As some of you know, my precious mama and I are embarking on a new adventure starting this summer! We are moving back to New York!!
This is a bittersweet move for us, but when my mom came to me this past Spring and expressed a desire to move back to New York, I knew immediately that it was time to go. Both of our hearts were peaceful with where and how the Lord was leading and it has been AMAZING to see the Lord work out all of the details behind the scenes. We are excited to share that we are moving to the Albany area and in April I interviewed for a job that I accepted a contract with last month!
(I can't wait to share more about how all of that came to be and the sweet and incredible support that I received from my administration and my students on this decision!)
We so appreciate your prayers for us as we work through a TON of details in these last few weeks here in TN! Thank you for praying for us for us as we finish packing (our 2nd time making a huge move in less than 10 months!!), for our energy and strength, for my mom's house to sell quickly here in TN, for the Lord to provide a perfect place of shelter for us in NY, for this transition, and for the Lord to continue guiding each of our steps.
Thank you for all of your love and support. ♥️
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