Happy July 1st friends! As a child, my cousin and I looked forward to the 4th as the day of s'mores, fireworks, and sleeping out in the tent. As an adult I am reminded that there is such significance in celebrating our countries profound and unique heritage. As a former History teacher I have always loved the significance of celebrating the 4th of July. Y'all know that I love me some good quotes and the ones listed below are some of my favorite 4th of July quotes! All of the images below are free printables so please take them and use them as you would like as we celebrate our precious Independence Day! (To print simply right click on the image and save them to your computer to print!) These could truly be used for anything!
I came across this quote by JFK when I was teaching AP US History. JFK said this in the early 1960's but is also a powerful reminder of our countries strength in the belief of liberty.
These following words to the famous song "America" will be sung in many parades across our country this July 4th. What beautiful words of freedom!
I admit that I am a hopeless romantic and so when I discovered the books of the letters between John Adams and his wife Abigail I read every word carefully. The following quote was in one of the letters that John Adams wrote to his wife Abigail from Philadelphia in 1776. How proud I am of our country and those who have fought for it and ensured our freedom. How proud I am of those who have sacrificed so much to prove this statement true. For all of the differences in our country we remain resolute in the knowledge that we are free.
The following quote by Thomas Jefferson is a cry of my heart often when I think of the many many blessings that we have in America versus the horrors and tragedies that are experienced around the world. As a woman I am even more grateful for the freedom and opportunities that I experience.
And finally a quote that humbles me everyday in the knowledge that there are so many brave men and women who continue to fight to protect our freedoms and those around the world. We honor you and those that have gone before you on this July 4th!
Do y'all have any favorite 4th of July quotes?
1 comment
You have the nice collection just like Castleofquotes