- Isaiah 9:1-
Warmest Wishes for a Wonderful Christmas and Prayers and Love for a Beautiful New Year! May you be abundantly blessed by His love, joy, comfort, and most of all His peace this season and in the new year to come!
With Lots of Love,
Happy Thursday friends! Today I wanted to share with you 14 more Christmas Present Ideas for your Chronically Ill friend! I am not an expert at all, but the things that I have listed below are things that friends have mentioned to me that have been wonderful or I have personally experienced that have truly touched my heart and my life. Be creative and trust me your kindness will touch the heart of your ill friend forever.
1. Offer monetary help if possible.
(I know, I know... I mention this in every single post related to gift ideas for friends and family but it is because it is so important.) Even with insurance those with Chronic Illness spend thousands and thousands of dollars trying to get healthy every single month. Many people with Chronic Illness have already gone through all available resources. These types of gifts do not have to be large. Truly money and gift cards are wonderful if that is an option for you to give!
(I know, I know... I mention this in every single post related to gift ideas for friends and family but it is because it is so important.) Even with insurance those with Chronic Illness spend thousands and thousands of dollars trying to get healthy every single month. Many people with Chronic Illness have already gone through all available resources. These types of gifts do not have to be large. Truly money and gift cards are wonderful if that is an option for you to give!
2. Purchase Pet Items.
Does your friend have a pet? Consider purchasing a gift card to their vet, paying for a pet "check up" (or grooming), or giving them a gift basket of necessary food and litter, treats, or toys. Even a Removable Pet Door Panel Insert can be worth buying for them.
Does your friend have a pet? Consider purchasing a gift card to their vet, paying for a pet "check up" (or grooming), or giving them a gift basket of necessary food and litter, treats, or toys. Even a Removable Pet Door Panel Insert can be worth buying for them.
3. Purchase (or create) holiday cards to send out (and give them a book of stamps).
Consider blessing your friend in this way. (Concerned that the extra stamps will go to waste? Don't be. Almost all medical bills still have to be sent out the old fashioned way - your friend will use those stamps one way or another!)
4. Help your friend address Christmas Card Envelopes.
Sometimes the energy to address the cards can be an issue. Offer to address the cards (and mail them!) for your friend!
Consider blessing your friend in this way. (Concerned that the extra stamps will go to waste? Don't be. Almost all medical bills still have to be sent out the old fashioned way - your friend will use those stamps one way or another!)
4. Help your friend address Christmas Card Envelopes.
Sometimes the energy to address the cards can be an issue. Offer to address the cards (and mail them!) for your friend!
5. Give the gift of not asking, "have you tried..." at the family/friends get together.
When you offer unsolicited advice, it can come across as a lecture- even if that is not your intent. Someone once said: "Assume that we have heard all of the tips on living healthier and leave it at that." I couldn't have said it any better.
When you offer unsolicited advice, it can come across as a lecture- even if that is not your intent. Someone once said: "Assume that we have heard all of the tips on living healthier and leave it at that." I couldn't have said it any better.
6. Give a gift card for "unmentionables".
If your friend hasn't had the money (or the energy) to buy new clothes in a while consider giving them a gift card to purchase the necessities that they probably need.
If your friend hasn't had the money (or the energy) to buy new clothes in a while consider giving them a gift card to purchase the necessities that they probably need.
7. Support your friends current "money making endeavor".
Those with Chronic Illnesses often have had to leave a job that they loved and have tried to find a way to make money in a new capacity. Support their endeavor. Do they have an Etsy shop? Purchase gifts from that shop and spread the news about their shop via social media. Do they make things and sell them on the side? Help spread the word!
8. Pay for a Doctors Visit.
Lots of Chronic Illnesses have specialized doctors and not all are covered by insurance! Consider paying for one of your friends doctors visits. This will be an incredible blessing!
Those with Chronic Illnesses often have had to leave a job that they loved and have tried to find a way to make money in a new capacity. Support their endeavor. Do they have an Etsy shop? Purchase gifts from that shop and spread the news about their shop via social media. Do they make things and sell them on the side? Help spread the word!
8. Pay for a Doctors Visit.
Lots of Chronic Illnesses have specialized doctors and not all are covered by insurance! Consider paying for one of your friends doctors visits. This will be an incredible blessing!
9. Pay for the Co-pays.
Is your friends doctor covered by insurance? Their co-pays aren't! Most people pay an average of $15-$50 for their co-pays. This might not seem like a big deal unless you regularly see your doctor. Statistically a chronically ill person sees their doctor 15 times a year. That means that they will spend an average of $225- $750 for Co-pays. Consider covering their co-pays for a year. What a blessing that would be!
Is your friends doctor covered by insurance? Their co-pays aren't! Most people pay an average of $15-$50 for their co-pays. This might not seem like a big deal unless you regularly see your doctor. Statistically a chronically ill person sees their doctor 15 times a year. That means that they will spend an average of $225- $750 for Co-pays. Consider covering their co-pays for a year. What a blessing that would be!
10. Give a gift card to their "alternative" treatments.
Most people with Chronic Illness use alternative treatments and these can be an expensive but necessary "addition" to their cost. Consider giving a gift card to their reflexologist, acupuncturist, massage therapist, chiropractor, etc. (Side note- this is not the time to give them a gift card to some place that you feel they should go - simply a time to come along side of them. (Unfortunately that is a true story...)*smiles*)
11. Give them the gift of becoming an advocate of their disease.
I suggested a couple of weeks ago to ask your loved one what books that they would recommend on their disease and to read about it. Do this. Become an advocate on what ails them. Isn't it wonderful that there are so many walks and "government supported" funding for certain illnesses? That came about in part because of friends and family rallied to bring awareness. What about your loved ones disease? Do you know how to spell it? Do you know what is happening in Congress or at the state level in regards to it? Become an advocate for your loved one and for the thousands of others that might not have loved ones who care.
12. Give them the gift of a day at a salon.
You know how you spend a lot of money on having your hair cut, nails done, etc. for the holiday season? Your loved one who is suffering from illness would love that to but would never dream of spending the money on something like that anymore. If this is something you can give to a friend- it would be an incredibly blessing.
Most people with Chronic Illness use alternative treatments and these can be an expensive but necessary "addition" to their cost. Consider giving a gift card to their reflexologist, acupuncturist, massage therapist, chiropractor, etc. (Side note- this is not the time to give them a gift card to some place that you feel they should go - simply a time to come along side of them. (Unfortunately that is a true story...)*smiles*)
11. Give them the gift of becoming an advocate of their disease.
I suggested a couple of weeks ago to ask your loved one what books that they would recommend on their disease and to read about it. Do this. Become an advocate on what ails them. Isn't it wonderful that there are so many walks and "government supported" funding for certain illnesses? That came about in part because of friends and family rallied to bring awareness. What about your loved ones disease? Do you know how to spell it? Do you know what is happening in Congress or at the state level in regards to it? Become an advocate for your loved one and for the thousands of others that might not have loved ones who care.
12. Give them the gift of a day at a salon.
You know how you spend a lot of money on having your hair cut, nails done, etc. for the holiday season? Your loved one who is suffering from illness would love that to but would never dream of spending the money on something like that anymore. If this is something you can give to a friend- it would be an incredibly blessing.
13. Create a relaxing atmosphere.
Do you have a loved one coming to visit for the holidays? Consider setting them up somewhere that they can retreat to rest and relax when they are feeling sick. This will give them an incredible blessing amidst the "hustle and bustle".
Do you have a loved one coming to visit for the holidays? Consider setting them up somewhere that they can retreat to rest and relax when they are feeling sick. This will give them an incredible blessing amidst the "hustle and bustle".
14. Remember the caregiver(s).
I have often said this but me being ill is often harder on my parents then myself. To see people that are constantly hurting and suffering and not be able to do anything about it is excruciating. Reach out to the caregivers and you will touch the heart of the person who is ill too.
As I have said countless times here on the blog, realize that your friend or family member with a Chronic Illness is the best gift this season. Their illness is forcing them to set limitations but the gift to you is remembering what is truly important in the holiday season. Celebrate people. Not things or activities. At the end of the day people are the most important thing not whether or not you were able to buy every single gift in the world, decorate your house the best, or have the cutest pinterest worthy decorations. People are what matter friends!
Looking for other posts on how to help friends with an illness during the holiday season?
Check out these other posts:
Happy Thursday friends! I hope you are having a wonderful week!
I have often said this but me being ill is often harder on my parents then myself. To see people that are constantly hurting and suffering and not be able to do anything about it is excruciating. Reach out to the caregivers and you will touch the heart of the person who is ill too.
As I have said countless times here on the blog, realize that your friend or family member with a Chronic Illness is the best gift this season. Their illness is forcing them to set limitations but the gift to you is remembering what is truly important in the holiday season. Celebrate people. Not things or activities. At the end of the day people are the most important thing not whether or not you were able to buy every single gift in the world, decorate your house the best, or have the cutest pinterest worthy decorations. People are what matter friends!
Looking for other posts on how to help friends with an illness during the holiday season?
Check out these other posts:
Happy Thursday friends! I hope you are having a wonderful week!
Back in 2016, when the first edition of December Caravan was released I was truly overwhelmed with the amazing response that it garnered. I was so humbled and honored to have signed my first traditional route publishing company contract and it was overwhelming to look back on these stories and see all that God had done. That first edition will always have a special place in my heart.
But similar to the stories shared in the first edition this little book has had its own twists and turns as last February I found out that the publishing company was going bankrupt. Over the last 10 months it has been a journey to official separate with the publishing company and transfer the rights to a new publishing company. Today I am SO excited to share that after so much work and prayer the the 2nd edition went public!!
This 2nd edition has been expanded (adding in several new chapters), revised, and updated and I am so excited to share it with y'all! My hope and prayer is that these collection of short stories will encourage and inspire you to find hope in the ordinary moments of life.
You can purchase December Caravan where books are sold or on Amazon (also available in Kindle form) and you can click HERE to purchase it!
Thank you to each of you that have already purchased it!! If you have a chance will you take a moment and leave a review? Thank you!!
"The Lord is there..."
-Ezekiel 48:35-
With Love,
Dear friend, first, thank you so much for stopping by to read these weekly devotional posts that have been inspired by "When Calls the Heart" TV show from the Hallmark Channel. Over the past year it has been so delightful to share with y'all 40 devotional posts on Wednesdays that I hope have been an encouragement to you! Second, thank you so much to each of you that have taken the time to comment here on the blog or in the Hearties Facebook group, or have taken the time to send me an email sharing your own stories of hope and struggle. I have been so encouraged and blessed by each one of you that I have had the joy to connect with. It is a wonderful blessing to connect with others and realize that each of our stories are so unique and yet so similar. As today is the last devotional in this series, I want to say a special word of thanks for exploring with me not only the topics that have been highlighted in Janette Oke's books but in the television series. Thank you for taking the time to read and to bless me so much. Each of you are a blessing and I pray that as we enter into this holiday season you are blessed with the tender reminder of hope most of all. Thank you again!
In our world that is in the midst of so much strife and grief this prayer is like a beacon of hope for all of us who are wanting to encourage and love well the people around us. There are so many people who are living out of hatred and I can't even imagine the way that love could change the course of their history if they encountered it. Love has the power to restore a lost voice and perhaps it can paint over the voice of hatred in this world.
As we pardon those who have caused us hurt we spread the beautiful blessing of forgiveness into our lives and into theirs. In the midst of those who are doubting this season we can gently remind them of the hope that is just beyond the lines.
For those who are despairing this holiday season we can sow seeds of hope, tenderly reminding them that there is always a little bit of hope to be found. In the darkness we can help spread light and in the sadness that many experience we can pray to help spread joy.
This prayer actually continues and says,
"O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Isn't the ending of the prayer so beautiful? As I was doing more research on this prayer of peace for this devotional chapter I found out that actually although the prayer has been attributed to St. Francis, the original author is unknown. The prayer was first found in World War I, written on the back of a card of St. Francis that a soldier had been carrying on him throughout the war.
Knowing this history and understanding that this prayer was written or was at least prayed during the season of war put an entirely different spin on this for me. Many times in life we feel that we are facing our own battlefields and wars. Many of you may even have (like myself) loved ones who are serving in the military right now. Understanding the depth of this prayer in light of these circumstance gently challenges me to not seek to be comforted or understood or loved as much as to spread these things this Christmas. For in doing so we truly have the power to change our worlds.
At the same time though I well understand that in the hustle and bustle of our lives, especially during this holiday season, it can be hard to remember to stop and take a few moments to make the effort to extend out our energy to promote peace and love. In the long to-do lists and the things that demand our attention, it is sometimes difficult to even think about sowing love, faith, hope, or joy. Just the other day a dear friend told me that she was struggling due to her own grief in her life to do the basic necessities of life including laundry without trying to add "holiday cheer and spreading of peace and love" to the list.
I know that many of you are struggling through this season burdened, limited in what you hope to do but can't and are living in one more reminder that you are not living in the dream that you hoped for at this time. If this is you than I am praying that during this season you are refreshed and encouraged as Christmas is for you, my hurting friend.
Here in the north the darkness comes early at this time of year. One of my friends recently commented how it is a reflection of her life as she is struggling through these days. She told me that as the sun goes down early she feels that this time of year yells and screams at her that her life is nowhere near where she imagined it to be. I can relate to her sentiments.
This season does seem to bring out what we long to have come and yet are still waiting on... and yet, that is the beautiful hope of this advent season and Christmas time. Our hopes and longings are yet to be fulfilled and yet, we have a gentle reminder that the light has come. Against the darkness a light shines.
One of my favorite verses in scripture is from Isaiah which states, "Nevertheless, the time of of darkness and despair will not go on forever..." I love this gentle reminder that scripture acknowledges that darkness and despair do happen, but they will not last forever.
Today, dear friends, let us draw inspiration from the prayer that is attributed to St. Francis, remembering when it was written- during a time of war and darkness. Let us pray to be a beautiful blessing- whether that is to others or to ourselves today. Sometimes we need to preach and treat ourselves to the things that matter the most.
So today friends, let us hold onto what we know to be true. Let us hold onto the fact that no matter what comes we have hope. Let us hold onto courage no matter what the day or the future holds. And most of all friends, let us hold onto faith that daylight will always follow the dark.
"Nevertheless, the time of of darkness and despair will not go on forever...The people who walk in darkness will see a great light. For those who live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine."
-Isaiah 9: 1-2-

-Isaiah 9: 1-2-

Looking for all of the past From Hope Valley Devotionals? You can click HERE to find a complete listing!
I receive several emails a week asking where you can watch older episodes of "When Calls the Heart". If you have a Netflix account you can find seasons 1-4 there or you can purchase them on Amazon. You can purchase and watch all of the seasons and episodes by clicking on the links below:
*Please note that the quotes used in these weekly devotionals are the sole intellectual property of Hallmark Channel, WCTH, & Crown Media, LLC. These on-line posts are in no way supported, endorsed or affiliated with WCTH, Hallmark Channel, or Crown Media. They are simply encouragement inspired by Janette Oke and this precious show.*
"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned."
-Isaiah 9:2-
The month of December has always been one of my favorites. There are so many beautiful things to ponder: days filled with family and friends, delightful sunsets and sunrises, precious quiet, laughter, and beautiful snow. In the midst of the hard and messy and broken, this month gently reminds us that despite walking in the dark times, the beautiful light has dawned.
Praying that you have a wonderful December dear friends, gently reminded each day in tender ways that the beautiful light that has dawned and the hope that has come!
This conversation that takes place between Elizabeth and the girls of Hope Valley I have referenced before (in fact using the exact same quote!) in the From Hope Valley Devotional Week 35 post (you can find it HERE). In that post I discuss the quote from the viewpoint of the girls and was encouraging us all to find the blessing that comes from extending grace to others as we learn to love unconditionally. As I re-read through what I wrote I was challenged to really examine the concept again.
Today, I wanted to touch base on a concept that I feel is equally as important that is discussed in this 5th episode of season 3... the hope of restoration when our hearts have been broken and we doubt that we can trust anyone to be our friend again.
Relationships are difficult aren't they? I know it can seem like we are one path and then all of a sudden you realize that you may be on two different paths and you wonder how you got there. You may have experienced the extreme pain and isolation and rejection of a broken engagement. You may be estranged from your siblings. You may be estranged from your family. You may be walking the difficult and painful path of divorce. You may be walking the path of singleness and another hopeful relationship has just ended. You may be feeling like you are loosing everyone around you as you struggle to walk the journey with elderly parents. Or you may be like dear people that I know that have just said goodbye to their 10 day old daughter. Or you may be like another young couple that I know that is fighting their hearts out for their young boy who is facing the staggering diagnosis of Leukemia.
In these moments of pain that are both emotional and physical it can be hard to feel like we can trust our hearts again with anyone else. We may doubt that we should even take the chance to reach out and try to form another relationship with a new person. It can be painful, it can be risky, and it can be complicated.
When our hearts are broken and shattered we often wonder if we can do the one thing that we most need to do... which is to trust.
Trust that in the moments of deepest pain that there is still hope that love can help restore our lost voices that may only want to cry.
Trust that somewhere and somehow hope still exists and that it goes beyond the lines that we have drawn and creates a bigger picture than we saw before.
Trust that there is still redemptive purpose that can be found no matter what the circumstances may tell us.
And most of all dear friends, trust that there is still a little hope to be found.
As we face the fears of trusting I pray that you find the hope and courage to reach out and take the risk to love again. To have the courage to risk big with your heart. And most of all to find that there is a beautiful hope that exists in restoration. I read the following quote on social media the other day and thought how apt of a prayer it is for this topic...
"May the last month of 2017 be the plot twist you have been dreaming of".
Dear friends, that is my prayer for you. May this last month of 2017 hold the beautiful plot twist that you have been dreaming of and show you in this season the hope of restoration.
"Lord, you know the hopes of the hopeless. Surely you will hear their cries and comfort them."
-Psalm 10:17-
-Psalm 10:17-
Looking for past From Hope Valley Devotionals? You can click HERE to find a complete listing of all of the devotionals!
I receive several emails a week asking where you can watch older episodes of "When Calls the Heart". If you have a Netflix account you can find seasons 1-3 there or you can purchase them on Amazon. You can purchase and watch all of the seasons and episodes by clicking on the links below:
*Please note that the quotes used in these weekly devotionals are the sole intellectual property of Hallmark Channel, WCTH, & Crown Media, LLC. These on-line posts are in no way supported, endorsed or affiliated with WCTH, Hallmark Channel, or Crown Media. They are simply encouragement inspired by Janette Oke and this precious show.*
If you don’t mind not being tied down to one area, the life of a
travelling nurse might be very well suited for you. First, you actually have to
be a licensed nurse in order to pass muster. You can live in any state, attend Rutgers
Online, and complete a bachelors of science in nursing
to meet all of the requisites to be a traveling nurse. Although you will meet a
lot of great people and earn a fabulous salary, there are some factors that you
should be aware of prior to agreeing to work in this type of position. It will
be difficult for you to put roots down anywhere, and getting started can kind
of be hard. Here is some insight into the life of the real, live travel nurse.
Moving Again and Again
Moving can be fun and refreshing. Say that you get a travel nurse
position at a hotel in San Francisco, but you’re originally from Boston. You’ve
got to decide to do with your home as well as make arrangements to find a place
to stay while working in California. If you own your home, you might be able to
switch off your utilities and have a friend stop by every so often. If you’re a
renter, you’ve got to determine if it’s better to sublet your place out or end
your lease early and put most of your stuff in storage. In less than a year
after you’ve settled into your newest work location, you’ll probably be
summoned to pack your bags again.
Making Discoveries in Each New Position
Showing up in a new part of the country requires more than finding a
home. How will you get to work? Will you ride a bike, take your car, or learn
how the city’s public transportation system works? Then, you have to find where
the grocery stores are, deal with a new area’s local weather patterns, and last
but not least, make friends and work on your social life. Those who are open to
frequent changes and have a bachelor of science in nursing can do quite well
working as a travel nurse. On the other hand, if you thrive by following a
routine and being close to home you may end up getting burned out after a few
The Reality of Fatigue
Whether your dream has always been to be a travel nurse, or it just
happens to be a career that you fell into, your body is going to feel tired. As
a travel
nurse, your shifts may be long and the tasks you are to perform will be
daunting. It is best to use your free time to rest up and recharge so that you
will always be raring to go when it comes time to come in for your next shift.
Travel nurses don’t often become bored and their days always include
welcome challenges. You might travel to a new region or stay closer to your
hometown as a travel nurse. In any case, you’ll get to do what you love, which
is caring for the public.
This may be a sponsored post but all of the thoughts I agree with and match the tone of my blog .
I am so excited to share about an exciting blog collaboration that Caravan Sonnet will be doing in the next couple of months! I will be partnering with Viking Cruises on a European River Cruise and I can't wait to share more with y'all in the next several weeks! When this possibility started to come together back in July it felt like a dream as it has always been a dream of mine to return to Europe, but most of all to work with Viking! When all of the details were finalized in the fall it felt incredibly surreal!
I wanted to share with y'all today because through November 30th on certain cruises Viking is having a 2 for 1 sale which is an incredible deal!! You can find out more about the cruises that this includes on their website HERE!
I wanted to share with y'all today because through November 30th on certain cruises Viking is having a 2 for 1 sale which is an incredible deal!! You can find out more about the cruises that this includes on their website HERE!
I hope y'all have a wonderful Monday!!
PS- Thank you so much to each of you that purchased items from my shop during the #shopsmall Saturday sale! There was such an overwhelming response that I have extended the sale through November 30th!
AND thank you to each of you that are rejoicing with me in the news that I shared on Instagram yesterday! It is truly a special time!
PS- Thank you so much to each of you that purchased items from my shop during the #shopsmall Saturday sale! There was such an overwhelming response that I have extended the sale through November 30th!
AND thank you to each of you that are rejoicing with me in the news that I shared on Instagram yesterday! It is truly a special time!
#shopsmallsaturday - use code THANKSGIVING to receive 15% off EVERYTHING in the shop today! Thank you so much for your support of my shop!! Click HERE to go directly to the shop!
And as we approach this holiday season with Thanksgiving before us tomorrow, I am well aware that many of you are having some "Abigail moments" in the kitchen like what was portrayed in this scene. You are bravely and courageously putting on a smile, cooking the huge thanksgiving meal, but inside you feel like weeping. This beautiful scene gently reminds us that in the midst of all of the sad and hurt the one thing that we can find thanksgiving for is that there is a plan even when we are not seeing it this year.
In my own life it seems like these past few weeks have been filled with watching some of my dearest friends walk through very difficult situations. From the loss of a 10-day old child to a new Cancer diagnosis to the heartbreak of unresolved family issues to once again dreams of what life would look like right now life is extremely difficult. As we lead up to the holidays I am seeing more and more grief than rejoicing as many are walking through some unbelievable challenges that could never be imagined.
I get it. I really do. It is hard to find thanksgiving when you are brokenhearted and when your dreams feel like they are turning to dust. Like Abigail you may be having a few crying sessions that come from the deep recesses of your heart.
Maybe you are a mama who longs to have reconciliation with a child and the holidays remind you of the deep wounds that still exist. You wonder if the holidays will ever hold joy again as you watch families gather and you see the empty seat of the child you raised before you.
Maybe you are in a marriage where you long to have things thriving and you find that instead of moving forward together you find yourselves drifting farther and farther apart. As you watch happy couples before you, you doubt if joy could ever be found again in your relationship.
Or maybe you are unemployed and have been trying so hard to find a job with no luck. You dread the upcoming holidays as you struggle to provide for daily needs let alone the "extras" and struggle to have hope.
Maybe you are struggling through the heartbreaking road of infertility and dread checking the mailbox for the holiday cards that announce more and more births. You weep as you hold the cards, longing for the child you have always prayed for.
Maybe you are heading to a thanksgiving family gathering that you are dreading. Maybe you are single and longing for the thanksgiving family gathering and find yourself alone again this holiday. Maybe, well maybe, there are reasons that are to painful to discuss and you want to have tomorrow and this holiday season pass as quickly as possible.
This week I was talking with a dear friend and she said something that I have been reflecting on ever since. She said (in tears) after a difficult situation has arisen, "I just don't understand Rebecca. Why is life so easy for some people and so hard for others?" I cried with her, understanding exactly what she means. Some of you reading this are nodding your heads as you are wondering the same thing.
Life is hard. In my own personal life these past ten years have been filled with difficult circumstance after difficult circumstance. Some of these things I have shared in my books and on the blog- like an ex-fiance' who walked out just a few short months before our wedding to fighting several diseases and illnesses to shattered pain and loss and to dealing with such severe pain and sickness that there have been days that I have wondered if I will be able to take another breath.
Other things have not been shared in such a public space because they are so incredibly personal and private. Recent days have brought its own challenges and heartbreaks. Life does. Things happen that seem so insurmountable that we think that we will never recover or heal and it often seems like there is tragedy at every corner and heartbreak instead of laughter is what our future holds.
And yet in this hurt... in these circumstances where it feels like we can't even breathe... there is a thanksgiving that can be found. Not in the food or the circumstances that we long or wish for but in the gift of faith.
I recently came across Psalm 26:3 which states; "For I have always been mindful of your unfailing love and have lived in reliance of your faithfulness." I have read this verse once a month for the past four years but this time it really jumped out at me. I was stopped in my tears and forced to ponder... Am I really always mindful of God's unfailing love? And... if I was wouldn't I be viewing some things in my life that I am going through in a different way?
In tears and hurt I can admit that yes, I would.
In admitting this I am forced to see the concept of Thanksgiving and gratitude in a completely different way then I have considered before. Instead of just listing out my thankfulness I am forced in the painful brokenhearted season to write lists etched deep in my heart of the Lord's goodness and mercy to me each and every day. To be always mindful - not just for this day or for Thanksgiving tomorrow but for each and every day.
Henry Ward Beecher once said:
"The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!"
Maybe right now in your grief there isn't anything that you can think of to thank Him for or to find the good in right now. That is okay friends. It truly is. I am reaching out across this space to give you a gentle hug. I promise that as you continue to look He will meet you in tender grace in your unique situation and circumstance.
For it is in this tender grace that we will find true thanksgiving. Not for a thing or a circumstance or a person. But for Him.
For Faith.
For love.
For Hope.
For Faith.
For love.
For Hope.
Each and Every day.
"So I never lose sight of your love, but keep in step with you, never missing a beat."
-Psalm 26:3, the message-
-Psalm 26:3, the message-
Looking for past From Hope Valley Devotionals? You can click HERE to find a complete listing of all of the devotionals!
I receive several emails a week asking where you can watch older episodes of "When Calls the Heart". If you have a Netflix account you can find seasons 1-3 there or you can purchase them on Amazon. You can purchase and watch all of the seasons and episodes by clicking on the links below:
*Please note that the quotes used in these weekly devotionals are the sole intellectual property of Hallmark Channel, WCTH, & Crown Media, LLC. These on-line posts are in no way supported, endorsed or affiliated with WCTH, Hallmark Channel, or Crown Media. They are simply encouragement inspired by Janette Oke and this precious show.*
New Christmas Items Added to the Shop and A Thank You Discount Coupon for the Shop
November 18, 2017
Happy Saturday friends!
I hope that your week finished up well! Today I am so excited to share just a few pictures of new Christmas items that were added to the shop in the last couple of days!
One thing that I was really excited to add in were several Christmas storybook buntings! This adorable one featured above is from Frosty the Snowman! SO cute and I love the vintage pictures!!
Lots of cute wintery items also joined the shop! I am excited to share too that for a limited time you can receive a discount on your order by using the word "THANKSGIVING" at checkout! Click HERE to go to the December Caravan shop!
Happy Saturday friends and happy shopping!
There are so many different moments in life when, like Rosemary, we stop and ponder the different dreams that we once had. I am sure, like myself, this has happened to each of y'all in different seasons. Life in all of its beautiful unpredictability can throw situations and circumstances at us that make us question how we arrived at the point we are at and where things in life are going.
There are so many different circumstances that I could list here as examples, but yet, we all know what they are and what they could be. In each of our lives there are times where we have made plans, set our course, and in the middle of the journey, life takes a different plot twist than we could have seen coming.
It is wonderful isn't it? To look back and to realize that in the places you never thought possible you can build a life that you may never have imagined.
Sometimes in chasing one dream we discover a more beautiful dream exists.
There is a beauty in finding and living in the promise of redemptive change of dreams. It may not provide star recognition, but there is also a beauty that can't be found elsewhere. And you may face in that season the same thing that Rosemary faced... someone else suggesting that you are missing something because you have chosen a new road, a new hope, a new way of living and even a new dream. Don't allow someone else to make you feel inferior or incomplete if you find your dreams have changed. Listen to your heart.
Because dear friends, in this beautiful gift of finding new dreams we often discover that God's hand has been guiding us and that we can find a beautiful promise of redemptive change of dreams.
We can see and experience beautiful new stories that unfold and develop that we could never have imagined in our wildest dreams. God can and will write redemptive stories of changing dreams in our lives and in those spaces we can find not only new purpose and new experiences, but also new dreams.
"A person may plan his own journey, but the Lord directs his steps."
-Proverbs 16:9, God's Word Translation-
-Proverbs 16:9, God's Word Translation-
Looking for past From Hope Valley Devotionals? You can click HERE to find a complete listing of all of the devotionals!
I receive several emails a week asking where you can watch older episodes of "When Calls the Heart". If you have a Netflix account you can find seasons 1-3 there or you can purchase them on Amazon. You can purchase and watch all of the seasons and episodes by clicking on the links below:
*Please note that the quotes used in these weekly devotionals are the sole intellectual property of Hallmark Channel, WCTH, & Crown Media, LLC. These on-line posts are in no way supported, endorsed or affiliated with WCTH, Hallmark Channel, or Crown Media. They are simply encouragement inspired by Janette Oke and this precious show.*
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