mom and I both walked away commenting that in our fast paced and "loud" world, this was a beautiful thing to experience. The quiet was truly healing and one of the lovely parts of the spa experience.

I loved experiencing Balnea Spa with my mom and it made a really perfect "mother and daughter" getaway which I would recommend!
A huge thank you to Balnea Spa for the complimentary stay and experience to stay at Le Pleasant Hotel, experience the Balnea Spa, and the delicious meals and massage on site. ALL opinions are my own. #partner #ad