3 caregiving tips for an aging parent

July 16, 2020

No one wants to think about their parents getting older, and not having the same abilities they once did. Unfortunately, it’s a fact of life for many people. The “baby boomer” generation is not only getting older, but they’re a huge portion of the population. By 2030, that entire generation will be over the age of 65

While it’s important for everyone to take care of themselves while aging, sometimes seniors need a bit more help. 

So, what can you do to make sure your parents (or other aging loved ones) get the best care possible and live life to the fullest during their golden years? 
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1. Know Just How Much Care is Needed
Different people need different levels of care as they age. A good rule of thumb is to sit down with your aging parent and discuss the daily, weekly, and monthly tasks they need help with. You should also discuss what they feel comfortable doing on their own, or what they would like someone else to do for them. 

For example, your parent might be comfortable cooking and cleaning for themselves at home, but they might need someone to run to the grocery store for them each week. 

By establishing this “plan” ahead of time, you’re less likely to become overwhelmed, and you can ensure your parent has everything they need to live comfortably. 

2. Share the Responsibilities
If you have siblings, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask to share some of the care giving responsibilities for your parent. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup. There is no reason to run down your emotional, physical, and mental well being as you try to do everything for your parent. This is especially true if you need further assistance processing a claim, such as seeing an attorney for nursing home abuse as you take them out and care for them. 

Even if you don’t have siblings, you can reach out to other family members or friends and ask about different ways they can help. Be specific when it comes to your needs. Giving people certain tasks can make things feel less overwhelming for them while it effectively removes things from your plate. 

3. Hire Home Health Services
Sometimes, the care your parent needs may go beyond the scope of what you can do or what you’re comfortable with. In these cases, home health services can be a huge help. They allow your parent to remain comfortable in their own home while getting the professional care they need. Typical home health services include things like: 

  • Physical therapy
  • Nursing care
  • Medication management

If you want to know more about home health care services, check out https://serenityhomehealth.com/services/

The bottom line? Aging in place is one of the best ways to ensure your loving parent is able to enjoy their senior years. While you certainly want to be able to provide the best care possible for them, that doesn’t mean you need to wear yourself thin. 

Keep these tips in mind if your parent has started to need more help, and don’t be afraid to ask for help of your own if things start to become too stressful or overwhelming. 

*contributed post*

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