This weekend Zoey and Preston received notification that they are at 100% of their fundraising goals to go to Germany as missionaries at Black Forest Academy! I literally cried when I heard the news. There is something so powerful and beautiful about being so specifically reminded at how God is at work. It came at the perfect time to (personally) to hear this story of God's faithfulness. Being a witness in the way God has worked out these details of the fundraising has been a beautiful blessing to my little heart. As Zoey has so constantly reminded me, "God is providing in ways that we can't even see."
I am so excited for the people of Kandern, Germany to get to live and do life with these two incredible human beings. Their love for God and others is a courageous inspiration, especially with all that is going on in our world.
If you didn't get to read my original post (click HERE) about how I know Zoey and Preston then you may not understand how grateful I am for these two people. I can personally attest to the beauty and love that they will be bringing to the BFA community and Kandern, as a whole.
I have tears writing this... I met both Zoey and Preston when I taught them in Georgia. Throughout the last decade Zoey has quietly and behind-the-scenes been a faithful prayer warrior, friend, and confident as I have walked through being seriously ill. There have been more times that I have wept on the phone with her in this journey more than laughter. There has been more times of expressing sadness, grief, and tears then there has been in the "good things". She has faithfully been encouraging and never once made me feel anything but my brokenness was welcome in her life.
When my precious daddy went home to be with Jesus in May... it has been Zoey who has faithfully continued to reach out and loved and prayed for me at all hours of the night - especially on difficult and fearful days. She has lovingly reminded me of the truth that I am not alone... and been Jesus' love in human form through prayers, through encouragement, and through constant caring. Preston and Zoey have been faithfully and beautifully lifting us up in prayer in the most difficult and trying seasons of life... and yet no one would even know this because of the way that they draw no attention to themselves. They are not out on social media sharing about this... it is just love and caring from their hearts.
I have full confidence that these two and can't even imagine how they will change the course of children's lives, staff members, and the people of Kandern in the coming two years. Thank you so much for partnering with them, for your love and support each year of the different campaigns and fundraising we do here at Caravan Sonnet, and for investing in the lives of people you will never even meet here on earth.
Even though Zoey and Preston are at 100% fundraising for their goal to go to BFA, anyone who has been involved in missions understands that there are still hundreds of expenses that are not part of the fundraising goals. These include travel expenses, food during travel (and before and after), obtaining certain visas/licenses/passport items, storage space, doctors visits and appropriate shots, etc, etc, etc. The list goes on and on. Each of these things add up so I am leaving the Go Fund Me Page Up for another month.
NO donation amount is to small (seriously y'all- EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR is a help!) and it is tax deductible! Please consider donating right now to help us meet our original goal of raising $4000 (click HERE!)
PS- PLEASE share this with everyone you know so that we can spread the word!
THANK YOU AGAIN for helping Zoey and Preston get to 100% of their goal!!
We are SO excited and praising God for this miracle! Please continue to pray for them as they prepare to leave and that every penny will be provided in the coming days and weeks.
We are SO excited and praising God for this miracle! Please continue to pray for them as they prepare to leave and that every penny will be provided in the coming days and weeks.
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