Introduction To Pressure Sores Treatment

January 17, 2020

If left unattended for too long, the resulting complications of pressure sores can be life-threatening. But how are pressure sores formed? They occur when there is constant and prolonged pressure on areas of the skin such as the feet, back or buttocks, and there is a restriction of blood flow to the underlying tissues as a result. People most at risk include individuals with restricted mobility and those confined to wheelchairs or bed. Pressure sores can be very difficult to treat and can cause severe pain and distress or worse. The right wound care is essential. 

The Four Stages Of Pressure Sores Requiring Wound Care
There are four distinct stages of the development of pressure sores and their treatment can be sought during any of them, though it is recommended to seek medical aid as early as possible after symptoms have appeared. At Stage One, the sore may be somewhat painful but it is not yet an open wound, as the skin has not completely deteriorated or torn. There will be a reddening of the skin and if you pinch the sore it will not blanch (that is, change color to white) as skin normally does when you grip it. Stage 1 pressure sore treatment is advisable as any pain will only get worse in the resultant stages. 

By Stage Two, there will be breaks in the skin which is where ulcers can form. CellerateRX® Surgical is often used here. The skin becomes very tender and painful. The pressure sore will expand deeper into the skin and could cause some skin cells to die. The next stage is when the sore or ulcer burrows further down into the tissue below skin-level. If you can see what looks like a small crater in the affected area, you will need pressure ulcer stage 3 treatment as soon as possible. By Stage Four, wound care is more complex but still achievable. This is the stage where extensive damage is being dealt to the muscle and bone underneath the skin and there is a genuine risk of bone disease like osteomyelitis, or bloodstream infections like sepsis. The potential dangers are high with pressure sores so be aware of hazardous factors. 

Prevention Can Reduce The Need For Treatment
There are a variety of factors that can cause pressure ulcers; and being aware of them could provide you a massive advantage in preventing the need for complex pressure sores treatment. As stated before, pressure ulcers arise from consistent pressure applied to an area of the body and the principle cause of this is a lack of mobility. If you have problems with mobility and spend large periods of time seated or lying down, then you are at greater risk of needing pressure ulcer treatment. If you struggle with mobility, try changing your position, in bed or in a seat, at least once an hour to prevent a steady build-up of pressure or irritation. If you are able, walk on the spot at least once an hour too so that there will be a steady circulation of blood in your muscles. 

A poor diet can also be a big contributory factor to pressure sores and ulcers. A well balanced diet is a good way of combatting circulatory problems, so eat fruit and vegetables, starches and protein in a proportionate way and be sure to drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. Also be sure to seek pressure ulcers treatment for any current sores you might have, as any open wounds can lead to the threat of new pressure sores developing.

*contributed post*

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