Ten Benefits of Eating Kale

February 17, 2022

Caravan Sonnet

Everytime I travel out to California for treatment, to visit my doctor, or for personal enjoyment, I am always amazed by the amount of Kale salads that seem to be everywhere. Honestly, its not just the salads either. Kale is a regular feature on almost every menu that I see and in every grocery store there is an abundance of fresh Kale.

To be honest, until nine years ago, while I was receiving treatment at Whitaker Wellness Institute, I had never eaten Kale before. That all changed though after I found out that my iron levels tested in the deficient zone, that I was severely anemic, and had my first taste of the "kale love" from California. I was immediately hooked and I totally recommend that you become try adding kale to your diet too!

 Here are just a few of the powerful benefits that are found in this lovely leafy green (or the "queen of greens" as it has  been nicknamed):

1. Kale is extremely low in calories
Kale has under 40 calories for 1 cup, has lots of fiber (5 grams of fiber for one cup), and has absolutely no fat. 

2. Kale can influence Your Brain
 Dr. Drew Ramsey, who is the Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute, and who just co-authored the book, "50 Shades of Kale" wrote a wonderful article in the Huffington Post of the influence that Kale has on your brain, as well as your body. To read the article click HERE.

3. Kale is an excellent source of iron. 

4. Kale is a good source of certain minerals 
These minerals include potassium, iron, manganese, and phosphorus. If you check out this dentist in Oxnard CA, they'll also tell you that kale is high in calcium, which helps in building the teeth's enamel.

5. Kale is a great anti-inflammatory food 
This was shocking for me to learn: ONE cup of kale will help with 10% of the recommended daily allowance of omega-3's that help fight various autoimmune disorders.

6. Kale is known to help inhibit cancer cells. 
In an article in the Washington Post, Walter C. Willett, chairman of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health states that while there are still studies being done to witness this in humans, the compounds found in Kale have helped inhibit cancer cells in animals. 

7. Kale Contains Luetin and Zeaxanthin
In addition to the anti-cancer benefits of Kale, Kale also contains lutein and zeaxanthin compounds which help promote eye-health.

8. Kale Helps the Body Detoxify 
Are you looking to help your liver function at its best? Kale is a great detoxifying food and filled with iron and sulfur that help the liver function at its best. 

9. Kale is helpful in boosting your immune system
Kale is filled with Vitamin C and Vitamin A, both of which naturally help boost your immune system. 

Kale contains an extreme amount of Vitamin K
Some resources state that one cup of Kale contains an extreme amount of Vitamin K (along with high numbers of Vitamin A & C).

So what about y'all? Do you eat Kale? Anyone make any Kale chips that are good? How do you eat your Kale? And to leave you with a laugh for the day (because there are so many health benefits found in laughter) I saw the following picture on the web. Hope it gives you a laugh like it gave me!

Caravan Sonnet
Picture found HERE
{Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her health care provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan. Reading the information on this website does not create a physician-patient relationship.} While Kale is an excellent source of the things mentioned above, it might not be right for your body. Always consult a physician. 


  1. YUMMY! Kale is one of my favorites!! When I found out about all the benefits I decided to give it a try and haven't looked back! I keep seeing Kale chip recipes and haven't been that adventurous yet ;)

  2. Thanks for sharing! I have just started to eat a little kale. I mix it in with lettuce for salads or wraps. I'm debating on trying kale chips too because I see so many people doing that.

  3. I love kale. I add it to smoothies and salads. There aren't many times I eat it plain, but I did make a really good salad with it and quinoa and shared it on my blog - it was delish.

  4. I love using kale in green smoothies, and I have been wanting to try making kale chips.


  5. yum! I put kale in our omelets every morning. yum yum!

  6. Yes, I've been loving kale lately. Thanks for summing up all the benefits in one post!

    Great blog.

    Catherine (your newest follower via GFC)

  7. LOVE Kale! The hubs and I have only recently started eating it on a regular basis, and I can't get enough :] We use it in one of our favorite soups (http://www.momontimeout.com/2011/11/olive-garden-zuppa-toscana-soup/) and then put it on salad all the time. Thanks for the informational post!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I've been wondering about trying kale. Thanks for the informative post. Added it to Kawartha Lakes Mums Food Fun Pinterest Board

    1. Thanks so much Suzanne for your comment and for sweetly pinning it on pinterest! I hope that you have a wonderful day!
      :) Rebecca

  10. I currently have a bumper crop of kale and swiss chard growing. I think it's time to make some salads! :)

    1. OOH I am loving the combination of kale and chard right now in salads!! :) Yummy!! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I hope that you have a wonderful day!
      Blessings, Rebecca :)

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