3 tips for exploring your own city during COVID regulations

January 19, 2021

Happy Tuesday friends! As a cozy luxury travel blogger this time during COVID has (obviously) limited the trips that I have been able to experience and share on the blog. Like many travel bloggers, I was sad to see this area of our lives affected and hope and pray that someday there is a chance to get back to traveling and seeing the world. 

But unlike many travel bloggers, my time during my life fighting for my life, has left me knowing the importance of finding adventure each and everyday, not just when I am on some trip "far from home". It has inspired me to find things that can be seen and experienced despite different circumstances. So I have written extensively on the blog about exploring your own city. Today I am hoping that these 3 tips will help you be inspired to explore and "travel" your own city during this COVID season.

Over the years I have worked to consistently not only take writing trips that take me far but also share about the beauty that surrounds me in my own town and city and region. This is so important to me because as I have done this I have been challenged in new ways to really examine the concept of adventure. I have shared my post, 10 Tips for Exploring Your Own City, (you can find it HERE) that I truly believe we as people love to have adventures, and often want to travel to far off and exotic places but that isn't always possible. I think many times the word "adventure" is synonymous with far away travel, but maybe you don't have a ton of money to travel to far away places or maybe (like me) your health doesn't allow you to travel as much as you would like or there are other reasons that you just can't do that as much as you would like. 

Maybe you can't leave your job to travel. 

Maybe you are caring for a loved one who is sick. 
Maybe you are a mama with young ones or older ones that need you right where you are. 
Maybe you are saving for a new car or home. 
Maybe there are unexpected bills you need to pay.

MAYBE... a global pandemic has affected our world. 

Maybe... maybe there are a 100 reasons you want to go on far off travel adventures but right now in this season you can't do that all of the time. That is okay friend. It really is. As I was sick and bedridden for several years I learned that adventure can happen right in front of you (even from a bedroom window). And it doesn't mean you have to miss out on adventure and lose your spirit of wanderlust. 

I hope that this post will inspire you to explore right where you are and see the beautiful adventure of the life you have. 

Here are 3 tips for exploring your own city during COVID regulations... 
1. Learn About the History of Your City
A couple of years ago my mom and I decided to venture to a new little town in Vermont. I was doing some research for an upcoming blog post on cute towns in Vermont and had wanted to include a town that I kept hearing about. We traveled a couple of hours and found the most adorable town, but we also received a huge lesson in history. As we drove into the town we saw lots of museums and historical markers telling and sharing that this town had played a huge part in the underground railroad, something I had never known. 

To be honest, I felt that I knew the history of upstate Vermont and New York and the surrounding area and the large part that it played in the French and Indian War, the American Revolution, George Washington's ties, and mainly the War of 1812. Learning about the impact that a town had on the Underground Railroad was an eye-opening experience as I realized that there was still so much to learn about this place that I lived. 

The really amazing thing about this experience was that because of treatment at the time I was to sick to get out of the car, but reading the historical markers, google, and then some additional research as we sat in the car looking at everything helped us learn about this city in so many ways. 

Maybe, like me, you think that you know the history of your city, but take the time to explore and research and learn on a different level - even without ever leaving your car. It will definitely provide you with adventures of wanting to explore new areas and things. 
2. Accomplish a Goal
What are some clubs or unique activities in your city that are specific to your area of the world? Many of these organizations are offering "virtual" opportunities to do things. One of the things that many people try to accomplish in my area of the world is becoming apart of the "ADK46ers" club. To obtain this goal you commit to climbing all of the 46 mountain peaks that comprise the Adirondack Mountains. A couple of dear friends accomplished this goal several years ago and it was so exciting! There is also a "winterADK46ers" club and lots of variations. 

If you know me than you know that I have always loved hiking and as I have healed I have loved being out in nature again more and more. A couple of years ago I drove over to Lake Placid one Saturday and took a 46ers class to learn all about the hiking and mountains that are part of the 46er club. It was so great to connect with others who are passionate about similar things, spend the day learning, and then start to get outside to hike in this area. People drive for hours from New York City to come up to this area and many of the mountains are in a 5-7 hour radius from me so I consider it "in my city" and it has been fun to get to start to explore this more.

Due to COVID it is not possible to maybe meet in person with others, but there are tons of virtual meet ups happening and ways to connect with others uniquely.

Over the last couple of years one of my goals was to start to accomplish the Adirondack Fifty Falls Challenge. It has been so fun and you can read more about the ones that I have seen HERE. It has also been COVID regulation friendly!

I am confident that your city or town has lots of similar things for all different interest. There are many cities that have wine tasting clubs, bookstore clubs, etc. Think about what you love to do and set out to accomplish this goal in your city (or if you need to expand out like I did a bit do so!).
3. Overlook Your City
Isn't it funny that when we are traveling we often search for a place to see the city from a high vantage point but never do this in our own cities? Almost every city has a tall building and is open to visitors where you can see the city skyline. Take a road trip to do this. 

 Go for the hike to oversee the beauty. Take the time to plan to overlook your city and it will give you a new perspective of the place that you call "home".
What are tips you have for exploring your own city during this COVID season? I have said this before, but never feel that exploring your own city is second to exploring other areas of the world! 

Remember sweet friends, your beautiful life is the adventure and no matter how near or far you can physically go, you can make life FULL of adventure and joy right where you are at! (Want to read more on my thoughts on being adventurers? Check out this post HERE!) 

Check out these posts for additional adventure and travel inspiration for exploring your own city:

10 Tips for Exploring Your City
10 Helpful Tips for Solo Female Travelers
5 Important Tips for Traveling with a Chronic Illness

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