I have arrived safely in San Francisco (thank you so much for your prayers) and am heading to bed here in a few minutes to prepare for my intense appointments tomorrow with the new doctor. My appointments start at 10am EST and I covet your continued prayers. Words can't express how thankful for all of your prayers for this appointment and will share details of the trip and treatment plans in the very near future. Thank you so much for your understanding and patience!
In the meantime I wanted to share some pictures of the Wissmann Family
performing on the final night of our cruise. I have mentioned this before but it was so delightful to meet them and have the opportunity to spend a little bit of time with them. Thank you so much to the Wissmann family for your amazing love for the Lord that shines through your lives, your generosity in your heart, and your encouragement to all who were on the cruise!
It was delightful to see all of the family on stage together singing.
performing on the final night of our cruise. I have mentioned this before but it was so delightful to meet them and have the opportunity to spend a little bit of time with them. Thank you so much to the Wissmann family for your amazing love for the Lord that shines through your lives, your generosity in your heart, and your encouragement to all who were on the cruise!
It was delightful to see all of the family on stage together singing.

At different times different members of the family were up front sharing their incredible talent and love of the Lord with us.
This precious precious look between mother and daughter melted my heart!
Andrew and Matthias
Matthias, Ruth, and Loren
Elizabeth, Matthias, Hannah Wissmann, and Stephen
I have no idea what Stephen was smiling about but loved this picture.
It was so lovely to meet Alan and Kori - they were both so lovely! (hahaha... Andrew is in this picture too but I don't know if I ever even introduced myself! hahaha)
Susanna singing.
Elizabeth (sorry that this is blurry!!)
Hannah and Stephen Wissmann
It was a delight to hear the words of wisdom that Mr. Wissmann shared with the audience.
It was such a blessing to hear some of the new songs that Matthias has written. The words truly touched so many people, including myself.
One of the amazing things to observe was the incredible hard work and dedication that each of the family members put into their concerts for the glory of the Lord.
A neat thing to observe was the support that the family gave to each other. The love of the Lord flowed easily between all of the different members of the family.
And after the final concert Hannah Wissmann and Rachel Busenitz were so sweet to take pictures with Michelle & I!
Abi- I am so honored to call you a new friend!! Your sweet heart truly touched mine!
A fun surprise for Michelle and I was discovering that the world is indeed very small. At the conference that Michelle and I became friends at Anna also attended! It was nice to have the opportunity to connect with her again as she is a dear friend of the Wissmann family!
Hannah- thank you so much for your inviting spirit, your beautiful joy that is a gift to anyone that meets you, and for making Michelle and I feel so welcome from the first conversation that we had with you.
Rachel- it would be impossible to express how profound of an effect you have had on my life. Thank you seems incredibly to simple.
Thank you again dear Wissmann family for your touching my life!
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