Yesterday, I said goodbye to treatment round #4. I humbly say thank you for each b of your prayers during these very difficult and very stressful 4 and 1/2 months. These months have been some of the most difficult of my life, some of the most beautiful, and some of the most sweet months of my life.
In six short days treatment round #5 will begin. As some of you are aware I have been struggling with an infection since December that is still not resolved. Unfortunately it was originally misdiagnosed and that led to many complications in this fragile body of mine. It has morphed a bit and it is still causing lots of issues, lots of pain, and lots of stress on my body, so I ask for continued prayers for this to be resolved immediately.
Treatment round #4 (as I nicknamed it) probably held some of the most highs and lows of this journey, including a Cancer scare and unplanned complicated surgery...and yet there has NEVER been a day that the Lord did not provide grace. Grace that showed up in a million little and big ways, and grace that has carried me in the darkest night. Grace that was seen most often by each of you from your kind words, your encouragement, your financial donations to help cover costs, and the hundreds of hours you spend praying on my behalf. Thank you dear friends for your constant prayers, for crying and laughing with me, and for your encouragement in this long journey.
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