5 Bucket List Activities You Should Try Every time You Travel

April 17, 2018

Traveling the world will allow you to experience new cultures, sights, smells, and sounds. However, when you’re not visiting historic landmarks or tasting a country’s native cuisines, you’ll want to have a little fun with your travel friends and improve your health. So, if you have a little downtime between exploring, here are five bucket list activities to try every time you travel.
Try a Water sport
Are you traveling to a sunny destination? You need to master at least one water sport. It’s easy to fall into bad habits when traveling, as you might eat the wrong foods, drink the wrong drinks, and experience limited exercise. Water sports such as surfing, deep-sea diving, or kayaking can ultimately provide some much-needed physical activity. It will also allow you to have a little fun alone or with your friends, and you could also develop a new passion and skill. You’ll never know unless you try. 
Visit an Escape Room
Strengthen the bond you have with your travel buddies by stepping into an Escape Room Charlotte. You’ll have sixty minutes of sheer fun as you all race against the clock to figure out how to break free from the themed room, which will have a fun story line for you to follow. It’s a great way to escape the sun and have a little fun indoors with your friends. 
Find a Hiking Trail
Let’s face it; traveling is expensive. If you want to stop spending money but are looking for fun ways to fill your time, you should start hiking. There are many fantastic hiking trails across the world to add to your bucket list, and they are often the best way to breathe in the beauty of your destination. You’ll fall in love with a city or town once you reach the top of the mountain and experience unencumbered views of your chosen destination. What’s more, walking through the woodland can improve your cardiovascular health and can increase your stamina and strength. Not to mention it can help you burn a considerable number of calories and can reduce anxiety and stress, so it will allow you to embrace the travel experience.
Go on a Walking Tour
Bus tours can be expensive, especially when traveling the world, as all those tickets can eat away at your budget. Free walking tours will, however, allow you to learn more about a city on foot, as a helpful tour guide can direct you from one attraction to another whilst offering a ton of information. So, it is one activity you should certainly add to your list.
Take a Day Trip to Another City
If you only have one destination in your itinerary, why not make it your mission to take a day trip to a nearby town or city. Most of the world’s popular destinations are flanked by hidden gems or popular tourist cities, so do your homework to find the best places to visit in the vicinity.

This may be a sponsored post but all of the thoughts I agree with and match the tone of my blog . 

1 comment

  1. Aww thank you! They are from a wide variety of my travel adventures and are some of my favorites! Thanks so much for your sweet comment!

    Blessings, Rebecca :)
