Listening to Elizabeth's journal entry in the first episode of season 3, I was immediately struck by the wisdom that she is sharing here. Life... in all of its beauty and loveliness is also so peculiar. There are incredible twists and turns... triumphs and failures and in that messy life it does lead us on the most unexpected journey and if we let it... it has the power to change the way that we view each day.
These past few months I have been thinking more and more about this concept of life being peculiar. Often times I think we want things to be neat and planned out, but life is often not like that. It has twists and turns that sometimes take us by surprise and make us catch our breath. There are unexpected detours that take place. There are moments of great triumph only to be followed with moments of deep personal failure that we struggle with. And yet... in these moments we come across the power and beauty of the unexpected in our lives.
Like so many of you that I have heard from, this past year was a year of change in several friendships, including the loss of one friendship. The loss of a friendship is painful and heartbreaking. On the flip side I have gotten to know a new and dear person in my life this past year that has been such an incredible blessing and beautiful gift. The friendship was unexpected and yet in this unexpected I have learned so much. One friendship doesn't replace the other, but instead I have learned the blessing that comes with true forgiveness from one and the beautiful and messy blessing that comes with knowing people deeply from the other.
Isn't it amazing what we can learn about ourselves from another person? When we open our hearts we can learn so much about a myriad of different things. From the unexpected I have grown. I have been changed in deep and profound ways. In both of these situations I am tenderly reminded that there is a power and beauty that can only come from the unexpected that takes place in our lives.
Yesterday I tenderly saw this in new and profound ways. I needed to talk with a friend and decided to meet them after work. As I waited in the parking lot in my car it was pouring rain and it was dark as midnight. I shook my head and literally prayed that it wouldn't rain as hard because I thought it would be better to have it not raining for this conversation.
Imagine my amazement as not only did the rain lessen but the sun started peaking its head through the dark and rainy clouds. Within a few moments the rain had not only lessened but I was surrounded by the most beautiful fall rainbows (I shared one of the pictures of the moment with my Instagram community HERE.)
It was stunning.
It was beautiful.
It was completely breathtaking.
It was unexpected.
And most of all it was a gentle reminder of the power and beauty that is found in this unexpected journey of life.
I had simply prayed for a lessening of rain. Not the removal and not the end of it- just the lessening of it. And in the unexpected arrived something I never would have witnessed otherwise.
The twists and turns of life... the triumphs and failures can be refining teaching windows into our hearts if we let them. It is in these beautiful unexpected moments that can open up a world we would never have seen otherwise... the rainbows of life - literally.
Friends... today in the midst of the ordinary... in the midst of the mundane... and in the midst of the day by day remember that there is a beauty that is found in the unexpected. Just like the beautiful rainbow that I saw yesterday...there are beautiful miracles that come from the unexpected journey and this has the power to change how we view our entire lives.
These past few months I have been thinking more and more about this concept of life being peculiar. Often times I think we want things to be neat and planned out, but life is often not like that. It has twists and turns that sometimes take us by surprise and make us catch our breath. There are unexpected detours that take place. There are moments of great triumph only to be followed with moments of deep personal failure that we struggle with. And yet... in these moments we come across the power and beauty of the unexpected in our lives.
Like so many of you that I have heard from, this past year was a year of change in several friendships, including the loss of one friendship. The loss of a friendship is painful and heartbreaking. On the flip side I have gotten to know a new and dear person in my life this past year that has been such an incredible blessing and beautiful gift. The friendship was unexpected and yet in this unexpected I have learned so much. One friendship doesn't replace the other, but instead I have learned the blessing that comes with true forgiveness from one and the beautiful and messy blessing that comes with knowing people deeply from the other.
Isn't it amazing what we can learn about ourselves from another person? When we open our hearts we can learn so much about a myriad of different things. From the unexpected I have grown. I have been changed in deep and profound ways. In both of these situations I am tenderly reminded that there is a power and beauty that can only come from the unexpected that takes place in our lives.
Yesterday I tenderly saw this in new and profound ways. I needed to talk with a friend and decided to meet them after work. As I waited in the parking lot in my car it was pouring rain and it was dark as midnight. I shook my head and literally prayed that it wouldn't rain as hard because I thought it would be better to have it not raining for this conversation.
Imagine my amazement as not only did the rain lessen but the sun started peaking its head through the dark and rainy clouds. Within a few moments the rain had not only lessened but I was surrounded by the most beautiful fall rainbows (I shared one of the pictures of the moment with my Instagram community HERE.)
It was stunning.
It was beautiful.
It was completely breathtaking.
It was unexpected.
And most of all it was a gentle reminder of the power and beauty that is found in this unexpected journey of life.
I had simply prayed for a lessening of rain. Not the removal and not the end of it- just the lessening of it. And in the unexpected arrived something I never would have witnessed otherwise.
The twists and turns of life... the triumphs and failures can be refining teaching windows into our hearts if we let them. It is in these beautiful unexpected moments that can open up a world we would never have seen otherwise... the rainbows of life - literally.
Friends... today in the midst of the ordinary... in the midst of the mundane... and in the midst of the day by day remember that there is a beauty that is found in the unexpected. Just like the beautiful rainbow that I saw yesterday...there are beautiful miracles that come from the unexpected journey and this has the power to change how we view our entire lives.
"From His abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another."
-John 1:16-

-John 1:16-

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*Please note that the quotes used in these weekly devotionals are the sole intellectual property of Hallmark Channel, WCTH, & Crown Media, LLC. These on-line posts are in no way supported, endorsed or affiliated with WCTH, Hallmark Channel, or Crown Media. They are simply encouragement inspired by Janette Oke and this precious show.*
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