*sponsored post*
When I first started writing about travel here on the blog I mostly spoke about road trips that I had taken or was going to take, tips for long car trips and road trips, and about different aspects of road trips that are important to keep in mind. I still love road trips. Honestly, those of you that know me well know that. I love having the time to talk, to connect on a deeper level, and to laugh and see a new part of the world with those you love.
With my recent road trip through New England, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia I have been thinking more and more about how important it is to choose your vehicle wisely when you decide to take a road trip. So today I wanted to share with y'all three of the top things to consider when you are choosing a vehicle for a road trip...
1. Gas Mileage
One of the first things to consider when choosing the right road tripping vehicle is the gas mileage that you are going to get on your trip. It is important to consider the amount of miles that you are traveling and also calculate what types of roads you will encounter along the way.
2. Car Durability
If you are like me then sometimes you love to take time to venture off the beaten path on your road trips. Due to this it is important to consider the durability of the car. If you want to explore and blaze a new trail (or a less explored one *smiles*) then you will want to consider a car that can tolerate rough roads, mud, fields, and other elements (including the opportunity to drive on the ocean floor like I did a couple of weeks ago!).
3. Safety
Safety of the car is the most important thing to consider as you consider gas mileage and also the durability of the car. I saw this today and it stopped me up short:
It may sound like such a simple thing but so many people drive without their seat belts on and this number above of the death toll is truly tragic. And, for those that have kiddos this is such an important thing to remember. Not sure about how to properly use the car seat? You can read all about car seat checks -HERE.
What about you? What is most important for you when choosing the right road tripping vehicle?
Several months ago I shared that for a while I had a dream of sharing some Monday inspiration and encouragement on the blog. Life is hard and I know full well that in the difficult times it can be hard to find inspiration, so several months ago I shared my first post (which you can find HERE) and have loved sharing periodically on Mondays ( you can find all of the Monday inspiration posts HERE) different things that I have found to be really inspiring and encouraging from all different genres and hope that it will encourage and inspire you for your week!
It is hard to believe that it has been a couple of weeks since my last Monday Inspiration and Encouragement post. If you follow along here on the blog then you know that life has been busy completing different writing projects from an amazing work/writing trip through the North Eastern US, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia. I have shared about the US portion of our trip and New Brunswick and today my first post about Prince Edward Island went live. It still seems surreal that that beautiful trip took place. It was just lovely. Today I am excited to share just a few things that have encouraged and inspired me the last couple of weeks and I hope that they inspire you and make you smile!
{first} I thought I was familiar with every single Elisabeth Elliot quote that existed but I had never heard this one before this last week. It has really struck me in deep and profound ways and as I shared with my Instagram community has been something I have been thinking over a lot. I hope it inspires you this morning as it has me.
{second} I shared with my Instagram community that yesterday I had the amazing opportunity to connect with other Lyme patients through a restorative yoga class that was being held at a yoga studio. The leader provided a time for each person to share a bit, to connect, and then we spent about an hour doing restorative yoga. A year ago there was no way that I would have been healthy enough to do this, but yesterday was such a gift and I have been so grateful for the opportunity.
If you are a Lymie or a person who struggles with chronic illness or pain and are wishing that you could do yoga but feel that you physically can't I definitely recommend restorative yoga with a kind and compassionate teacher. Many of the moves can be very adaptable and it was truly not only relaxing but very energizing. I looked on Amazon and there are a couple of different options for DVD's and Books HERE and HERE.
{three} So I definitely mentioned this last time but it is worth noting again. I was in need of amazing music for all of the driving I was going to be doing for the trip at the beginning of the month. I received a ton of amazing suggestions from J, which to almost all of them I fell in love with, but one that was absolutely perfect for when I wanted music without lyrics was the introduction to rodrigo y gabriela. Have y'all heard of them? They are a Mexican classical guitar duo and are amazing. You can listen to one of their videos HERE and find their tour schedule HERE. They are actually coming to the Vermont area this weekend and I so wish that I had someone to go with to see them!!
{four} So people's creativity continues to inspire me and truly just make me shake my head at the amazingness (is this a word?!?) of people. I re-opened the shop a couple of weeks ago (after my annual 10 day fall break) and the range of custom order requests that I have received has just really inspired me. From different color combinations to different requests it has been so much fun to create these orders. I am reminded that we can find beauty in so many different places if we look for it.
I hope that you are inspired and encouraged by these four things on this Monday! What about you? What is inspiring you recently?
ASOS Oversized Square Scarf (Out of Stock, Similar HERE!)
Army Green Jacket (Out of Stock, Expensive Version HERE, Less Expensive HERE, Less than $100- HERE)
Army Green Jacket (Out of Stock, Expensive Version HERE, Less Expensive HERE, Less than $100- HERE)
A couple of weekends ago I had the most delightful opportunity to spend a day with Annaliese from Southern Belle in Training. (If you don't read of her blog - head on over and start reading it today- you can find it HERE!) It is always so fun to meet up with other bloggers and it was honestly one of the most lovely days. After church we ate lunch and then drove down to the Vermont Country Store for the afternoon. Annaliese is delightful. She was so much fun to hang out with and I can't wait to meet up with her again soon and share more about our adventure to the Vermont Country Store next week! Today I was excited to share with y'all this early fall outfit that I have practically lived in while the weather has been warmer. I love the black and white with the green jacket!
Do y'all have any fun plans for this weekend? I am so excited for this weekend- I am meeting up with one of the dearest people in my life!! SO fun!! Happy Friday friends! I hope you have a wonderful day and don't forget to check out Annaliese's blog HERE!
All of the pictures for this post were taken by Annaliese- thank you so much friend for snapping such wonderful memories of our day!
Do y'all have any fun plans for this weekend? I am so excited for this weekend- I am meeting up with one of the dearest people in my life!! SO fun!! Happy Friday friends! I hope you have a wonderful day and don't forget to check out Annaliese's blog HERE!
All of the pictures for this post were taken by Annaliese- thank you so much friend for snapping such wonderful memories of our day!
If you read my October 25th post from last year or the year before or you know me well you know that October 25th is a very special day to me. It holds incredible meaning and significance as 12 years ago I had a life-changing surgery that changed the course of my life and this was the day that the Lord healed me after doctors told me that there was "nothing" that they could do. (You can read more of my story with my battle with Endometriosis HERE!)
I shared three years ago the different ways I have celebrated this anniversary over the years. While some of these days and moments have been photographed over the years, many of them have not. The precious memories that my mind remembers today are of sacred moments of telling my story to my students over the years as I testified about the Lord's mighty healing power, the laughter between family and friends, the precious phone calls and texts from friends who prayed for the miracle to happen and never stopped believing, my sister calling to celebrate with me, long walks thanking the Lord on year two, and the quiet celebration in my heart every time I see the calendar approaching this special day when doctors said there was "no hope" and yet the Lord spoke differently.
As I think about year twelve today I have been met with a mixture of emotions. Extreme gratitude and thankfulness and tears at the Lord's mighty healing power and a humble gratitude that even though over the years I have wondered why the Lord hasn't chosen to heal me the same way in this health situation (a question that I think so many people have asked behind the scenes (and some of the brave have cried with me))... I am now seeing healing slowly and surely take place in new ways.
I recently received another email from the same reader that I shared about three years ago. This reader wanted to know if my response to their question from three years ago would be any different as I am turning another year on the calendar date. (You can read the original question and response HERE and my thoughts from two years ago HERE.)
As I told this reader, it's really not. I don't know why healing hasn't come in such a "mighty and easy way" this time and why it is a long and slow healing process. I really don't. What I do know though is that I have a choice every single day on whether or not to trust the Lord and walk in this trust over my feelings or spend precious energy questioning things. I choose to trust. I choose to trust the difficult and unknown path before me is the path that the Lord has me on. Where I might think I am better used or life would be better is not where the Lord has me. I humbly trust that "and if not He is still good" to all of my questions, all of my deepest hearts longing... and that is enough for today. Circumstances, if we let them can be refining windows into our hearts shining a light on what we believe. The "and if not" parts of life...even if I am never healed, never see my dreams come true, or if the secret longings that are deep inside of me never happen ...it is okay. It doesn't change who God is or His goodness.
I promise, readers that despite any circumstances God's goodness is NOT changed. I can attest in new ways and in more marvelous ways then I could years ago. And as I celebrate this 12th anniversary I am brought to my knees by God's goodness. His faithfulness astounds me and His mercies meet each new day.
Surrendering to God's goodness comes the opportunity to fall more in love with Jesus and who He is and what the Bible states and promises. NOT what I want it to state or promise but what it actually states and promises. And this 12 year anniversary is incredibly significant to me - especially as this Lyme journey continues on.
Did you know that the number 12 in the Bible holds special significance? There are 187 references to the number 12 in the Bible. In the old testament we see that there were 12 sons of Jacob and those 12 sons formed the 12 tribes of Israel. In the New Testament we see that Jesus was 12 years old when he was questioned at the temple and that He had 12 disciples. There is a clear significance to this special number in scripture.
*smiles* Okay, so you might be asking what does this have to do with me celebrating my 12 year anniversary and why are they significant to me?
First, scripture is completely true - every single word holds unique and special importance. Thinking through the specific ways that the number 12 is used in both the Old and New Testament reminds me that this is a unique and special anniversary to be celebrating.
Second, our all powerful God shows His complete power by offering eternal life through Jesus and His death on the cross. In this act of unmeasurable love we not only are given the opportunity to accept Jesus as our Lord and be saved but on the cross Jesus conquered EVERYTHING. Including illness. EVERYTHING was conquered on the cross.
Third, Jesus speaks to us through scripture and knowing this I have a choice to make... every single day... I can choose to act in faith and trust the Lord completely or I can respond to my circumstances sinfully and grow bitter and angry at the ways of the Lord.
There is absolutely no question in my mind of my choice.
Even on the days that I feel discouraged I choose to run to my precious Heavenly Father and lay everything at His feet. The reality is that this anniversary shouts to me in the dark and reminds me of God's ultimate power and who He is. And friends, as I spend more time with the Lord and continue to run to Him with all of my questions, fears, disappointments, hurts, and every other emotion He lovingly speaks to my hurting heart. And I am reminded on this 11th anniversary of His incredible grace, His good gifts, His undeserving ways, and the gift of love that He gives.
And the best gift of all? Is the gift that the this 12th anniversary serves as a beautiful reminder that the Lord offers not only beauty, but incredible hope. Hope of a future that the Lord has in store... Hope of beautiful healing here on earth or in Heaven... Hope of living joyfully despite difficult circumstances... Hope of a loving God who loves us abundantly... and Hope of celebrating another 12 year healing in the future...
healing from Lyme Disease and all of its complications.
Listening to Elizabeth's journal entry in the first episode of season 3, I was immediately struck by the wisdom that she is sharing here. Life... in all of its beauty and loveliness is also so peculiar. There are incredible twists and turns... triumphs and failures and in that messy life it does lead us on the most unexpected journey and if we let it... it has the power to change the way that we view each day.
These past few months I have been thinking more and more about this concept of life being peculiar. Often times I think we want things to be neat and planned out, but life is often not like that. It has twists and turns that sometimes take us by surprise and make us catch our breath. There are unexpected detours that take place. There are moments of great triumph only to be followed with moments of deep personal failure that we struggle with. And yet... in these moments we come across the power and beauty of the unexpected in our lives.
Like so many of you that I have heard from, this past year was a year of change in several friendships, including the loss of one friendship. The loss of a friendship is painful and heartbreaking. On the flip side I have gotten to know a new and dear person in my life this past year that has been such an incredible blessing and beautiful gift. The friendship was unexpected and yet in this unexpected I have learned so much. One friendship doesn't replace the other, but instead I have learned the blessing that comes with true forgiveness from one and the beautiful and messy blessing that comes with knowing people deeply from the other.
Isn't it amazing what we can learn about ourselves from another person? When we open our hearts we can learn so much about a myriad of different things. From the unexpected I have grown. I have been changed in deep and profound ways. In both of these situations I am tenderly reminded that there is a power and beauty that can only come from the unexpected that takes place in our lives.
Yesterday I tenderly saw this in new and profound ways. I needed to talk with a friend and decided to meet them after work. As I waited in the parking lot in my car it was pouring rain and it was dark as midnight. I shook my head and literally prayed that it wouldn't rain as hard because I thought it would be better to have it not raining for this conversation.
Imagine my amazement as not only did the rain lessen but the sun started peaking its head through the dark and rainy clouds. Within a few moments the rain had not only lessened but I was surrounded by the most beautiful fall rainbows (I shared one of the pictures of the moment with my Instagram community HERE.)
It was stunning.
It was beautiful.
It was completely breathtaking.
It was unexpected.
And most of all it was a gentle reminder of the power and beauty that is found in this unexpected journey of life.
I had simply prayed for a lessening of rain. Not the removal and not the end of it- just the lessening of it. And in the unexpected arrived something I never would have witnessed otherwise.
The twists and turns of life... the triumphs and failures can be refining teaching windows into our hearts if we let them. It is in these beautiful unexpected moments that can open up a world we would never have seen otherwise... the rainbows of life - literally.
Friends... today in the midst of the ordinary... in the midst of the mundane... and in the midst of the day by day remember that there is a beauty that is found in the unexpected. Just like the beautiful rainbow that I saw yesterday...there are beautiful miracles that come from the unexpected journey and this has the power to change how we view our entire lives.
These past few months I have been thinking more and more about this concept of life being peculiar. Often times I think we want things to be neat and planned out, but life is often not like that. It has twists and turns that sometimes take us by surprise and make us catch our breath. There are unexpected detours that take place. There are moments of great triumph only to be followed with moments of deep personal failure that we struggle with. And yet... in these moments we come across the power and beauty of the unexpected in our lives.
Like so many of you that I have heard from, this past year was a year of change in several friendships, including the loss of one friendship. The loss of a friendship is painful and heartbreaking. On the flip side I have gotten to know a new and dear person in my life this past year that has been such an incredible blessing and beautiful gift. The friendship was unexpected and yet in this unexpected I have learned so much. One friendship doesn't replace the other, but instead I have learned the blessing that comes with true forgiveness from one and the beautiful and messy blessing that comes with knowing people deeply from the other.
Isn't it amazing what we can learn about ourselves from another person? When we open our hearts we can learn so much about a myriad of different things. From the unexpected I have grown. I have been changed in deep and profound ways. In both of these situations I am tenderly reminded that there is a power and beauty that can only come from the unexpected that takes place in our lives.
Yesterday I tenderly saw this in new and profound ways. I needed to talk with a friend and decided to meet them after work. As I waited in the parking lot in my car it was pouring rain and it was dark as midnight. I shook my head and literally prayed that it wouldn't rain as hard because I thought it would be better to have it not raining for this conversation.
Imagine my amazement as not only did the rain lessen but the sun started peaking its head through the dark and rainy clouds. Within a few moments the rain had not only lessened but I was surrounded by the most beautiful fall rainbows (I shared one of the pictures of the moment with my Instagram community HERE.)
It was stunning.
It was beautiful.
It was completely breathtaking.
It was unexpected.
And most of all it was a gentle reminder of the power and beauty that is found in this unexpected journey of life.
I had simply prayed for a lessening of rain. Not the removal and not the end of it- just the lessening of it. And in the unexpected arrived something I never would have witnessed otherwise.
The twists and turns of life... the triumphs and failures can be refining teaching windows into our hearts if we let them. It is in these beautiful unexpected moments that can open up a world we would never have seen otherwise... the rainbows of life - literally.
Friends... today in the midst of the ordinary... in the midst of the mundane... and in the midst of the day by day remember that there is a beauty that is found in the unexpected. Just like the beautiful rainbow that I saw yesterday...there are beautiful miracles that come from the unexpected journey and this has the power to change how we view our entire lives.
"From His abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another."
-John 1:16-

-John 1:16-

Looking for past From Hope Valley Devotionals? You can click HERE to find a complete listing of all of the devotionals!
I receive several emails a week asking where you can watch older episodes of "When Calls the Heart". If you have a Netflix account you can find seasons 1-3 there or you can purchase them on Amazon. You can purchase and watch all of the seasons and episodes by clicking on the links below:
*Please note that the quotes used in these weekly devotionals are the sole intellectual property of Hallmark Channel, WCTH, & Crown Media, LLC. These on-line posts are in no way supported, endorsed or affiliated with WCTH, Hallmark Channel, or Crown Media. They are simply encouragement inspired by Janette Oke and this precious show.*
Happy Wednesday friends! I am excited to link up with Mel, Shaeffer, and Shay for the "What's Up Wednesday" Link up! I have so enjoyed reading these ladies posts and am excited to join in! It has been so fun to connect with so many other ladies who are doing this each month over last year and I am looking forward to connecting more in 2017. Here are all of the "What's up Wednesday" posts from 2017:
And here are all of my "What's up Wednesday" posts from 2016:
If you would like to join in and have a blog, just answer the questions above!
Spinach. And more Spinach.
I have been eating several cups of this a day recently and am so grateful each and every day. Facebook recently reminded me (through the memories that it shares) how far I have come in healing... I wrote the following three years ago this week:
"Dandelion greens have become a part of my diet § remind me that the Lord is healing one day at a time. Two years ago on this day I had a GI specialist tell me there was nothing more he could do § that I should prepare for IV nutrients. Last year on this day a different GI specialist told me I would never get healthy or be able to eat raw food again § that I should "accept my lot". Both years I stared out at the dandelions I could see from my bedroom window § continued to pray for healing. And today....well today my Lyme doctor told me that although this is a LONG journey toward healing we are moving forward § her words reminded me that healing takes place one day at a time in the small § big steps. So tonight as I eat my SECOND helping of raw greens I am incredibly grateful for how far the Lord has brought me and for dandelions. *smiles*"
As I work on a health update... I weep at the goodness of the Lord in this new season... there is still healing to be done, but oh my how far the Lord has brought me. *tears* (You can read more of my story and the health updates under the Notes from the Porch section which can be found HERE.)
What I'm Reminiscing About...
All things related to my recent trip through Maine, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia. It was simply a wonderful and amazing trip.
If you are interested in reading more you can read all of the posts from the trip (so far!) by clicking on the links below:
A Drive through Beautiful Maine and a Lesson to Never Stop Exploring
Kingsbrae Garden in St. Andrews By the Sea, Canada
A Drive Across the Ocean Floor to Ministers Island in St. Andrews By the Sea, Canada
Kingsbrae Garden in St. Andrews By the Sea, Canada
A Drive Across the Ocean Floor to Ministers Island in St. Andrews By the Sea, Canada
What I'm Loving...
These beautiful warm fall days.
I have been working on editing tons of pictures from the trip and it has been such a blast to relive such precious memories...
What I'm Dreading...
Nothing really.
What I'm Working on...
The Shop re-opened a couple of weeks ago after being closed for the annual 10 day break and I have been busy working on orders and preparing to put holiday items into the shop! You can find the shop HERE!
Honestly... fall... life... the beautiful days in front of us... this new season is such an incredible blessing.
What I'm Watching/Reading...
I shared a couple of months ago that for a special upcoming project (that I can't wait to share more about in the future) that I have been reading a lot of books from World War II and about the holocaust and specifically the Lodz Ghetto. So much of it is so difficult and yet, I am passionate about keeping this area of history alive so that it never happens again. My recent read is a difficult book to read. The Chronicle of the Lodz Ghetto is literally a day-by-day chronicle of each and everything thing that happened in the Ghetto. Told by those imprisoned in the Lodz Ghetto it is hauntingly profound as it shares details that we would never know without it. It is edited by a survivor of the Lodz Ghetto and it is amazing for the research that I need.
I have also been reading a few other books at the same time...
While we were on the trip, I showed my friend Ali one of my favorite movies, The Color of Rain with the adorable Lacey Chabert from Mean Girls (you can find it on Amazon HERE). The Color of Rain (which is also a book- you can find on Amazon HERE) tells the story of Michael and Gina Spehn who both endured the terrible tragedy of loosing their first spouses. Here is a description of the book from the back:
"Matt Kell is a young husband and father in the late stages of terminal cancer. His former classmate Cathy Spehn has recently moved to his hometown with her husband and three children. Four weeks after Matt dies on Christmas Day, Cathy develops a bad headache. She dies seventeen days later of inoperable brain cancer. On her last day of life, she tells her husband, Michael: “Call Gina Kell.”
The Color of Rain illuminates the stepping-stones of healing that led to a new life for Michael, Gina, and their five children. This remarkable real-life Brady Bunch story explores the differences between despair and grief, denial and joy, bitterness and redemption."
The reason that this sweet movie and story has been one of my favorites is that I truly believe that it emulates the beauty of finding beauty after sorrow and finding hope when things look like when we feel we should despair. If you are needing a pick me up - take the time to watch the movie or read the book. You definitely will be encouraged.
Irene Hannon, an author that I enjoy, just came out with one of her most recent mystery books, Dangerous Illusions. I enjoyed it and if you are looking for a sweet and non-violent description mystery than you would enjoy it! You can find it on Amazon HERE.
What I'm Listening To...
Lots and lots of different music... hahaha a couple of weeks ago I was having a conversation about music and there were some bands that I wasn't familiar with so... yes, those are pretty much now on repeat. Hahaha. One of those bands, rodrigo y gabriela is a Mexican classical guitar duo and are amazing.You can listen to one of their videos HERE and find their tour schedule HERE.
What I'm Wearing...
I shared about this maroon striped dress and boots outfit last week on the blog (you can read about it HERE) but I love this versatile dress and these boots. I just purchased a black pair that are exactly similar because they are so comfortable!
The beautiful thanksgiving season, living each day, and welcoming a new season.
I would love to know your answers to these questions friends! Share your thoughts below in the comments!!
Happy Wednesday!
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