Happy Wednesday friends! As I shared several months, I am excited to re-share some of the most popular devotional posts that I wrote in 2017-2018 (if you would like to see the complete list you can find it HERE!) and am excited to share this one this week! I hope that this continues to be a beautiful blessing even several years later!
Abigail has been one of the most central characters on When Calls the Heart for the last four seasons (please see note below) and we as viewers have been blessed by lots of different (and wonderful) advice that she has given. From the very first episode of the show Abigail has not only inspired the fictional town people of Hope Valley, but also the #heartie community at large with her gentle encouragement and rich wisdom. In this episode and conversation we are once again challenged to consider the beautiful truth that Abigail puts before us- the power of getting to the heart of the matter and going what is below the surface in conversations and arguments.
This past week I have been thinking a lot about this statement that Abigail said to Elizabeth in the seventh episode of Season 2. A friend was asking me about the secret to a long friendship that I have had with another individual. She had seen us interact and asked, "what is the secret that has made this relationship work?". I thought a lot about it and shared that there is a deep respect for each other, but more than that... even in the most difficult times and conversations, this friend has encouraged and gently challenged us to dig to the heart of the matter that is really below the surface.
Sometimes this has made for some uncomfortable situations. Sometimes this has made for some very awkward conversations. Sometimes this has had us in laughter and sometimes through the hard and dark nights of my illness and crisis situations that are particular to my friends journey this has had us in tears. In each situation I have been met with kindness and compassion and most of all I have experienced the blessing and the power that comes with getting to the heart of the matter.
I know that there were a lot of #hearties that would say that season 2 was one of their least favorite seasons. The first time I watched it I agreed. I didn't like the angst that happened between Jack and Elizabeth. I missed more of the town life that had been seen in Season 1 and I missed some additional aspects. But as I was writing these chapters... I realized that while Season 1 met me with great sweetness and inspiration, Season 2 challenges me. Season 2 holds lots of these rich and depth-filled conversations that really apply to our world today, especially this conversation.
How easy it is for the world to walk away when things get rough in a friendship or in a relationship. How easy it is to "move on", "unfriend", or "unfollow" just because we don't want to take the time to get to the heart of the matter.
Getting to the heart of the matter in each of our relationships is messy. It's difficult. It's complicated and to love each other profoundly and with a big and unconditional love it is hard. We have to take the time to really consider the person before us and what they are saying and also the reasons behind what they are saying. We have to take the chance to risk our own hearts and vulnerabilities, resting in the knowledge that there is a blessing and power that comes to getting to the heart of the matter in our conversations.
Today, dear friends, let us have courage to dig deeper, to risk the vulnerability that comes with getting to the heart of the matter, and let's live courageously knowing that there is a power that comes from this... the blessing of deep relationships that can change the world.
"So let's agree to use all of our energy in getting along with each other. Help others with encouraging words... "
-Romans 14:19, The Message-

-Romans 14:19, The Message-

*original post written in July 2017 prior to Lori Loughlin's departure from the show*
Looking for past From Hope Valley Devotionals? You can click HERE to find a complete listing of all of the devotionals!
I have received several emails asking me about the books by Janette Oke that the series is based on. You may remember that I mentioned in my very first From Hope Valley Devotional post that I had read Janette Oke's series back when I was a teenager. The original book series, "The Canadian West Series" was based on Elizabeth's aunt and her adventures (she also married a Mountie). Here are the listing of the books from that series (there are six) in order:
In the last several years Janette Oke released a new series entitled, "Return to the Canadian West" which you can find listed below in order:
I receive several emails a week asking where you can watch older episodes of "When Calls the Heart". If you have a Netflix account you can find seasons 1-3 there or you can purchase them on Amazon. You can purchase and watch all of the seasons and episodes by clicking on the links below:
*Please note that the quotes used in these weekly devotionals are the sole intellectual property of Hallmark Channel, WCTH, & Crown Media, LLC. These on-line posts are in no way supported, endorsed or affiliated with WCTH, Hallmark Channel, or Crown Media. They are simply encouragement inspired by Janette Oke and this precious show.*
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