Sunsets to me always are filled with hope and promise of light breaking through the darkness and light offering hope in brilliant colors as the night closes in. There have been so many times where I have felt the presence of God so clearly as the beautiful colors in the sky reach out and illuminate the night. As an artist and a person who loves nature I see hope so clearly in these moments. Last night I saw a beautiful sunset. Stunning. This was especially comforting as I am on the edge of some new adventures and decisions. I was thinking back to key moments in my life when I have been reminded of God's incredible love, hope, and promise of his faithfulness. {Don't worry! I have literally hundreds thousands of sunset pictures but I have only picked six to share! *smiles*}
This first sunset picture was taken on the way home from one of my favorite "sister trips" that my sis and I took to Disney World to celebrate four years of being endo free. It was such a beautiful time and this sunset was the beautiful end to a wonderful trip.
This 2nd picture was taken at the end of the summer of 2010. This picture is precious as I took it on the last night of the summer and was a beautiful reminder of God's love.
This next picture was taken on the final day of a conference in Colorado in September 2010. That weekend trip was a life-changing trip for me and this picture truly illustrated the light breaking through the darkness.
This fourth picture was taken on one of my final senior trips. On a night where I questioned my decision to leave teaching to pursue the next season that God was calling me to this beautiful sunset was a clear confirmation of His direction.
To say this past summer was peacefully perfect would be an understatement. This peaceful sunset was one of many that I enjoyed in the month of August. C.S. Lewis was right: Truly God shouts to us in our pain.
And that leads me to the 6th picture of last nights sunset. Truly gorgeous. And honestly this next picture won't do it justice but it was beautiful.
It truly is the simple things in life that are so beautiful. And as the sunsets come I am reminded of a quote from the end of the movie "Soul Surfer"....
"the end is just the beginning..."
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