How Can You Be Prepared For Bad Weather in Terms of Your Health?

November 19, 2019

There’s something magical about the change of season, from the leaves dropping from the trees to icicles on windowsills and the countdown to Christmas. However, when it comes to the colder months of the year, there are some practical considerations to bear in mind when it comes to your health and happiness. Here’s what you need to know. 

Regularly wash your hands
The colder months always see an increase in illnesses, one of the main reasons for this is that people spend more time indoors and in confined areas. This allows germs and bugs to easily pass between people. There’s no way to completely avoid sick people, but you can massively reduce your chances of getting ill by regularly washing your hands. Since certain illnesses can live on door handles, shopping cart handles, banisters, keyboards and other surfaces you don’t even need to be around a coughing or sneezing individual to pick them up. A bottle of hand sanitiser in your bag is useful for when you can’t get to a sink. 

Be prepared for stints of bad weather
Snow, ice and storms might mean it’s not easy to get out of the house for days at a time over the winter. So try and be prepared- you don’t have to stock up as if the apocalypse is on the way but having the basics can be really helpful. Enough cleaning products and toiletries, some basic food staples and enough medication are all ideas. Consider things like your hearing aid batteries and other medical aides and things you rely on- make sure you’re stocked up in case you can’t get out for a few days. 

Continue your healthy lifestyle
It’s easy to eat healthily over the warmer months, light and fresh meals are what we all prefer when the sun is out. Winter on the other hand can cause many of us to overeat. So be aware of this and continue making healthy choices. Exercise is another area that might start going downhill when the cold weather hits, if you mainly exercised outside then these will be no good when it’s strong force winds, rain and snow. Consider hitting the gym or working out from home. Try a new exercise class, use it as an opportunity to switch things up!

Consider your mental health
When the weather is awful outside, you might feel like you're confined to the house- but no need to become a hermit Think of fun, indoor activities you can do. Things like museums and galleries, shopping days with your friends, lunch at a cafe or a dinner out at a restaurant are all ideas If you do notice your mental health taking a turn for the worst, be sure to speak to your doctor and get the help you need. 

*contributed post*

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