I can't believe it... TODAY I leave on a beautiful adventure and an amazing week with seeing dear friends and a once-in-a-lifetime road trip through New England into Prince Edward Island. I am so grateful for each of the companies that I will be working and collaborating with on this trip who have made this possible!!
Happy Wednesday friends! I am excited to link up with Mel, Shaeffer, and Shay for the "What's Up Wednesday" Link up! I have so enjoyed reading these ladies posts and am excited to join in! It has been so fun to connect with so many other ladies who are doing this each month over last year and I am looking forward to connecting more in 2017. Here are all of the "What's up Wednesday" posts from 2017:
And here are all of my "What's up Wednesday" posts from 2016:
If you would like to join in and have a blog, just answer the questions above!
Dandelions. And more Dandelions.
While I work hard to get lots of greens into me I have been striving to get more dandelions into me during this treatment round. Dandelions are an easy and effective way to gently detox (in addition to other health benefits which you can read about HERE) and are a great immune booster during treatment rounds. With the taste some people struggle to get dandelions into their system, but in this post HERE I share 9 quick and easy ways to get dandelions into your body.
I have also been adding a ton of Apple Cider Vinegar into my life and last week I shared 17 Quick and easy ways to incorporate it into your life which you can read HERE.
What I'm Reminiscing About...
This summer. This summer has been deeply life changing...I have learned so much about myself, other people, and the tender truth of trusting God for big things. The summer has had it's share of pain, tears, and health issues but it has also held tons of laughter, lots of joy, and a beautiful season of restoration. I will always cherish this beautiful summer... I want to hold onto it in so many ways... but I know that the Lord has beautiful gifts and grace awaiting us in this new season and yet I will cherish it forever.
What I'm Loving...
Dreaming about all things fall. A couple of weeks ago I shared about two of my favorite pieces to transition my closet from summer to fall clothing (you can read it HERE) and despite the warmer - okay hot- temperatures... I am still dreaming of cozy fall clothing. *smiles*
All things related to our trip to Prince Edward Island NEXT week! I am so excited and can not wait!! (If you want to read more about the trip you can do so HERE!) I will be updating social media, especially my Instagram feed so please follow along on this amazing trip! I am so excited!
What I'm Dreading...
Nothing really.
What I'm Working on...
Lots of marketing items, interviews, and things related to the release of the 2nd Edition of Praying through Lyme Disease which released June 1st!! I have been overwhelmed and so grateful for the continued support of this project. If you would like to help spread the word about this book I am definitely looking for help in a few areas which I shared about in a blog post HERE. Thank you!! Praying through Lyme Disease is available where books are sold and on Amazon.
I am also excited to share that Praying Through Lyme is currently being translated into Spanish, French and German translations. I can't wait to share with y'all more about the updates as they progress!
I am also working on another upcoming book project which has been stretching, invigorating, and exciting. I can't wait to share more in the upcoming weeks! (If you are interested in my books you can find all of them HERE.)
Same as I just shared above- My upcoming trip with Ali to Prince Edward Island that starts this weekend! We can't wait!!
What I'm Watching/Reading...
I shared a couple of months ago that for a special upcoming project (that I can't wait to share more about in the future) that I have been reading a lot of books from World War II and about the holocaust. So much of it is so difficult and yet, I am passionate about keeping this area of history alive so that it never happens again.
The book above, In My Hands, was one that I hadn't heard of before the other day. I had spent some time in Barnes and Nobles researching for the project and came across this book. It is the true story of a 17 year old girl who ends up helping and saving many Jews during the holocaust. It is hauntingly inspiring and one of my favorite quotes is on the back of the book... "One's first steps are always small: I had begun by hiding food under a fence." So inspiring that we can start in the smallest of ways to help change the world. You can find it on Amazon HERE.
What I'm Listening To...
Lots and lots of different music... hahaha a couple of weeks ago I was having a conversation about music and there were some bands that I wasn't familiar with so... yes, those are pretty much now on repeat. Hahaha.
What I'm Wearing...
Hahaha. I came across this older picture of me and this face is my face when I think of what I am wearing right now. It has been so hot that I have literally been unpacking all of the clothing that I had recently packed up from the summer and pulled some of it back out. So I am perplexed... it was 90 degrees today... and yet supposedly it will be cooler on our trip. So my clothing choices perplex me. *smiles*
The trip to Prince Edward Island, the beginnings of fall, welcoming a new season.
I would love to know your answers to these questions friends! Share your thoughts below in the comments!!
Happy Wednesday!
Today for my "Travel Tuesday" post I thought it would be fun to round up my top 10 most pinned travel posts on Pinterest from over the years. Sometimes in the day -to-day aspects of blogging I forget that it has been almost five years of writing here on the blog! I am so grateful to each of you who continue to read. You are so sweet! So here are the top 10 most popular pinned travel posts from Pinterest.
As I shared in my post about visiting Emigrant Gap the decision was made kind of on a whim and it was the best decision. The beauty and history before us left us completely speechless and I was overwhelmed by the courage of the early settlers navigating this area in their goal for westward expansion.
Pinterest Pin #9- 10 Things People Forget to Bring on Their First Cruise
When I went on my first cruise to the Bahamas in 2014 I was a complete newbie. I knew nothing about cruising and searched to find the best packing lists so that I wouldn't forget anything. Despite this though I still found that there were things that I left at home that I wish I had brought with me. This list- 10 Things People Forget to Bring on Their First Cruise is a helpful list of these items not to forget!
Pinterest Pin #8- 10 Helpful Tips for Traveling Alone (10 Helpful Tips for Solo Female Travelers)
Typically when you think of traveling you think of traveling the world with another person, and yet sometimes this doesn't happen or you want to set off an amazing adventure by yourself. As a single gal I have had lots of experiences of traveling alone. Sometimes it has been fun, other times awkward, sometimes full of joy, and other times there have been some tears. But above all else I definitely have learned a lot about myself and grown as a person as I discovered the world in new ways. This post explores 10 Helpful and Practical Safety Tips for Traveling Alone.
Pinterest Pin #7 - Why You Should Dream About Visiting Alaska
This post is pretty recent - it is from this past summer and yet I have not been surprised by all of the love it has gotten. I think 99% of people dream about visiting Alaska. This was such a challenging and fun piece to write and blog about and it is part of a series of posts that I hope to share more about in the future. In the meantime I think that you should join me in dreaming about visiting Alaska.
Pinterest Pin #6- 16 Unexpected Things to Bring On Every Cruise
This post was a fun post to write about and hopefully holds some practical tips on things to bring on every cruise that you go on.
Pinterest Pin #5- Everything You Need To Know About the Disney Dream Cruise Ship
I loved every single thing about our Disney Cruise that we took in 2016. It was absolutely magical in every single way. I can't recommend it enough and this post told all about the Disney Dream Cruise Ship. I hope that each of you gets to go on it at least once!
Pinterest Pin #4 - 10 Tips for Cruising With a Chronic Illness
Over the years I have shared so many different travel experiences here on the blog, including one of my favorite ways to travel- cruising. Traveling to me is such an amazing adventure that truly has helped keep me focused and excited through different treatment rounds and yet, t the same time though, I have traveled enough while I have been fighting for my health to know that you don't "leave" your sick body and automatically get a "new one". Because of this it is so important to understand and prepare ahead of time for any trip when you are chronically ill. This post examines and acknowledges the ways that someone with a chronic illness is truly stepping out for an adventure - even if you don't feel well and yet are looking for tips on how to cruise well with a chronic illness.
Pinterest Pin #3- My Best and Worst Travel Stories
This post was such a fun post to write and to look back on the good and the bad. It definitely brought a few laughs and also made me so incredibly grateful for all of the adventures that I have been privileged to have over the years.
Pinterest Pin #2- Top 10 Must Pack Items for a New England and Canadian Cruise
Cruises to New England and Canada are not like cruises to the Caribbean and this post explored the top 10 must pack items for this type of cruise.
Pinterest Pin #2 (tied)- 10 Tips for Enjoying Disney World with a Chronic Illness
I love Disney. If y'all have been around the blog for even a little bit then you know this. But I learned the hard way that I needed some tips for truly being able to enjoy Disney World with a Chronic Illness. This post has been so helpful to those in this position and I am so thankful it has been!
Pinterest Pin #1- Top 13 Must Pack Items for a Caribbean Cruise
This post, the Top 10 Must Pack Items for a Caribbean Cruise has remained my highest pin of all times. I am surprised and thankful that it has helped so many people who are going on Caribbean cruises!
So there are my top 10 pinned travel posts from Pinterest! It is so humbling and amazing to look back on so many wonderful adventures over the last years. Thank you so much friends for reading this blog and all of your support!
I shared a couple of months ago that for a while now I have had a dream of sharing some Monday inspiration and encouragement on the blog. Life is hard and I know full well that in the difficult times it can be hard to find inspiration, so a couple of months ago I shared my first post (which you can find HERE and all of the Monday inspiration posts HERE) and I plan to routinely share with y'all different things that I have found to be really inspiring and encouraging from all different genres and hope that it will encourage and inspire you for your week!
It is hard to believe that it has been a couple of months since my last Monday Inspiration and Encouragement post.. These weeks have been wonderful in some ways and then extremely difficult with treatment too. Here are just a few things that have encouraged and inspired me the last several weeks and I hope that they inspire you and make you smile!
{first} I shared this yesterday on instagram, but I have not wanted to say goodbye to this fall. It has been full of growth and learning and lots of joy and grace. As Kara Tippetts once said so eloquently, I have wanted to live in Summer Denial. But as much as I want to hold on to this summer in so many ways, I see it beautifully collapsing into fall. I know that the Lord has lovely gifts and grace awaiting us in this new season and so I can't wait to see what the fall will hold.
{second} Okay, I have shared this so many times, but it needed to be shared again because I am still loving the sound and music. If you haven't checked out Hope Social Club do so. Absolutely love the sound and music. If y'all haven't heard of them check them out HERE. Go listen and let me know what your favorite song is!
{third} I shared a couple of months ago that for a special upcoming project (that I can't wait to share more about in the future) that I have been reading a lot of books from World War II and about the holocaust. So much of it is so difficult and yet, I am passionate about keeping this area of history alive so that it never happens again.
The book above, In My Hands, was one that I hadn't heard of before the other day. I had spent some time in Barnes and Nobles researching for the project and came across this book. It is the true story of a 17 year old girl who ends up helping and saving many Jews during the holocaust. It is hauntingly inspiring and one of my favorite quotes is on the back of the book... "One's first steps are always small: I had begun by hiding food under a fence." So inspiring that we can start in the smallest of ways to help change the world. You can find it on Amazon HERE.
{fourth} I know, I know. I shared this last time but it is worth sharing again. *smiles* Did y'all see the trailer for season 2 for The Crown? UM. Yea. My little British loving heart is happy.
{fifth} I pinned this to one of my pinterest boards a couple of months ago and I love it. So many times it is easy to go on our feelings isn't it? I have been so challenged this summer to not be caught up in my feelings but to be reminded that God is at work- no matter what I am feeling.
{sixth}Since posting the above picture on Instagram several months ago (and the picture I posted yesterday) I have been receiving emails asking what journaling Bible that I use. I use the ESV Journaling Bible (The Interleaved Version). The cheapest that I have found it for was on Amazon which you can find HERE. If you are looking for the non-interleaved version that looks similar you can find it HERE.
I hope that you are inspired and encouraged by these six things on this Monday! What about you? What is inspiring you recently?
It is so hard to believe that in less than two weeks I am going to be leaving on a fun little adventure with my dear friend Ali. As I have mentioned before we are going to be meeting up in Boston and then will be taking a road trip up through New England to Prince Edward Island. Our seven day adventure is going to be filled with so many beautiful places to see, inspiration, all things Anne (*smiles*) and tons of laughter and fun. I can't wait to share with y'all on Instagram and on the blog all about our itinerary, our stops, and all of things we are going to see and do! This trip has been in the works for almost a year and so to see it quickly approaching is such an exciting time!
As I have been thinking more and more about the trip and starting to plan things I have been making a list of all of the clothes that I want to take on the trip. Just like planning for a cruise to the New England and Canada area, this trip will include a ton of different activities and events and so it has been fun to think through the different items to take! So here are 4 must pack clothes items that I am including on this Fall Road Trip to New England and Canada:
1. Layers- Essential Tanks
With weather that is unpredictable during this time of the year (some days can be in the low 30s to the high 80s!!) it is important to pack clothes that you can "layer". To start off layering I love using the Essential Tank from Loft. And y'all- the essential tanks are usually $14.50 but are currently on sale for $5! They come in a variety of different colors so you can stock up for different outfits. You can find them HERE. And for my soon to be mama friends you can find the Maternity Essential Tanks HERE.
2. Boots, Booties, Shoes, Sandals
I shared last week in my post, Two of My Favorite Things to Wear to Transition Your My Closet from Summer to Fall Clothing that one of my favorite things is to wear boots and booties in the fall so when road tripping throughout the New England and Fall areas, one of the first things that I am doing is taking both of these with me.
This adorableTory Burch Adeline Boot is available at Nordstrom and is currently on sale for 40% off. The boot also comes in black and you can find them both HERE.
Can I be honest for a moment? I wasn't sure at first that I liked the "bootie" triend. I know. I know. I have always loved boots so much that I wasn't sure if I totally embraced the "bootie" idea. When I would try some on I just felt like they didn't look right for me. In saying this I finally found a pair that I loved and now I really love the look. So if you are like me and just questioning if "booties" are for you, my encouragement is to keep looking for a pair that feels comfortable and cute on your feet and calves. Try different widths and styles to find the ones that work best for you!
One suggestion is these Block Heel Booties from Nordstrom are also really cute. They come in a ton of different colors and you can find them HERE. Also if you are looking for a cute peep-toe bootie, THIS ONE from TOMS is really cute and comes in a variety of different colors!
Just like with layering your clothes though you may want to throw in a pair of sandals. Sometimes the weather in the day time is so warm (like summer) and then gets cooler as the day goes on. If you are looking for some cute sandals that look like early fall I would definitely suggest looking at ASOS! They have really cute sandals that are perfect for the fall time.
3. Camel and Cognac Colors
I am not sure what it is about fall but I love the camel and cognac tones, don't y'all? Going on a trip throughout New England and Canada these tones are the perfect colors to build different outfits from interchanging key pieces like this beautiful Eartha Turtleneck Sweater from Joules. I ordered this back during the Labor Day sale that Joules was having and can't wait to wear it on our trip. It is perfect for layering or wearing over a pair of leggings with boots. I love it! It was over a hundred dollars, but now is on sale for less than $50 in the Joules sale and clearance section which you can find HERE.
Another easy way to add some of the camel/cognac tones into your road trip throughout New England and Canada is through your purse. This Tory Burch Mcgraw Leather Tote is simply gorgeous, but if you are like me you can't imagine any where close to $500 on a purse. Honestly, just even writing out the number $500 has me catch my breath! *smiles* Y'all know how much I love thrifting and that is where I find a majority of my purses, but if you are looking for a camel/cognac tone colored purse without spending so much money here are a couple of additional options...
This Marc B Quilted Tote Bag with Chain Detail is available from ASOS and is priced at $103. It has a quilited design with the gold chain detailing as you can see in the picture above. You can find it HERE.
Another option from Marc B is this Marc B Structured Tote Bag with Bamboo Handle. It also can be found on ASOS and retails for $103.00 also. You can find it HERE.
A cute bag from ASOS (and is now on sale for under $30!) is this adorable Suede Shopper Bag With Weave Corners. It has a cute tassel detail which is adorable and the size is a great size to carry with you for a fall road trip. You can find it HERE.
Finally, I really like this spin on the camel/cognac colored scheme with this cute Yoki Contrast Panel Tote Bag from ASOS. The blue tone at the bottom gives an intresting detail to the bag that makes it a bit unique which I really like. This Yoki Contrast Panel Tote Bag was originally $114 but now is on sale at ASOS for under $50. You can find it HERE.
4. Scarves
Lets be honest. If you have been around the blog then you know that I love scarves and where them in all different weather environments, and for a fall road trip throughout New England and Canada will include lots of scarves. *smiles* In addition to sharing about boots and booties in my post, Two of My Favorite Things to Wear to Transition Your My Closet from Summer to Fall Clothing, I also shared about some scarves that I am loving.
This ASOS Oversized Square Scarf In White Based Plaid (seen in the picture above) was something I was SO excited to find this year. I have been searching for a scarf like this for a couple of years and I love that it is the perfect blanket scarf for not only fall but will be great throughout the winter months also. Some of my favorite pins on Pinterest with this type of scarf are HERE, HERE, and HERE. This scarf from ASOS is less than $30 and can be found HERE.
Another new favorite scarf from ASOS was this ASOS Oversized Square Scarf In Brown Based Check With Yellow Highlight. I love the "moody and dark" fall colors and this color combination is the perfect fall combination. I love the twist on the scarf that it includes the yellow highlight - something that is a fun addition to the scarf! This scarf is also under $30 and can be found HERE.

Finally, this Oversized Square Tweed Scarf from ASOS is a cute favoroite that screams lovely to my little British loving heart. It was hard to find a tweed scarf look for the fall that I loved on Pinterest, but this one HERE is cute! I will be on the hunt for more outfit inspirations with this scarf! Like the two above, this scarf is also under $30 and can be found HERE.
Scarves are also a perfect accessory for a road trip as they are lightweight and don't take up a ton of room but can bring a pop of color to an outfit, change up an outfit (by simply wearing a different scarf), and are the perfect way to feel cozy and cuddley (is this a word?) in the fall.
What about y'all? Any must pack items that you recommend for a road trip to New England and Canada? (If you are going on a Fall New England and Canada Cruise you can find packing tips HERE! Enjoy- I loved my cruise to New England and Canada back in 2015!)
Looking for more road trip tips? Check out the following posts:
10 Tips and Tricks for Long Road Trips
Looking for more road trip tips? Check out the following posts:
10 Tips and Tricks for Long Road Trips
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