Happy July 31st y'all! This past month has been absolutely gorgeous. If we are connected on instagram then you have seen some of the absolute beautiful skies and lake days that we have been experiencing. There are so many different blue hues that we have seen on Lake Champlain this summer:
(1) There is the rainy sky "blue" that we have witnessed on and off this summer. We have joked that everyone should start closing everything up around 3 o'clock everyday as the storms seem to roll in around that time right on cue.
(2) There is the "blue" that beautifully glimmers with sun drops as it gently crashes on the rocks on the shore.
(3) There is the lovely blue that highlights the dark green needles from the white and red pine trees.
(4) There is the "blue" of the sky and clouds reflecting on the lake on sweet summer days.
(5) Finally, there is the midnight "blue" that illuminates a beautiful moon as it did last night and seems to say "goodnight" to the lovely long summer days.
What about for y'all? Where do you see blue in your days?
As I shared last week, I am so honored to have opened my boutique at Chloe & Isabel! And guess what?!? Through tomorrow is the Semi-Annual Sale!! Click HERE to go to my boutique and shop amazing low prices!! (All proceeds go to help pay for my medical treatment and costs!) Thanks so much y'all!
{Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her health care provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan. Reading the information on this website does not create a physician-patient relationship.}
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picture found on internet, altered by Caravan Sonnet |
When I was a teenager my grandmother started experiencing some arthritic joint pain. Even though she was in her late 70s this woman was in prime health as she took dance classes all year long, swam three times a week, walked approximately 20 miles each week, and even went tubing with us in the summer. She didn't want to be slowed down and so she started seeing an acupuncturist for her arthritic joint pain. She found great relief and so when I first started to suffer from Endometriosis I (being extremely skeptical) started to see her acupuncturist. I was amazed at how much this helped my pain and as the years continued I would see an acupuncturist off and on for various things.
When I was diagnosed with Advanced Late Stage Lyme Disease and Cancer I started to see him regularly and I am so incredibly grateful for all of the help that he has provided on this health journey. Many of you may be curious about what the benefits are for seeing an acupuncturist and so today I wanted to share just a few of the powerful benefits that are found in acupuncture:
(1) Acupuncture relieves stress. A well-known and beneficial side effect of acupuncture is that it relieves stress. Not just "stress" as we think about life, but stress that is within in the body, helping the chi flow. (2) Acupuncture helps with nausea and vomiting. For those who are under a very strict medical treatment acupuncture can help with the side effects of chemotherapy and other medical treatment that causes extreme nausea and vomiting. (3) Acupuncture helps with headaches and migraines. Dr. Kalus Linde who is a complementary-medicine researcher at Technical University Munich in Germany states that having consistent acupuncture treatments can help reduce the amount of headaches and migraines that people get each month. In a recent study he did he found that half of the patients in the study reported a 50% decrease of headaches each month. (4) Acupuncture helps reduce allergy symptoms. For those that suffer from seasonal allergies acupuncture can help decrease these symptoms. (5) Acupuncture can help with depression symptoms. Getting regular acupuncture treatments can help treat depression symptoms as acupuncture can help equalize neurotransmitters in the brain. Specifically Dr. Cheng explains that when needles enter your earlobes, hands, or feet your brain releases neurotransmitters and other chemicals that affect stress and mood helping to ease depression symptoms. (6) Acupuncture can help boost the immune system. Having regular acupuncture treatments can help boost your immune system by activating the cells in your body that help beat disease and infection. (7) Acupuncture can help increase energy. (8)Acupuncture can help stop insomnia. (9) Acupuncture can help with gastrointestinal problems. Dr. Tony Chon from Mayo Clinic states that acupuncture has been used for centuries to help with relief and treatment of gastrointestinal problems. In a 2007 University of Arizona study people who had chronic heartburn and were not responding to over the counter antacids underwent acupuncture twice a week for several months. Every participant reported at least an 82% reduction in pain and in their symptoms! (10) Acupuncture can help decrease menstrual cramps and PMS. (11) Acupuncture can help decrease pain and muscle aches. A recent study that was completed at the University of Michigan shared that researchers found that acupuncture seems to help pain receptors in the brain bind more easily to opioids such as endorphins, which is the body's natural painkiller. (12) Acupuncture can help with weight loss. (13) Acupuncture can help ease anxiety. A recent study that was published in the Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine found that patients who were suffering from severe anxiety and panic attacks can benefit greatly from acupuncture. If you want to give acupuncture a try I recommend looking for a licensed or medical acupuncturist. If you search for these types of acupuncturists many times they certification from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. You can find search the database (www.nccaom.org) to find acupuncturists who have graduated from an accredited school and passed their exam. I stress this simply because there are the horror stories of acupuncture and you want to find an amazing and qualified one! Believe me I adore my acupuncturist and you will too!! Let me know if y'all have any questions! I would be happy to answer them! Happy Thursday friends! |
Happy Wednesday friends! I am excited to link up with Mel, Shaeffer, and Shay for the "What's Up Wednesday" Link up! I have so enjoyed reading these ladies posts and am excited to join in! It was so fun last month to connect with so many other ladies who are doing this!
What We're Eating this Week...
Every morning I indulge in a delicious fruit smoothie. Honestly, the meds for treatment change taste and wipe my appetite but this still tastes good. SO yummy! So far my favorite fruits to combine are bananas, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries. What are your favorite fruit smoothie combinations?
What I'm Reminiscing About...
What I'm Loving...
Time down on the lake. For the past few years I have been to sick to make it down to the beach and it has been incredibly difficult. Being able to spend time down on the beach, floating in the water, and resting has been a wonderful part of healing.
What I've Been Up To...
If you follow me on instagram than you know that this month has continued the intense summer of fighting for my health in new ways. Starting on June 8th we added in intense antibiotics, shots, new supplements, and new IV's. It's intense and every hour of the day is taken up doing something for my health but I am determined to beat Advanced Late Stage Lyme Disease.
What I'm Dreading...
Let's be honest here... I hate receiving shot #1 and giving myself shot #2 each morning.
What I'm Working on...
final edits for my book, December Caravan, and a devotional for Lyme Disease patients.
What I'm Excited About...
I realized this past weekend that it is only 9 weeks till the cruise with my best friend! I LOVE how the Lord works out details and had already planned this long before we knew what this summer would bring! It will be a wonderful celebration of finishing this round of treatment! (p.s.- Words can't begin to express my gratitude to the kind friends who have paid for this opportunity and wish to remain annonymous. You are a blessing to my little heart in so many ways!)
What I'm Watching/Reading...
As I shared last week I am so excited to be a new merchandiser for Chloe & Isabel! Right now I am busily reading how to do this job well and LOVING everything in their catalogue! Interested in checking out my boutique? Click HERE! (All proceeds are going to help pay for my medical treatment!)
What I'm Listening to...
Honestly, the same songs from the last two months are still on repeat this month. These past few weeks they have grown even more dear to my little heart. I have talked about the one, Isaiah 40, in this post HERE, and love the music by the Wissmann Family, especially this CD HERE, and cry through Aaron Keyes song "Sovereign Over Us" almost every single day. Each one of these is such a blessing!
What I'm Wearing...
So as I mentioned a couple of months ago that I LOVE joules clothing and products. The hat shown here in this picture is from them and y'all I have been wearing it ALL.THE.TIME. I love how comfortable it is, love the style, and love how much protection it offers in the sun. (And of course, yes, I love it because it is from England. *smiles*)
What I'm looking Forward to Next Month...
Next month we will officially hit the end of three out of the four months of this round of treatment. This treatment is.... extremely rough. I would continue to covet prayers for this treatment round as I am not feeling so great and am fighting as hard as I possibly can. Thank you so much friends!!
I would love to know your answers to these questions friends! Share your thoughts below in the comments!! *smiles* Happy Wednesday!
Everything You Need to Know about ISBN for Your Independently Published Book (or E-book)
July 28, 2015
Some of the questions that I receive the most in regards to writing and publishing are about ISBNs for independently published books (and e-books). I get asked if it is important, why someone should purchase one, what are the pros and cons to this important decision, and everything in between! I hope today's post will help those of y'all that are at this stage of writing!
What is an ISBN?
An ISBN, or International Standard Book Number is an assigned "ID" book number in the book world. This 13 numeral digit clearly identifies not only the title, but the edition, binding, and publisher of the work that it is assigned to.
ISBN originated in the United Kingdom but is now used world-wide. In the "pre-internet age" it was incredibly difficult to find any particular book and the ISBN helped answer this problem. Because book titles are not copyrighted ISBN makes it easy and accessible to not only find the correct edition of a book, but the exact format of a particular book.
Do I need an ISBN if I want my Independently Published Book in Bookstores?
Yes. If you plan to try to market your book to any bookstore that you will need to have an ISBN. In "book world" distributors, libraries, bookstores, and even wholesalers keep track of books simply by an ISBN.
Do I need an ISBN if I want my Independently Published Book to sell online (like Amazon)?
Yes. For the exact same reasons as the previous question you will need an ISBN if you plan to sell your book on Amazon.
Do I need to have a Publisher to have an ISBN?
If you are independently (or self-publishing) your book or E-book then technically "you" are the publisher so you would want to have an ISBN.
My POD (print on demand) Publisher Services company states that it doesn't matter if I use their assigned ISBN or obtain my own. Is this true?
Unfortunately no. The POD will try to tell you that it really doesn't matter whether or not you use their ISBN or if you go and purchase one of your own. (In fact some POD's will make it very enticing to not spend the money on purchasing your own ISBN. Unfortunately though this can cause a lot of issues. Whoever owns the ISBN will be the publisher of the book. Why does that matter? In essence you will have little rights over your own work. If in the future you ever want to move your book to a different publishing company then you will need to own the ISBN. If you are seriously wanting to be known as a published author, develop a reputation for writing, etc. then you will want to purchase your own ISBN instead of using your POD Publisher Services company.
Does everyone really need an ISBN? Are there any situations that an ISBN is not needed?
If you plan to sell your book through any retail channel than you will need to purchase an ISBN. At the same time though there are certain situations where an ISBN is not needed. For example, my uncle who is a family counselor self-published a small book solely for his private practice and his clients. He wrote this book solely as a help for his clients and has no desire to put this out into "mainstream". Other examples of books that would not need an ISBN would be:
*company training manuals
*family history (for a family reunion)
*books used as an incentive or for a giveaway
*recipe collections (or church recipe collections)
*books for private use
*workbooks for seminars/conferences
** Another area of debate is if you need an ISBN for kindle publishing services only. I would strongly encourage you to do research in this area! At this point in time you technically do not need an ISBN number for kindle only. You will have an ASIN instead. The debate though is regarding the thought that in the future this might change.**
BUT if you have any thoughts of possibly converting your publication into commercial use then you might even consider an ISBN for these type of projects!
How do I purchase an ISBN?
To purchase an ISBN I recommend going to the website www.myidentifiers.com which is run by Bowker, which is the only legitimate company authorized to administer the ISBN program in the US. Be careful about a whole lot of scams out there and simply use this website!
How many ISBN's can I purchase?
When you go to www.myindentifiers.com you will see that when you click on "ISBN identifiers" you have the option to purchase 1, 10, 100, or even 1000 ISBNs.
How much does an ISBN cost?
A single ISBN costs $125. When you purchase 10 ISBNs the cost is $295. If you choose to purchase 100 ISBNs then the cost raises to $575. If you choose to purchase 1000 ISBNs then the cost is $1000. As it states on the website above you will note that the price then per ISBN drops from $125 to $29.50 to $5.75 to $1.
This is important to note, especially because as I shared in last weeks post, 20 Tips for Successfully Self-Publishing Your Book or E-Book, "success" for independently published books is often a margin of 100-150 books sold. So lets look at the math on this. If you self-publish your book for $5.99 you will see royalties of approximately $1.14. If you sell 150 books at this price then you will have made $171. But if you purchase the ISBN for $125 you really only have profited $46.
I state all of that to say that it is important to really think through the investment that you are wanting to make and the investment that you can make. Maybe you only desire to self-publish one book in your lifetime. Then purchasing only one ISBN would be the best choice for you. But if you desire to continue to self-publish throughout your life maybe you want to look at purchasing a higher number of ISBNs.
The Price of the ISBN is extremely expensive. Can I "re-use" the ISBN in the future?
I receive this question a lot and it sometimes makes me giggle because I feel ya! I wish that this was a possibility but it is simply not. Once an ISBN is assigned to a book you can't ever re-use it. The best way that I think of this is that an ISBN for a book is like a social security number for a person. They are each unique and can only be used once.
One suggestion that I have to help with financial costs is to share my post 10 Ways to Support Your Friends who have Independently Published Books. In this post I list several ways that your friends and family can support you, including giving the gift of an ISBN.
How long does it take to receive an ISBN?
You can receive your ISBN immediately after your purchase from www.myindentifiers.com.
Do I need a different ISBN if the book is translated into a different language?
Yes. You will need to have a different ISBN if you decide to translate your book into a different language. As I mentioned in last weeks post, 20 Tips for Successfully Self-Publishing Your Book or E-Book you should decide your goals with each of your books. For example, I decided to just give the rights and allow a doctor and pastor in Poland to translate my book, "Praying through Lyme Disease" as my goal is to encourage Lyme Disease patients around the world. My goal is not to make money as much as it is to be an encouragement and support during a difficult time. If you have a different goal of your book and want to see your book translated into different languages then you will need to consider that you will need different ISBNs for each language.
I am so very excited to share with y'all an exciting new adventure that I am starting on! For over a year I have been praying about how I could do some work from my home and have been exploring various different options. I am continuing to speak and write and continue December Caravan (my Etsy shop) but was also looking for additional income that will help pay for my treatment, would provide me an opportunity to continue to support the charities that I am involved in, and finally would be a creative outlet (preferably with something with fashion or jewelry - two loves that I haven't gotten to explore much in the last couple of years!).
Through blogging I received several offers that for various reasons were just not good fits for me. There were a couple that I felt might be good opportunities but as I explored them I didn't feel complete peace about something in regards to the offer or opportunity. I continued to pray and continued to research.
About a year ago I was introduced to the company, Chloe and Isabel. While some may say that Chloe and Isabel is just a jewelry company, it truly is more than that.
As I continued to research more and more about the company and discovered the time and quality that they put into each unique piece of jewelry I was impressed. I started the application last year to become a Merchandiser, but with my health where it was at I knew that it was not the best time for me to embark on that opportunity. I explained my situation to one of the ladies whom I was speaking with and she was incredibly kind, very compassionate, and urged me to consider the opportunity in the future.
In the last couple of months I kept returning to the company website, praying about this potential opportunity, and was excited to start pursuing this job again. I realized that it was more than the opportunity to work for a creative company that produced one of a kind and unique jewelry (that comes with a LIFETIME guarantee!!) but an opportunity that the Lord was placing in front of me.
One of the things that is unique about Chloe and Isabel is that they are very selective in choosing Merchandisers so that they can build into each person and help them develop their personal goals. I love that they state that their mission is "to help tackle the financial needs of the modern woman and to provide the training and tools to accomplish her goals, whatever they may be," Obviously one of my goals is to pay for my treatment costs!
So on Tuesday I officially accepted the position of becoming a Merchandiser for Chloe & Isabel. I am so excited to announce that my online boutique is now open!! You can find it HERE!
AND guess what??! I am giving away one piece of jewelry (winner's choice)!
To Enter simply:
* Go to my online boutique and pick out your favorite piece and share it in the comments below!
*Follow Caravan Sonnet on Instagram
*Like THIS picture on Instagram
*Tag a friend (or more!) on THIS picture on Instagram
(You can choose to do one or all of the following! The more you do the more entries you will gain!)
Winner will be chosen at 9pm EST on Sunday, July 26th!
Happy Friday Friends!!
I shared on my instagram account and facebook account yesterday that I am so excited to share a huge praise! We received word this week that my blood work is the best it has been in YEARS and that for the FIRST time in this entire journey I am not remaining stable but am starting the slow process of healing!!! There is a long road still ahead but we have cried joyful and thankful tears in abundance over here!! *smiles*
I continue to ask for prayers that all of the financial resources would come in to be able to continue this entire first round of treatment and to be able to do everything that is helping so much. Some of you have emailed me and asked how you can help in this way. I created a "go fund me page" which you can find below (or on the left hand side of the blog). Thank you so much for your sweet support in this area.
Most of all thank you so much for all of your prayers, support, and rejoicing with us in this exciting news friends!
{Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her health care provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan. Reading the information on this website does not create a physician-patient relationship.}
(While originally posted over two years ago, this post has remained one of my most popular posts. I wanted to update it and share it with y'all again!)
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picture found on internet, altered by Caravan Sonnet |
I first heard of massage when I was a college student. There were a couple of girls on campus that always looked particularly relaxed and one day I asked them their secret. I will never forget how one of them told me that she got a massage two times a week. This sounded lovely to me but I had the false impression that I had to be rich to have this "luxury". It wasn't until several years later when I was reading a health magazine that I heard that there were many benefits to massage that had nothing to do with pure luxury.
Now, as I am walking this health journey with Lyme Disease and Cancer and have done additional research I am even more amazed at the health benefits that come with having a regular massage. So what are all of the health benefits that massage brings? Check out these 11 amazing benefits!
Now, as I am walking this health journey with Lyme Disease and Cancer and have done additional research I am even more amazed at the health benefits that come with having a regular massage. So what are all of the health benefits that massage brings? Check out these 11 amazing benefits!
1. Massage can help reduce levels of cortisol and also can help boost serotonin and dopamine which helps decrease anxiety and depression.
2. Studies have shown that massage helps lower pain throughout the body when done on a consistent basis.
3. There are numerous reports that show that massage can help you sleep better.
4. Massage helps your immune system and helps increase your white blood cells (which are your bodies disease fighting cells). There are several reports about this that can be found here.
5. Massage can help with PMS symptoms!
6. Massage can help your skin to shine as it relieves toxins and lymphatic build up (similar to dry brushing).
7. In addition to helping in the above ways, massage can help those struggling with serious and chronic illnesses by relieving side effects to medication.
8. Some studies have shown that massage can help you recuperate from surgery.
9. A very interesting study shows that while all different types of massage are beneficial, there is nothing that states that one type of massage is better than another.
10. Studies show that the power of massage rests in the power of touch and in the lymph movement that massage brings.
11. Mayo Clinic has said that massage therapy can help the following conditions:
*digestive disorders
*insomnia related to stress
*myofascial pain syndrome
*parathesias and nerve pain
*soft tissue strains or injuries
*sports injuries
*temporomandibular joint pain
*digestive disorders
*insomnia related to stress
*myofascial pain syndrome
*parathesias and nerve pain
*soft tissue strains or injuries
*sports injuries
*temporomandibular joint pain
As always you should consult with a physician before beginning any type of alternative therapy. I am curious: do you get regular massages? Have you found any benefits to having massages?
“And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”
-Mark 11:25-
One of the real aspects of the single journey (or in anyone's life!) is the aspect of forgiveness. Unfortunately though, as I grow older in this single journey I see more and more single women who have grown bitter overtime and hold onto pain and anger at those who they believe "got away" or at boys or men who have hurt them someway in the past. Often times I have listened with sadness as I have heard these women say something to the affect of, "all of that unforgiveness will go away when I meet someone new". Sadly this is just not the case. While it is unfortunate that we live in a world where heartbreak and hurt happen, it is our responsibility to handle those situations with forgiveness with the Lord's help.
Scripture clearly states that we are to forgive others. Ephesians 4:31-32 states that we should “get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.”
I know that all of us do not want to be women who hold onto unforgiveness. We want to be free to love anyone who comes into our path and live in freedom as we forgive like God has forgiven us. (Colossians 3:13) I truly believe that forgiveness is extremely difficult. When I hear of tragedies that have happened in the world or hear stories of those who have been hurt in past relationships that are walking in forgiveness I know that these women (and men) have truly walked the road of forgiveness. It is a daily sacrificing and placing any and all injustices that have happened in the Lord's hands.
Years ago a documentary movie called, "As We Forgive" was released and it is one of the most profound movies ever made on this tender subject of forgiveness. When I was teaching High School History I used to show this film to my students. The premise of the movie is "could you forgive a person who murdered your family?" The website describes the movie by the following:
"This is the question faced by the subjects of As We Forgive, a documentary about Rosaria and Chantal- two Rwandan women coming face-to-face with the men who slaughtered their families during the 1994 genocide. The subjects of As We Forgive speak for a nation that is still wracked by the grief of a genocide that killed one in eight Rwandans in 1994. Overwhelmed by an enormous backlog of court cases, the government has returned over 50,000 genocide perpetrators back to the very communities they helped to destroy. Without the hope of full justice, Rwanda has turned to a new solution: Reconciliation. But can it be done? Can survivors truly forgive the killers who destroyed their families? Can the government expect this from its people? And can the church, which failed at moral leadership during the genocide, fit into the process of reconciliation today? In As We Forgive, director Laura Waters Hinson and narrator Mia Farrow explore these topics through the lives of four neighbors once caught in opposite tides of a genocidal bloodbath, and their extraordinary journey from death to life through forgiveness."
I can't encourage y'all enough to watch this movie (or at least spend two minutes and watch the trailer which you can find here.) It will truly change your perspective on the idea of forgiveness. If you are also looking for a book to read on this subject I can't recommend enough the book, "One Light Still Shines". You can read my review of it here if you are interested in learning more, but the book shows the incredible impact forgiveness plays not only ourselves but on our community. Finally, a book entitled, Total Forgiveness, by R.T. Kendall is a challenging and helpful book on this tender subject.
Forgiveness, as I mentioned is not easy but forgiveness does free us to live fully in the grace that God offers and allows us to freely love the people that the Lord brings into our lives. There is no expectation then placed on someone coming into our lives that they will help us "move past" unforgiveness but instead that we will be able to fully love them for who they are. Only God, not a person can help us with forgiving others.
If you are struggling through unforgiveness in any area in your life I encourage you to find a loving friend or counselor to help you work through this area. I am praying for you sweet friends that you will find comfort, encouragement, and freedom as you walk through this area! In my book, "Prayers for the Single Journey" I have the following prayer to help us work through any unforgiveness in our hearts. I have put it here to help as a starting point. May you be blessed sweet friends.
I want to take time Lord to ask your help in forgiving (name the person specifically) for the hurts that they have caused in past relationships. I want to forgive (name the person specifically) for the damage to my feelings and to my heart for the way that they ended our relationship. I want to forgive (name the person specifically) them completely and fully Lord and turn that relationship over to you. I want to leave this in the past and to learn from it in a healthy way but not so that it affects any future relationships in a negative way. I don’t want to hold onto anything that might detriment my relationship with you or my future relationship with my husband Lord, including unforgiveness. Please help me to forgive those who have hurt me and help me to place them in your care Lord. Please forgive me for the times that I have hurt others, even unintentionally. Thank you Lord for the freedom that forgiveness brings. Thank you for your grace and forgiveness in my life Lord. It is amazing how you have forgiven me. Your love shouts of great love that I can share with others through forgiveness. Thank you Lord. Amen
{Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her health care provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan. Reading the information on this website does not create a physician-patient relationship.}
1. Eating apples help reduce tooth decay. Studies have shown that the process of biting and chewing an an apple helps to stimulate the production of saliva in your mouth which helps lower the levels of bacteria in your mouth which helps reduce tooth decay. (Some studies show that this will also help your teeth be whiter!) 2. Apples contain a lot of soluble fiber for a little amount of calories. For those watching their weight or looking for a snack that will be filling, choose an apple. For under 100 calories (1 apple contains approximately 96 calories) you will receive 4 grams of soluble fiber which will help fill you up! 3. Eating an apple before you work out may boost your endurance. Apples help deliver quercetin to the body which aids endurance by making oxygen more available to the lungs. (As a side note quercetin is also known to help boost the immune system!) 4. Eating apples can help promote weight loss. Following up on #2, due to the fact that you will receive soluble fiber for such little calories you will feel full longer and not feel the need to eat additional food as many salty chips will make you feel. 5. Apples help reduce the risk of Cancer and other diseases as well! According to the New York Fruit Quarterly, three studies were recently completed that showed linked apple consumption with a decreased risk of Cancer. In addition the study showed that apple consumption was associated with a decreased risk of asthma, and coronary heart disease. A major study done in Finland also showed that there is a decreased risk of Type II diabetes associated with apple consumption. Finally, many labs have found that apples (especially apple peels) can greatly inhibit the growth of liver Cancer and Colon Cancer cells!! 6. People who eat Apples help reduce their risk of Parkinson's Disease. Parkinson's Disease is a disease that is characterized by a breakdown of the brain's dopamine-producing nerve cells. Eating fruits and other high fiber foods such as apples help the body gain a certain amount of protection against Parkinson's Disease. 7. Apples help protect your heart. In 2013, the Iowa Women's Health Study reported that among the more than 34,000 women its been tracking for almost 20 years, apples were associated with a lower risk of death from both coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease. Experts are saying that this is attributed to the antioxidant compounds found in apples which help prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidizing. In addition they found that apples help inhibit inflammation. 8. Apples can help lower cholesterol levels. As alluded to in #7, apples help lower cholesterol levels by binding fats in the intestine. 9. Apples help to prevent gallstones. Following up on #8, gallstones form when there's too much cholesterol in your bile for it to remain a liquid (so it hardens and solidifies). If you are obese, this is a prevalent issue. Eating apples can help by lowering cholesterol and helping to control your weight. 10. Apples can help avert hemorrhoids. 11. Consuming Apples can impact bacteria in the digestive tract. (Y'all this one is amazing to me!) In recent studies done on laboratory animals, consuming apples is known to alter amounts of two bacteria - clostridiales and bacteriodes in the large intestine. When this happens the metabolism in the large intestine is also altered and as a result many health benefits occur. For example due to the bacteria changes there seems to be more "energy fuel" available to the large intestine cells. 12. Eating Apples can help fight the affects of aging on the brain. A new study just performed shows that when mice were fed an apple-enhanced diet they showed higher levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. 13. Eating apples help reduce the risk of stroke. 14. Apples can help detoxify your liver. The liver is responsible for clearing the toxins out of our body that we consume. While there are a ridiculous amount of "fad diets" out there that can potentially harm your body, apples, like eating Basil that I talked about in June, are an easy and natural way to help the liver detoxify. 15. Eating apples can help prevent cataracts. Though past studies showed mixed reviews on this issue, there have been recent long-term studies that are suggesting that people who eat apples (and a diet rich in antioxidants) are 10 to 15 percent less likely to develop cataracts. Isn't that amazing friends? Those are just 15 benefits of apples and there are so many more! What about y'all? Do you eat apples? What health benefits have you found from eating apples? |
To all of my sweet friends who are desperately crying out like Hannah before the Lord in I Samuel chapter one for the impossible, weeping before Him in private and daily beseeching Him for the impossible...may your tender heart find hope and encouragement today in God's ever faithfulness and may He grant you the desires of your heart.
(This post was taken from my instagram account today but wanted to share with you my sweet readers and friends. Is there anything that I could specifically pray for you about today? Praying for each of you.)

If you have been around this blog for any length of time in the past year then today's blog post might seem "completely out of the blue", but in all actuality it has been a steadily growing decision as the Lord has been working on my heart and leading me in new areas that He is calling me to. I hope that as you read this post you will understand that while I have not chosen to share on the blog that I have been thinking and praying about this for some time this is a decision that has not been made lightly or without great prayer and thought put into it.
Recently I have been learning a very important lesson about times "when the need is not the calling". I first read this statement (almost two decades ago) in Oswald Chambers (March 5th) devotional, "My Utmost for His Highest" when he says, "the need is not the same as the call". Later as a college student I was reminded of this concept in Robin Jones Gunn's "Christy and Todd: the college years" book 1. It has stayed with me for a long time and this is the second time in life that I have experienced this reality.
As I have been thinking through this and praying what this means for my life personally I am struck by the simple reality that there are so many needs that exist out in the world for us as Christians to potentially meet. From poverty to adoption to race issues to sex trafficking to those without homes to children without enough food to eat to genocide to economical issues to political ones there are thousands of needs that we encounter in our world each and every day. The reality is that we cannot possibly meet each of those needs that we see or we hear about and I don't believe that we are necessarily called to either. I see so many Christians that jump from one "latest need" to another and in the process often do a poor job of meeting the need along with (often times) getting burned out. I read a quote in May that I shared on instagram that sums up this thought perfectly: "Too many Christians are too involved in 'many things', when the secret of progress is to concentrate on 'one thing'." (BEC) I think the thing that is our "one thing" is concentrating on Jesus Christ and prayerfully following where He leads us, while understanding that the need is not always the call.
The reality is that there are many needs that we may see that are not "our calling". Our time on earth is incredibly valuable, because it is God's time that He has given us here to glorify Him. I truly believe that just like we are to be good stewards of our finances, we are also to be good stewards of our time. This can be difficult as we see needs around us to truly ask the Lord where He wants us to best use our time.
Shortly after I was healed from Endometriosis I moved to Washington DC, participated in a Summer Intensive study program at American University Law School on the subject of "Women and International Human Rights", and shortly thereafter accepted a "Match Grant" job working with trafficking victims, asylees, and refugee torture victims in their first 180 days in the United States.(If you saw the movie, "The Good Lie" with Reese Witherspoon you have a good picture of my job.) The job itself was hard. It was incredibly painful to interact with people who had experienced such horrors of life. It was heart-breaking, it was heart-wrenching, and it was life-changing. I had known of the horrors that existed, but all of a sudden it was before me face-to-face. It was in the broken spirits of some and in the haunting eyes of those who had left family members behind in countries far far away. As each day passed and I interacted with my clients, worked to get them jobs, and learned their stories my heart would break a little bit more. About six months into the job after a particularly difficult story and situation with one of my clients, I met with one of my professors from American for lunch, explained some things that I was experiencing and hoped for sound encouragement. She looked at me with compassion and said to me, "Rebecca, the need is not always the call". Although not a Christian, her words echoed what I had read so many years prior to that conversation.
As I drove back to work from the meeting I had a feeling that the Lord was starting to move me in a different direction. As the months continued I continued to feel this even though I worked hard at my job, worked hard to connect with my clients despite the pain, and found joy and laughter with colleagues whom I admired as they day in and day out tirelessly championed those who were hurting. After months of prayer, months of gaining Godly wisdom and months of asking the Lord for clear direction, I was offered a teaching job that I accepted, knowing that the Lord had orchestrated all of the details. As I left my job as a Match Grant Coordinator and returned to teaching I found the truth of the saying, "the need is not always the call". In my teaching job I thrived as I worked with teenagers and although there was heartbreak and difficulties I could clearly see the Lord gifting me, calling me, and equipping me in this vocation. If I am honest, it was something I never encountered in my other position. While I don't think that the time that I spent that year was a waste at all and I do believe the Lord uses everything in our lives, it was painfully obvious that I had learned an important lesson: the need is not always the calling. Those 11 months have shaped my view on a number of different subjects not only personally, but politically and professionally as well and I have treasured the lessons I learned and have not forgotten them all of these years later. Making the decision to leave was difficult (especially because I felt in many ways the time was short) but it was still the right decision.
As I drove back to work from the meeting I had a feeling that the Lord was starting to move me in a different direction. As the months continued I continued to feel this even though I worked hard at my job, worked hard to connect with my clients despite the pain, and found joy and laughter with colleagues whom I admired as they day in and day out tirelessly championed those who were hurting. After months of prayer, months of gaining Godly wisdom and months of asking the Lord for clear direction, I was offered a teaching job that I accepted, knowing that the Lord had orchestrated all of the details. As I left my job as a Match Grant Coordinator and returned to teaching I found the truth of the saying, "the need is not always the call". In my teaching job I thrived as I worked with teenagers and although there was heartbreak and difficulties I could clearly see the Lord gifting me, calling me, and equipping me in this vocation. If I am honest, it was something I never encountered in my other position. While I don't think that the time that I spent that year was a waste at all and I do believe the Lord uses everything in our lives, it was painfully obvious that I had learned an important lesson: the need is not always the calling. Those 11 months have shaped my view on a number of different subjects not only personally, but politically and professionally as well and I have treasured the lessons I learned and have not forgotten them all of these years later. Making the decision to leave was difficult (especially because I felt in many ways the time was short) but it was still the right decision.
Almost nine years later and the Lord has continuously brought that experience to mind again and again. After lots of time praying and seeking the Lord, months of speaking with Godly mentors in my life, and spending time alone with the Lord I have decided to close down SEEN Gathering. Ironically, much like the Match Grant job so many years ago, SEEN Gathering was started and is ending after 11 short months. I would like to say that I still firmly believe in what I wrote when I shared the "kick off" of SEEN Gathering last August and I do strongly and sadly see that this is an area that the American Church needs to address.
At the same time though, I do not believe that this is my particular calling and the Lord is leading me in a different direction. There are many reasons for this. First, the time commitment to keep up with SEEN Gathering was simply too much at this particular time in my life with my health. I received close to 300-400 emails every single day from people all over the United States who were struggling with Chronic Illness and are struggling not only physically but emotionally. I tried as best as I could to answer emails and to engage others to participate in the ministry but the doors seemed to keep closing. Due to this time commitment there became little time left to continue to engage with other "lymies" who were contacting me through my personal blog, which the Lord has laid on my heart. Second, there were thousands of Crate 526 boxes that were mailed out over the past year. (A Crate 526 box was a box of encouragement for those who were struggling.) At first this was to be done by a couple of people (other than myself) but unfortunately I had many people who kept stepping up and then stepping down from this role which created extra stress and time constraints on myself as I ended up collecting all of the donations, cards, and sending everything out. Unfortunately this left little time for me to participate at a level that I feel called to with Adopt-a-Platoon, which is an area where my heart is. Third, I had a lovely group of lady bloggers who were contributing and for all valid reasons many of them had to take steps back which meant that I was writing two blogs which I didn't do well at all. Fourth, and the most important reason, I realized with clarity that just because there is a need it doesn't mean that it is your specific calling. I see, like I did with the Match Grant job so many years ago, the horrific reality that our country has hundreds of thousands of people struggling with Chronic Illness and Chronic Pain. My heart literally breaks for each person that I have encountered but I have realized that focusing in on something that is not my calling is not using this time that God has given me best. There are specific areas that are my hearts passion and where He is calling. Some of these y'all know (with writing and creating and working with high school students) and some of these are private and some new things I will be sharing in the weeks and months to come.
At the same time though, I do not believe that this is my particular calling and the Lord is leading me in a different direction. There are many reasons for this. First, the time commitment to keep up with SEEN Gathering was simply too much at this particular time in my life with my health. I received close to 300-400 emails every single day from people all over the United States who were struggling with Chronic Illness and are struggling not only physically but emotionally. I tried as best as I could to answer emails and to engage others to participate in the ministry but the doors seemed to keep closing. Due to this time commitment there became little time left to continue to engage with other "lymies" who were contacting me through my personal blog, which the Lord has laid on my heart. Second, there were thousands of Crate 526 boxes that were mailed out over the past year. (A Crate 526 box was a box of encouragement for those who were struggling.) At first this was to be done by a couple of people (other than myself) but unfortunately I had many people who kept stepping up and then stepping down from this role which created extra stress and time constraints on myself as I ended up collecting all of the donations, cards, and sending everything out. Unfortunately this left little time for me to participate at a level that I feel called to with Adopt-a-Platoon, which is an area where my heart is. Third, I had a lovely group of lady bloggers who were contributing and for all valid reasons many of them had to take steps back which meant that I was writing two blogs which I didn't do well at all. Fourth, and the most important reason, I realized with clarity that just because there is a need it doesn't mean that it is your specific calling. I see, like I did with the Match Grant job so many years ago, the horrific reality that our country has hundreds of thousands of people struggling with Chronic Illness and Chronic Pain. My heart literally breaks for each person that I have encountered but I have realized that focusing in on something that is not my calling is not using this time that God has given me best. There are specific areas that are my hearts passion and where He is calling. Some of these y'all know (with writing and creating and working with high school students) and some of these are private and some new things I will be sharing in the weeks and months to come.
As I step forward, I know that I am learning in even greater ways the depths of His love, His tender mercy, and His grace to not only meet my needs but those that I have witnessed and seen through SEEN Gathering. I know that SEEN Gathering was never about one person or me and it was always about Jesus and He will continue to meet the needs of those who are hurting and struggling with these areas. What an amazing thing it is to follow after Him- where we can be small instruments of His grace and love! Truly amazing!
Sweet friends, maybe you are struggling and praying through a similar season of "when the need is not the calling". If you are I just want to say that I am praying for you. Praying that you will find grace to meet these difficult decisions and peace to walk in freedom of where God is calling you! Sending love and prayers friends!
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