the sunshine award

October 14, 2013

Last night I received the sweetest email from Tarole and was so humbled and encouraged that she had nominated for the Sunshine Award. This little email was such an encouragement and the other ladies that she picked are AWESOME bloggers! If you want to see who else she nominated click HERE!

SO what is the Sunshine Award?
  • It is an award given to a blogger who brings sunshine to the blogging world. I love this! Life can be so hard and some blogs bring so much sunshine into my life!

Here are the Rules:
1. Acknowledge the nominating blogger
2. Answer 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you
3. List 11 bloggers that deserve the recognition and love
4. Post 11 questions for the nominated bloggers to answer. (They cannot nominate the blogger who nominated them)

How delightfully fun!! Here are my questions from Tarole:
1. What is your favorite post you have written and why?
My favorite post that I have ever written is ironically one of my earliest posts: The Single Journey. At the time when I first started blogging I couldn't find any other single bloggers and was overwhelmed by the incredible mama bloggers and the sweet wifey bloggers. I still love ALL of those bloggers but for me stepping out and acknowledging that I was different in a "couples world" was very freeing to me. Due to that post I still receive countless emails from ladies all over the world who feel in different ways that they don't fit "the norm". It reminded me how important it is to embrace who you are and be you!

2. If you could have lunch with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
This is a toss up between three women- (1) Darlene Diebler Rose who survived a Japanese Prisoner of War Camp for four years (you can read a post I did about here HERE!)Her faith amazes me every single time I read the book. She passed away in 2004 but remains one of my heroes. (2) Queen Rania of Jordan. This woman, who was never supposed to be queen, has truly influenced the Middle East with her concepts of freedom from the Western world and yet has stayed true to her beliefs and her Middle Eastern upbringing. She is brilliant and she would be fascinating to speak to. (3) Kate Middleton- I mean y'all knew I was going to say that of course from "Get Inspired" Link Up that I always participate in! *smiles*

3. If you could be on the cover of any magazine, which one would it be and why?
Time Magazine. Sharing how I finally beat Lymes & Cancer to give hope to the thousands and thousands of others who are struggling!

4. What is your go to song?
Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas Is You". I think the picture says everything! My sister and I will "air sing" anytime to this! (Even our mom gets into it! *smiles*)
5. What do you think your spirit animal is?
??? I don't know??? 

6. If you could visit any place in the world, that you haven't visited yet, where would it be and why?
It was hard to just pick one (because there are so many places that I want to see!), but definitely New Zealand! The beauty of that country inspires me in my art and I would love to see and spend time there. 

7. If you were born in a different time period, which one would it be and why?
Victorian Era. I know, I know, y'all know how I love England! *Smiles*

8. What is one quote that speaks to your heart?
It is no secret that I have expressed how much I miss teaching. A quote that has brought me to tears more than once in these past two years is:
Want to know some of my other favorite teacher quotes? Click HERE!

9. Where do you get blogging inspiration?
Absolutely everywhere. Being sick has reminded me again how beautiful and wonderful life and the world is. Look outside yourself and you will definitely find inspiration. 

10. What are you looking forward to most this Fall?
Everything. Life is a beautiful gift and fall reminds us in the ever faithful presence of God who is always faithful. I wrote a post Welcome Sweet Autumn because this season is definitely one of my favorites!

11. What is your go to nail polish color and why?
I love a french manicure. I am not really talented at doing this myself so recently I have been playing with different colors (because I don't have any money to get my nails done!)! No matter what though I love the classic colors!

Who am I nominating for the Sunshine Award?? Here ya go:
(p.s.- there are so many lovely bloggers that I love and who spread so much sunshine! Y'all are wonderful! If you haven't already checked these ladies out - check them out now y'all!) 

Here are my eleven questions for y'all:
(1) What is a dream that you hope will come true for your life?
(2) Do you have a nickname? If so, what is the story behind it?
(3)If you had to change your first name what would you change it to?
(4) What is the strangest thing that you believed when you were a child?
(5) What is the most recent compliment that you have received and treasured? Why?
(6) What do you think about more than anything else?
(7) Where is your favorite place to go in your hometown?
(8) What is your favorite word?
(9) Who is your hero and why?
(10) What has been the most terrifying moment in your life and why?
(11) What has been your best/favorite vacation and why?

Thank you again Tarole for the lovely award! I am so honored!


  1. yay I feel honored :) Thank you!! And new zealand is THE BEST!!

  2. French manicures are great! I want to learn how to do one on myself.

  3. Thank you so much for nominating me- you are the absolute sweetest! I can think of no person who deserves a sunshine award more than you do- you are always so positive! Can't wait to write my post!


  4. You certainly deserve this award! So thankful for the light you shine in blog world!

  5. I read a book about Darlene Diebler Rose years ago. Her story was amazing!

  6. Thanks for nominating me Rebecca! I love that you are holding a plate of pickles so close to your heart. You look like you really love pickles...haha

  7. YAY!! Thanks soo much for tagging me. I feel so honored :) Love you!

  8. my favorite word is ectasy. By the way,
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