What tests can you expect during your pregnancy

October 1, 2021


Photo by Anna Hecker on Unsplash

In the UK, we’re very lucky to receive free medical and ante-natal care. When you are pregnant, you will receive regular check-ups with a midwife to ensure that you and the baby are doing well. 

Even in an uncomplicated pregnancy, here are some of the scans and appointments you can expect. 

The booking-in appointment

The booking-in appointment with the midwife is a very exciting time, it’s when it all becomes real. Depending on where you live, it usually happens at around ten weeks. It’s a longer appointment that is designed to get a full picture of your medical and family history, take your height and weight, check your urine and take blood samples to screen for any STDs or infections that could potentially affect the pregnancy. 

The midwife will also give you advice on how to have a healthy pregnancy as well as assess your pregnancy for any risks. This is done using your medical history, past pregnancies, and fertility issues, and a number of other factors. If necessary, you’ll be referred for consultant-led care. 

Throughout your pregnancy, you’ll have regular appointments with your midwife, where they will check your blood pressure and urine, measure your baby bump, and check the baby’s heartbeat with a fetal monitor.   A various points in your pregnancy, they’ll also discuss with you your options for birth and where to attend pregnancy classes. 


The 12-week scan is often the point where people tell others that they are having a baby. This is because most pregnancy loss occurs during the first trimester and once you’re into your second trimester, the risk drops substantially. Of course, this is a personal choice for you. 

At your 12 week scan, they will use a machine like a Sonosite ultrasound machine to get a picture of your baby. At this stage, they will perform a number of checks on the development of the baby and take measurements to ensure that they are growing at a healthy rate. 

If you have consented, they will also use the scan as part of the process of determining your risk of having a baby with certain chromosomal anomalies. However, they will ask you if you want this before your ultrasound so you have the option of saying yes or no. 

You’ll also receive a more detailed ultrasound at 20 weeks, which can assess the development of your baby’s organs and growth. It is often at this scan that you can find out the sex of the baby too if you want to. 

If your pregnancy is going well, you will not usually be offered any further scans on the NHS, but many people choose to book a private scan. 


It is recommended that all pregnant women are vaccinated for Whooping Cough. By doing this, you will pass on the immunity to your baby, protecting them from developing this potentially serious condition in the first weeks and months after work. 

Depending on when you are pregnant, you can also receive a free flu vaccination. 


Even the most uncomplicated pregnancy means a lot of midwife appointments. It’s important that you attend these in order to make sure that everything is going well and identify any issues as soon as possible. 

But before you know it, you’ll be meeting the new addition to your family

*contributed post*

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